PdF NFJ2hp Lower Secondary School Teacher Training in French Language
Name in Czech: Učitelství francouzského jazyka pro základní školy
master's full-time major, language of instruction: Czech Czech
Included in the programme: PdF N-FJ2 Lower Secondary School Teacher Training in French Language

Study-related information

  • Parts of the final state examination and its content
    Structure of the Master's State Final Examination:
    1/ Written part: translation from French into Czech and elaboration of a free topic in French (it takes place at the end of a shortened semester, it does not interfere with the organization of the MA).
    2/ Integrated state final exam (teacher's exam)
    competency) includes the following parts:
    - French language didactics + psychology + pedagogy
    - Linguistics (morphology, syntax, lexicology, language development, stylistics)
    - literature (literary movements, children's literature, text samples, reflection on the use of literary texts in teaching).
    The student demonstrates knowledge from didactics and from basic pedagogical and psychological disciplines, connects them, integrates them into theoretical contexts and draws practical implications from them. The student prepares for the examination according to the specified topics, supported by professional publications (including the results of pedagogical and psychological research) and a student portfolio (class preparations, video recordings, written self-reflections, seminar papers, portfolio assignments, etc.). Emphasis is placed on the critical grasp of knowledge, its interconnection, its relation to previous pedagogical experience and to the solution of pedagogical-psychological problems in teaching practice.
    3/ Student portfolio.
    The student will submit to the examining committee a portfolio in Czech and French documenting the knowledge, skills, experience and professional attitudes acquired during their studies at the Faculty of Education and beyond.
    4/ The defence of the thesis (if assigned) takes place in French in the presence of the thesis supervisor, the opponent and the members of the examination committee.

    The examination in pedagogy and psychology is marked with one evaluation and the examination in didactics, linguistics and literature with one evaluation.
  • Suggestion of theses topics and the topics of defended theses
    Analyse des pages web pour l'enseignement/l'apprentissage du FLE
    Pédagogie de projet en classe de FLE
    Langage familier dans le roman La Guerre des boutons de Louis Pergaud et son adaptation cinématographique - sa traduction en tchèque
    Les principes du baroque dans les romans de Sylvie Germain
    Le jazz dans le roman policier français
    L'image de l'humanité dans le roman Tobie Lolness

    Students choose the topic of their final thesis either from the list of topics published by the department's teachers in the MU information system, which is continuously updated, or they choose their own topic, which they consult with the relevant expert at the department.

    All diploma theses are stored in the MU archives and published in accordance with the relevant valid Higher Education Act, access to the theses via the MUNI IS information system www.is.muni.cz. After specifying the year of graduation and the department, any thesis defended at Department of French can be viewed.

    No thesis has yet been defended in the main curriculum.

Recommended progress through the study plan

Učitelská propedeutika (20 kr.)

Compulsory courses

Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Term Profile Cat.
PdF:SZ6039Educational Psychology (Exercise) E. Řehulkazk 1/1/04 1Z
PdF:SZ6042School Education H. Horkázk 1/0/02 2Z
PdF:SZ6046Educational and Psychology Assessment in Teaching Practice (Exercise) J. Kratochvílovák 1/1/03 3Z
PdF:SZ6061School Education - Seminary H. Horkáz 0/1/02 1Z
11 credits

Selective courses

Student během studia zapisuje jeden z nabízených předmětů.

Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Term Profile Cat.
PdF:SZ6047School Management D. Veseláz 0/2/02 2P
PdF:SZ6048Inclusive Education K. Pančochaz 0/2/02 2P
PdF:SZ6069Alternative and Inovative Education H. Horkáz 0/2/02 2P
6 credits

Foreign language

Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Term Profile Cat.
PdF:JVp013English for Teachers - C R. Heroutz 0/2/03 1-
PdF:JVp014English for Teachers - D R. Heroutzk 0/2/04 2-
7 credits

Oborová část (27 kr.)

Povinné předměty (P+PV 23 kr.)

Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Term Profile Cat.
PdF:FJ3054Selected Topics in French Grammar V. Bakešováz 0/1/0 kombinované studium 4 hod. konzultací.2 1P
PdF:FJ3055French Lexicology V. Bakešovák 1/1/0 kombinované studium 8 hod. konzultací.3 2P
PdF:FJ3052Development of French Language Z. Schejbalováz 1/1/0 kombinované studium 8 hod. konzultací.2 3P
PdF:FJ3053Selected Topics in French Stylistics V. Bakešováz 1/0/0 kombinované studium 4 hod. konzultací.2 4P
PdF:FJ3015Frencg Language Seminar 1 V. Bakešováz 0/2/0 Učitelství pro 1. st. ZŠ komb. 8 hod. konzultací.2 1P
PdF:FJ3016French Language Seminar 2 V. Bakešováz 0/2/0 kombinované studium 8 hod. konzultací.2 2P
PdF:FJ3017French Language Seminar 3 M. Poučovázk 0/2/0 kombinované studium 8 hod. konzultací.4 3P
PdF:FJ3025Frech Written Fluency 1 M. Poučováz 0/2/0 kombinované studium 8 hod. konzultací.2 3P
PdF:FJ3023Children's and Youth French Literature M. Poučováz 1/1/0 Učitelství pro 1. st. ZŠ komb. 8 hod. konzultací.2 1P
PdF:FJ3050French Literature - Selected Topics V. Bakešováz 1/0/0 kombinované studium 4 hod. konzultací.2 2P
23 credits

Volitelné předměty (4 kr.)

Uvedené předměty jsou pouze příkladem, studující si vybírá z nabídky volitelných předmětů Pedagogické fakulty MU předměty v hodnotě 4 kreditů. Doporučujeme volit z předmětů ve francouzštině.

Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Term Profile Cat.
PdF:FJ3002French Text Analysis 1 V. Bakešováz 0/1/0 kombinované studium 4 hod. konzultací.2 1-
PdF:FJ3010Methodology of French Literature Text V. Bakešováz 0/1/0 kombinované studium 4 hod. konzultací.2 3-
PdF:FJ3018French Language Seminar 4 M. Poučováz 0/2/0 kombinované studium 8 hod. konzultací.2 4-
PdF:FJ3019Canadian French Z. Schejbalováz 0/1/0 kombinované studium 4 hod. konzultací.2 2-
PdF:FJ3024Multimedia Didactic Practices in French P. Suquetz 0/0/0 e-learning, online konzultace.3 4-
PdF:FJ3026French Written Fluency 2 M. Poučováz 0/2/0 kombinované studium 8 hod. konzultací.2 4-
PdF:FJ3027Listening Skills in French V. Bakešováz 0/2/0 kombinované studium 8 hod. konzultací.2 1-
PdF:FJ3037Introduction to e-Twinning M. Poučováz 0/1/02 3-
17 credits

Oborové didaktiky (10 kr.)

Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Term Profile Cat.
PdF:FJ3006French Methodology 1 V. Bakešováz 0/2/0 kombinované studium 4 hod. konzultací.2 1Z
PdF:FJ3007French Methodology 2 V. Bakešováz 0/2/0 kombinované studium 4 hod. konzultací.2 2Z
PdF:FJ3051French Methodology 3 V. Bakešovázk 0/2/0 kombinované studium 8 hod. konzultací.4 3Z
PdF:FJ3009French Methodology 4 V. Bakešováz 0/1/0 kombinované studium 4 hod. konzultací.2 4Z
10 credits

Praxe (7 kr.)

Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Term Profile Cat.
PdF:SZ6040Teaching Practice 1 P. Svojanovskýz 0/0/5 60 hodin.2 1P
PdF:SZ6041Seminar on Teaching Practice P. Svojanovskýz 0/1/0 4x za semestr/90 minut.1 1P
PdF:FJ6002Teaching Practice 2 P. Suquetz 0/0/5 60 hodin.2 2P
PdF:FJ6003Teaching Practice 3 P. Suquetz 0/0/5 60 hodin.2 3P
7 credits

Diplomová práce (16 kr.)

Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Term Profile Cat.
PdF:FJ_DPpDiploma Thesis - Project V. Bakešováz 0/0/1 Individuální konzultace.4 2P
PdF:FJ_DPDiploma Thesis V. Bakešováz 0/0/1 Individuální konzultace.4 3P
PdF:FJ_DPdDiploma Thesis - Completion V. Bakešováz 0/0/1 Odevzdání DP.8 4P
16 credits