Swinging rings 5 – Inverted hang in long swing

The gymnast moves into the inverted hang from the inverted pike hang just after passing the vertical position during the front long swing. He slowly extends his hips into a straight or slightly arched position, head slightly flexed, eyes follow the toes. The gymnast holds his stretched arms close to his body, his hands at his thighs. The movement back to the inverted pike position is initiated by flexing the head, followed by tilting the legs towards the trunk.

Inverted hang in long swing
View of the practitioner

The element is challenging to maintain balance while transitioning from inverte pike to inverted hang during the pendulum movement of the rings. The gymnast needs to ensure the correct position of the body's centre of gravity by strengthening the body and fluidity of movement. In the inverted hang, the whole body forms a one line with the cables of the rings, what makes centripetal force most important for maintaining equilibrium.

Inverted hang in long swing: Biomechanics
  • Flexed arms.
  • Unstrengthen body.
  • Physical preparation 1

    Perform strengthening exercises.

    Inverted hang in long swing: Physical preparation 1.1
    Inverted hang in long swing: Physical preparation 1.2
    Inverted hang in long swing: Physical preparation 1.3
  • Drill 1

    Start with shoulderstand, continue with the transition from pike lying position to shoulderstand and back.

    Inverted hang in long swing: Drill 1.1
    Inverted hang in long swing: Drill 1.2
  • Drill 2

    A simpler version of the inverted hang is performed on ladders.

    Inverted hang in long swing: Drill 2
  • Drill 3

    The transition from inverted pike hang to inverted hang should be practiced first on still rings, then in long swing.

    Inverted hang in long swing: Drill 3