LLL programme specification

The LLL programme is implemented within the accredited bachelor's study programme Art History. The programme offers one full-time Art History plan.

The study of art history offers students the opportunity to understand visual objects from all fields of the discipline of art history (i.e. architecture, sculpture, painting and visual culture) in their various contemporary forms, styles and functions. The central aim of the program is to acquire a basic knowledge of works of art from late antiquity to the present day and practical skills in their understanding, leading to admission to full-time study in the BA programme.

Lifelong education within the accredited bachelor's degree programme in Art History is education carried out on the basis of Section 60 of Act No. 111/1998 Coll., on Higher Education and on Amendments and Supplements to Other Acts (Act on Higher Education).

Lifelong learning plans


  • Access to Further Studies

    LLL graduates may be admitted to full-time study in the Bachelor's degree programme in Art History under the following conditions:

    1. Conditions of the programme

    • Passing a complete two-semester curriculum in the prescribed structure and acquiring the appropriate number of credits (40 credits for required courses - see current course offerings in the CŽV plan) and

    •     a cumulative average (all attempts, including failed attempts, are counted) for the LLL programme up to 2.00.

    2. General condition

    • It is necessary to submit an application in the usual way for admission to a regular course of study and to apply for a admission exemption once the LLL conditions have been fulfilled.

    • Note 1: Admission is decided by the Dean on the basis of the fulfilment of the LLL conditions.

    • Note 2: In the case of admission to full-time study, the courses taken will be accepted in full on the basis of an electronic application.

  • Additional Information

Basic information

lifelong learning
Přiřazeno k programu

Faculty of Arts
Programme guaranteed by
Lifelong learning programme guarantor