LLL programme specification

The reason for the creation of the lifelong learning program is to expand the offer of lifelong learning to include the possibility for active students of bachelor's study programs to obtain the qualification of trainers of various specializations. At the same time, it offers the possibility of completing and obtaining a certificate of the general part of the training for trainers of all specializations from among the public.

The lifelong learning program includes plans with an offer for students to add a specialization part to completed subjects as part of their studies at FSpS MU and obtain coaching authorizations.

On the basis of agreements, also coaching training with sports unions, clubs, training associations for obtaining 2nd or 3rd class.

At the same time, it includes the offer of general part training for all specializations in cooperation with sports unions, clubs, associations that are accredited by the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports.

Lifelong learning plans


Basic information

lifelong learning

Faculty of Sports Studies
Programme guaranteed by
Lifelong learning programme guarantor