Cíle studijního programu

The graduates of the doctoral degree programme Surgery and Reproductive Medicine are primarily prepared for the further development of their scientific careers at various institutes, but they are also prepared to eventually work in medical facilities or as academic lecturers.

In case the graduate chooses to further their scientific career, they receive support in taking a part in internships at prestigious institutes.

Studijní plány

Přijímací řízení
E- application for PhD programmes in English language Autumn 2025
Termín podání do půlnoci 28. 2. 2025

  • Informace o přijímacím běhu

    The applicant should submit an e-application form and pay the application fee. Once this is done, the administrator of the Office for Research and Quality will download the application together with all enclosed documents and send it to the right study programme admission committee. It is necessary to complete the recognition of previous education, as mentioned on the webpage for applicants (https://www.med.muni.cz/en/research-and-development/phd-studies/for-applicants) in the part "Admission Information". This procedure can take some time (months) to be completed. The admission committee evaluates the materials which the applicant has attached to the application: curriculum vitae, an essay – a motivation letter, a diploma and transcript of courses taken, two letters of recommendation from previous teachers. We recommend to the applicant to prepare these documents very carefully, as it is on the basis of these documents that the applicant will be invited to the second round of interviews. The entrance examination in the form of an interview conducted before the admission committee; upon prior agreement, it can be held using videoconferencing technology. In the admission process, the applicant can obtain a maximum of 100 points. To be accepted, it is necessary to receive at least 85 points. An admission committee evaluates a presentation of an applicant during the exam. However, the final decision has to be made by the dean of faculty. If the result is "accepted", the administrator of the Office for Research and Quality prepares admission documents.


  • Cíle
    The graduates of the doctoral degree programme Surgery and Reproductive Medicine are primarily prepared for the further development of their scientific careers at various institutes, but they are also prepared to eventually work in medical facilities or as academic lecturers.

    In case the graduate chooses to further their scientific career, they receive support in taking a part in internships at prestigious institutes.

  • Výstupy z učení

    Absolvent je po úspěšném ukončení studia schopen:

    • understand selected topics, collect relevant data and prepare it for statistical processing and interpretation
    • evaluate current trends in the field of their discipline as well as in a larger context, in which they are preparing their doctoral thesis
    • design the concept of their own research project and then consecutively implement it in the cooperation with other team members
    • relay their acquired insights regarding the discipline through pedagogical activities, scholarly lectures, and publications
    • compose scientific articles and publish them in international scientific journals with a measured impact factor
    • work as post-graduate scientists in the Czech Republic, as well as abroad
    • introduce new methods into clinical practice while applying new insights
    • professionally lead the students during their scientific preparations

  • Uplatnění absolventa
    The graduates of the doctoral degree programme are able to use their acquired qualifications especially at their clinical workplaces, or as university lecturers etc. They are authorised to conduct independent science and research tasks in the fields of basic and applied research.

    In the larger context, they are prepared to perform any activities related to scientific work, i.e. solve conceptual problems, perform science-management activities, and lecture other students.

  • Standardy kvalifikačních prací
    The standards of dissertation theses at LF MU are regulated by the Dean's Directive No. 5/2021 "Guidelines on the formal requirements of dissertation theses prepared at the MU Faculty of Medicine"


Základní údaje

Doba studia
4 roky
Vyučovací jazyk
angličtina angličtina

počet aktivních studentů

Lékařská fakulta
Program zajišťuje