Company organisation, types of companies, job description


Video activity: How does the stock market work?


Watch the Ted talk and answer the questions below.

The jobs we'll lose to machines -- and the ones we won't
  1. What are machines able to do based on machine learning?

    They are able to learn from data, mimic part of what humans can do, and assess credit risk, diagnose diseases.
  2. What was the first task done by machines?

    It was assessing credit risks from loan applications.
  3. What are the limits of using machines?

    Machines are not able to deal with novel situations.
  4. What possibly will be done by machines in the future?

    Machines will grade essays, conduct audits, read boilerplate from legal contracts, diagnose diseases.
  5. Which tasks will not be substituted by machines?

    Machines will not be able to deal with different and new litigations, with complex tax structuring, developing business strategies and creating marketing campaigns.


Watch the Ted talk again and complete the summary of the talk.

According to the research from 2013, almost 50 % of jobs will be . Machine learning allows machines to and part of what humans can do. The Kaggle company cooperates with a high number of experts to tackle problems for and . One of the first tasks machines performed was from loan applications. With the right data machines will be able to at tasks such as diagnosing diseases. One of the disadvantages of machines is that they are not able to deal with situations, which gives a on the human tasks that machines will automate. The future of a job depends on how much the job is , high-volume tasks or not. In the future the machines will not only grade essays and diagnose diseases but they will also and read boilerplate from Although lawyers and accountants will be needed for complex and pathbreaking , machines will . However, it  will still be people not machines who will be creating the behind the and developing business strategies.

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