LLL programme specification

Lifelong learning within the accredited bachelor's study program Theory of Interactive Media is education carried out on the basis of § 60 of Act no. 111/1998 Coll., on universities and on the amendment and addition of other laws (Act on Universities).

Lifelong learning is intended for applicants who have currently completed the admission procedure to the Interactive Media Theory programme at the MU Faculty of Arts in the given academic year, have fulfilled the admission requirements, but have not been admitted due to capacity reasons. Candidates who did not complete the admission procedure at the MU Faculty of Arts for the Interactive Media Theory programme in the current academic year or were not successful in it may also apply.

The Lifelong Learning Programme is a two-semester programme and can be implemented in full-time or combined form of study. Full-time study, i.e. full-time, is based on regular and direct teaching together with full-time students of the Bc. TIM. In the combined form, students attend the courses listed for the combined study of the Bachelor of Interactive Media Theory. (The combined study is taught in special consultation blocks, which are held on Fridays 4 times a semester. Exact dates are published at the beginning of each semester.)

What is our mission?

The Theory of Interactive Media (TIM) focuses on the study of new media art. The new media art refers to a wide range of artistic works and practices that reflect a key aspect of contemporary civilization – the pervasiveness and transformative impact on culture and society of information and communication technologies (ICT). The mission of the study programme is to balance the instrumental and utilitarian approach of informatics and computer science to the study of ICT by investigating creative ways to deal with new media.

What are our students?

The TIM study programme is particularly suitable for the ‘born digital’ generation, which is equipped with computer literacy by playing computer games, through relationships built across on-line social networks and the physical world, and by creating their own audio/visual works in the new media environment in which it is natural to see the computer as a tool and a place of creativity and interactivity. 

What can our graduates do?

Graduates of the TIM Bachelor’s degree study programme are oriented in the history of new media art, they are equipped with a basic arsenal of art studies and media studies terminology and methodology, and they have practical skills from the fields of academic writing, art criticism, and new media creative practices even.

What makes us unique?

TIM is the only study programme focusing on new media studies in the Czech Republic and the Slovak Republic which offers both Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees. It is provided by qualified professionals with rich teaching experience who are often actively involved in organizing festivals, curating exhibitions, and producing new media art.

Lifelong learning plans


  • Access to Further Studies

    Graduates of the LLL TIM study programme are prepared to further studies in the Bachelor’s degree. As Bc. studies  graduates they will find employment in the creative fields and industries of currant information society. They can become valid members of organizational teams of new media art festivals and exhibitions. They can work in cultural and heritage institutions, where they can apply their knowledge of the aesthetic and communication strategies emerging in the new media environment. Many of them will use their skills working in media of various kind (radio, television, print, online journalism).

    LLL graduates may be admitted to full-time study under the following conditions:

    1. Programme conditions

      • Completion of a full two-semester curriculum in the prescribed structure and earning the appropriate number of credits (see the current offer of subjects in the lifelong learning plans).

    2. General prerequisite

      • It is necessary to apply in the usual way for admission to the regular course of study and to request a waiver of the entrance examination after fulfilling the lifelong learning requirements.

        • Note 1: Admission is decided by the dean on the basis of fulfilling the LLL requirements.

        • Note 2: In the case of admission to full-time study, the courses taken will be accepted in full on the basis of an electronic application.

Basic information

lifelong learning
Přiřazeno k programu

Faculty of Arts
Programme guaranteed by
Lifelong learning programme guarantor