
Programme is being prepared.

Degree programme objectives

The aim of the study of Swedish language, literature and culture is to mediate practical language competencies in Swedish at the B2 level according to the ERR and further knowledge of the professional philological basis, especially in the field of linguistics, literature and history and culture of Sweden. Part of the content of the studies is also a basic introduction to the theory and mastering the practice of translation. Students will get acquainted with the basic synchronic and diachronic approaches to language, with the basics of literary theory and its application, especially to contemporary literature. They will also gain theoretical and practical knowledge of the methodology of writing academic paper and learn the principles and conventions of business and professional communication, including the specifics of the Swedish context.


  • Objectives
    The aim of the study of Swedish language, literature and culture is to mediate practical language competencies in Swedish at the B2 level according to the ERR and further knowledge of the professional philological basis, especially in the field of linguistics, literature and history and culture of Sweden. Part of the content of the studies is also a basic introduction to the theory and mastering the practice of translation. Students will get acquainted with the basic synchronic and diachronic approaches to language, with the basics of literary theory and its application, especially to contemporary literature. They will also gain theoretical and practical knowledge of the methodology of writing academic paper and learn the principles and conventions of business and professional communication, including the specifics of the Swedish context.
  • Learning Outcomes

    After successfully completing his/her studies the graduate is able to:

    • conduct daily communication in Swedish in spoken and written form (at level B2 according to ERR)
    • work critically with Swedish academic texts on a receptive and productive level
    • use practical and professional knowledge of Swedish acquired during studies in the relevant profession
    • translate a simple journalistic or commercial text from Swedish, be familiar with the basic terminology of translation and basic translation procedures
    • apply language competences and knowledge of Swedish culture and the wider Scandinavian context for a cultivated explanation or commentary on current social issues
    • efficiently search for and process information in Swedish
    • use academic procedures for their own research and presentation of the assigned (linguistic, literary, cultural-historical or social) topic

  • Occupational Profiles of Graduates
    A graduate can work in international companies or institutions, where knowledge of Swedish is a prerequisite, also in diplomatic services as an employee of the embassy or in the Czech cultural center in Sweden. The graduate can also work in the travel industry as a guide in travel agencies. Further possible employments are, for example, in libraries, museums, archives, theaters, newsrooms and other institutions.
  • Practical Training
    Internship is not a compulsory part of the study, but it is possible to go on a practical internship within the Erasmus + program.
  • Goals of Theses
    The standard length of the bachelor's thesis is 70,000 characters, including footnotes, title page, contents, index, bibliography and annotations. The bachelor's thesis does not have the character of an independent research (a possible exception must be approved by the supervisor). Students can work with already published texts and data available for their own analysis. They should demonstrate the ability to critically work with academic texts, process concepts and theories found in them and find relevant answers to a research question. The aim of the bachelor's thesis is to demonstrate the ability to independently discuss the selected topic in the field of linguistics, literature or history and culture of Sweden, while during the processing students will gain a deeper insight into the chosen topic.

Basic information

Bachelor's degree programme
Length of studies
3 years
Language of instruction
Czech Czech

Faculty of Arts
Programme guaranteed by
Programme guarantor