
Studijní program je v přípravě.

Cíle studijního programu

The objective of the Experimental Plant Biology program is to train highly skilled and independent scientists in the field of plant biology. Graduates will acquire comprehensive knowledge in areas such as plant genetics, molecular and cellular biology, and plant physiology. The program covers research on fundamental biological processes in plant organisms, including photosynthesis, metabolism, hormonal regulation, plant growth and development, at the levels of genes, genomes, cells, tissues, entire organisms, and in the context of their interactions with the environment.

The main emphasis is placed on the scientific development of doctoral students, who will receive systematic training in both research and transferable skills. The goal is to enhance their theoretical understanding and practical experience with modern methods in plant research. The core activity of students will be their own scientific work. The program also emphasizes interdisciplinarity and responds to current challenges and demands in the rapidly evolving field of plant biology research.

The Experimental Plant Biology program will bring together research topics addressed at multiple institutes and departments, including primarily the Faculty of Science at Masaryk University, the National Centre for Biomolecular Research (NCBR), the Institute of Experimental Biology (IEB), and the Central European Institute of Technology (CEITEC MU). Other academic institutions involved will include the Institute of Biophysics of the Czech Academy of Sciences (IBP), the Institute of Experimental Botany in Olomouc (especially the Center for Plant Structural and Functional Genomics), and CzechGlobe – Global Change Research Institute of the Czech Academy of Sciences.

The program will offer research topics across a wide range of areas, such as the study of plant genetic makeup and genomes, chromosome maintenance and evolution, analysis of proteins involved in plant growth, development, and hormonal regulation, physiological plant adaptations, genetic engineering, and biotechnology. The ultimate aim is to understand processes important for sustainable agriculture and biotechnological applications.

Graduates of the program will be well-prepared for careers primarily in basic and applied research, both in academia and the private sector (including biotechnology and agricultural companies). Thanks to their interdisciplinary expertise, research experience, and acquired transferable skills, they will also find opportunities in various other career paths. The program offers international collaboration, participation in prestigious forums and scientific conferences, with particular emphasis on the use of English as the primary communication language in the scientific community.


  • Cíle
    The objective of the Experimental Plant Biology program is to train highly skilled and independent scientists in the field of plant biology. Graduates will acquire comprehensive knowledge in areas such as plant genetics, molecular and cellular biology, and plant physiology. The program covers research on fundamental biological processes in plant organisms, including photosynthesis, metabolism, hormonal regulation, plant growth and development, at the levels of genes, genomes, cells, tissues, entire organisms, and in the context of their interactions with the environment.

    The main emphasis is placed on the scientific development of doctoral students, who will receive systematic training in both research and transferable skills. The goal is to enhance their theoretical understanding and practical experience with modern methods in plant research. The core activity of students will be their own scientific work. The program also emphasizes interdisciplinarity and responds to current challenges and demands in the rapidly evolving field of plant biology research.

    The Experimental Plant Biology program will bring together research topics addressed at multiple institutes and departments, including primarily the Faculty of Science at Masaryk University, the National Centre for Biomolecular Research (NCBR), the Institute of Experimental Biology (IEB), and the Central European Institute of Technology (CEITEC MU). Other academic institutions involved will include the Institute of Biophysics of the Czech Academy of Sciences (IBP), the Institute of Experimental Botany in Olomouc (especially the Center for Plant Structural and Functional Genomics), and CzechGlobe – Global Change Research Institute of the Czech Academy of Sciences.

    The program will offer research topics across a wide range of areas, such as the study of plant genetic makeup and genomes, chromosome maintenance and evolution, analysis of proteins involved in plant growth, development, and hormonal regulation, physiological plant adaptations, genetic engineering, and biotechnology. The ultimate aim is to understand processes important for sustainable agriculture and biotechnological applications.

    Graduates of the program will be well-prepared for careers primarily in basic and applied research, both in academia and the private sector (including biotechnology and agricultural companies). Thanks to their interdisciplinary expertise, research experience, and acquired transferable skills, they will also find opportunities in various other career paths. The program offers international collaboration, participation in prestigious forums and scientific conferences, with particular emphasis on the use of English as the primary communication language in the scientific community.

  • Výstupy z učení

    Absolvent je po úspěšném ukončení studia schopen:

    • Independently and creatively plan and execute scientific and research activities in the field of experimental plant biology, with an emphasis on advanced methods in molecular biology, plant physiology, and genetic manipulation.
    • Draft and prepare for publication critical scientific texts in the form of research articles focused on experimental plant biology.
    • Present and defend their research findings at international scientific conferences and forums.
    • Understand and apply a wide range of specialized and theoretical knowledge in areas of experimental plant biology, including molecular biology, genetics, biochemistry, physiology, anatomy, ecology, and biotechnology.
    • Critically evaluate the latest scientific discoveries and trends in experimental plant biology, and contribute to their further development through innovative research.
    • Effectively communicate scientific findings in English and engage in international scientific discussions and collaborations.
    • Utilize experiences from international research projects and collaborations, integrating knowledge from various research environments.
    • Convey acquired knowledge and experiences through their own teaching activities or mentoring of students, thereby contributing to the development of the young scientific community.
    • Employ transferable skills in project management, teamwork, and effective scientific communication, which can also be applied outside of academia.

  • Uplatnění absolventa
    Graduates of the doctoral program in Experimental Plant Biology can apply their qualifications primarily in research institutions, both academic and non-academic, as well as in higher education. They are prepared to conduct independent scientific and research activities in both fundamental and applied research, focusing on the development of new biotechnologies, plant genetic engineering, and the analysis of molecular, cellular, and physiological processes in plants.

    Graduates are qualified to perform all activities associated with scientific work, including addressing conceptual issues, organizing scientific projects, and teaching. Their expertise and research skills make them suitable not only for the academic sphere but also for applied research projects in the fields of sustainable agriculture and biotechnology.

  • Praxe
    Students conduct research in their supervisors' laboratories, where they acquire practical skills in their specialization. They further develop their practical and theoretical knowledge through collaboration with other laboratories, both within the Czech Republic and internationally.
  • Standardy kvalifikačních prací
    The requirement for defending a dissertation is that at least some part of the results must be published or accepted for publication in a journal indexed in the Web of Science (WoS) database, with an impact factor (IF) higher than the median of the respective field, and the student must be the first author of the publication. If the journal has an IF below the median, the student is expected to present at least two publications. For co-authored publications, the student must clearly define their contribution to the results. It is preferred that the dissertation be composed as a collection of already published or accepted works, supplemented by a comprehensive introduction, a thorough synthesis, and commentary on the student’s results in the context of the current state of knowledge. If there are fewer publications, the dissertation takes the form of a monograph that describes and discusses the original results of the doctoral student in detail. In exceptional cases, based on the recommendation of the subject-area board, it is possible to proceed with the defense of the dissertation in the absence of a published paper in a scientific journal. This typically applies to complex research aimed at top interdisciplinary journals or to methodologically focused works where the doctoral student develops methods and procedures in collaboration, making it unnecessary to publish a first-author article. The requirement for defense is a complete text in the form of a monographic dissertation that describes all experimental details and results achieved, which ideally should take the form of scientific manuscripts. The candidate must be the first author of these manuscripts. The most suitable format is to submit the entire work in English.

Základní údaje

Doba studia
4 roky
Vyučovací jazyk
angličtina angličtina
Roční poplatek za studium
3000 €

Přírodovědecká fakulta
Program zajišťuje