FF FBTZJpV Interpreting of Czech Sign Language
Name in Czech: Tlumočnictví českého znakového jazyka
Bachelor's full-time minor, language of instruction: Czech Czech
Included in the programme: FF B-TCZJ_ Interpreting of Czech Sign Language

Study-related information

  • Parts of the final state examination and its content
    The final state examination consists of the thesis defense and an exam that covers the topics of the obligatory courses of the study programme. The exam focuses on the connexions between the respective disciplines projected into the study programme curriculum.

    Thematic areas and competencies:
    The study programme is structured into three modules; the content of the modules determines the competencies that are tested: the language, linguistic and interpreting modules. The final state exam verifies the students' acquisition of the knowledge of all the modules.
  • Suggestion of theses topics and the topics of defended theses
    Expression of negation in Czech Sign language
    Expression of plurality in Czech Sign language
    Indefinite pronouns in Czech Sign language
    Distributivity in Czech Sign language
    Iconicity in spoken and signed language
    Spelling and its role in the tertiary education of the Deaf
    Role of the second signed language in interpreting in a foreign language (English) education of the Deaf
    Interpreting strategies during the translation of non-equivalent language phenomena in a foreign language (English) education of the Deaf
    Translation of toponyms
    Translation of the text with a specific stylistic value into Czech Sign language

Recommended progress through the study plan

Povinné předměty (60 kreditů)

Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Term Profile Cat.
FF:TCZJ01 -- 0/0- 1P
FF:TCZJ02 -- 0/0- 1P
FF:TCZJ06Theory of Communication I. Kupčíkováz 2/0/02 1P
FF:TCZJ07Introduction to linguistics O. Šefčíkzk 2/0/03 1Z
FF:TCZJ10 -- 0/0- 2P
FF:TCZJ11Phonetics and Phonology of Sign Languages L. Vláškovázk 1/1/03 2P
FF:TCZJ12Czech Sign Language II J. Havlováz 0/2/02 2P
FF:TCZJ17Interpreting Skills I I. Kupčíkováz 0/2/02 2P
FF:TCZJ22Language Practice III L. Vláškováz 0/2/02 3P
FF:TCZJ23Morphology of Sign Language L. Vláškovázk 1/1/03 3P
FF:TCZJ24Czech Sign Language III L. Vláškováz 0/2/02 3P
FF:TCZJ26Interpreting Czech - Czech Sign Language I I. Kupčíkovázk 0/2/03 3P
FF:TCZJ27Interpreting Skills II I. Kupčíkováz 0/2/02 3P
FF:TCZJ31Language Practice IV L. Vláškovázk 0/2/04 4P
FF:TCZJ32Syntax of Sign Languages L. Vláškovázk 0/2/03 4P
FF:TCZJ33Czech Sign Language IV L. Vláškováz 0/2/02 4P
FF:TCZJ36Interpreting Czech - Czech Sign Language II I. Kupčíkovázk 1/1/03 4P
FF:TCZJ38Interpreting Skills III I. Kupčíkovázk 0/2/04 4P
FF:TCZJ41Language Practice V M. Tylováz 0/2/02 5P
FF:TCZJ42Lexicology and Lexicography of Sign Languages L. Vláškovák 0/2/02 5P
FF:TCZJ52Language Practice VI L. Vláškovázk 0/2/04 6P
FF:TCZJ58Introduction to Czech syntax P. Cahaz 2/0/04 3Z
52 credits