21 – Somersault forward tucked
- Technique
- View of the practitioner
- Biomechanics
- Faults
- Physical preparation
- Drill
- Spotting
- Worksheets
Somersault forward tucked is an acrobatic element in which the run is followed by a dynamic jump off both feet. After leaving the floor, the body gradually bends into a tuck position and rotates 360°. At the end of the flight phase, the body is opened to enable the gymnast to land.
Technique variants
To simplify training, a foam pit can be used in combination with or without a trampoline.
Somersault forward tucked: Foam pit with trampoline. Somersault forward tucked: Foam pit with mat. We can also use a springboard.
Somersault forward tucked: from the bridge Advanced gymnasts can perform somersaults in other variations or repeatedly.
Somersault forward tucked: repeatedly
Pri teku vadeči pridobi vodoravno hitrost, ki se mora spremeniti v navpično hitrost ob odrivu, da vadeči pridobi primerno višino leta. To vadeči izvede tako, da postavi pri odrivu stopala pred težišče telesa. Odriv se dokonča, ko pride težišče telesa nad prste stopala ali nekoliko pred tem, tako da odriv vadečemu dovolj kinetične energije za gibanje naprej in vrtenje okoli čelne osi. Krčenje v letu zniža vztrajnostni moment približno za polovico, kar na drugi strani povzroči skoraj dvakratno povečanje kotne hitrosti. Pred doskokom sledi iztegovanje, kar povzroči povečanje vztrajnostnega momenta upošsnitev kotne hitrosti.
- Forward lean of the trunk at the end of the take-off phase, when moving into tuck position.
- The knees move towards the shoulders, not the opposite, which results in slower rotation.
- Poor tuck position and head extension leading to slower rotation.
Physical preparation 1
To strengthen the lower limbs, repeat the toe stands with the toes supported.
Somersault forward tucked: Physical preparation 1 -
Physical preparation 2
Functional prerequisite is a floor explosive take-off. We perform repeated rebound jumps, we can use a jump rope or low hurdles.
Somersault forward tucked: Physical preparation 2.1 Somersault forward tucked: Physical preparation 2.2 Somersault forward tucked: Physical preparation 2.3 Somersault forward tucked: Physical preparation 2.4 Somersault forward tucked: Physical preparation 2.5 -
Physical preparation 3
Abdominal muscle strength is important for rotation acceleration and deceleration.
Somersault forward tucked: Physical preparation 3
Drill 1
It is important to practice the rebound with the arms moving into the upright position.
Somersault forward tucked: Drill 1 -
Drill 2
Next, we practice the initiation of body rotation in combination with the rebound. It is suitable to practice it at the wall with a mat.
Somersault forward tucked: Drill 2 -
Drill 3
In the next phase, we perform a jump on a stack of mats with a forward roll.
Somersault forward tucked: Drill 3 -
Drill 4
We follow with a somersault onto a stack of mats to lying, sitting, squatting, and standing position. During all exercises, we suggest the gymnast has split legs to avoid facial injury. We can perform the exercises with assistance.
Somersault forward tucked: Drill 4.1 Somersault forward tucked: Drill 4.2 Somersault forward tucked: Drill 4.3
By holding abdomen and back of the gymnast, we ensure the sufficient height and rotation of the body.