FF FBNJpJ German language and literature
Name in Czech: Německý jazyk a literatura
bachelor's full-time single-subject, language of instruction: Czech Czech
Included in the programme: FF B-NJ_ German Language and Literature

Introductory information / Instructions

POZOR: tato šablona má pouze orientační charakter – pro registraci a zápis předmětů je nutno použít aktuální registrační šablonu. Průchod studiem kontrolujte výhradně dle kontrolní šablony určené pro váš imatrikulační ročník.

Semester 1

Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Profile Cat. Requirement
FF:NICF_01Dutch for Beginners I M. Kosteleckáz 0/2/04 - PV
FF:NJII_641BSwedish for beginners I B E. Strakováz 0/2/04 - PV
FF:NJI_01APractical Courses of German including Life and Institutions I/1 M. Trombikováz 0/6/06 Z P
FF:NJI_02APhonetic I. Zündorfzk 0/2/04 Z P
FF:NJI_03AIntroduction to German Linguistics V. Bromk 1/1/04 Z P
FF:NJI_04AIntroduction to the Study of German Literature A. Urválekzk 0/2/04 Z P
FF:NJI_169APractise of Phraseology J. Maláz 1/0/02 - P
28 credits

Semester 2

Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Profile Cat. Requirement
FF:NICF_02Dutch for Beginners I M. Kosteleckáz 0/2/04 - PV
FF:NJII_65BSwedish for beginners II E. Strakováz 0/2/04 - PV
FF:NJI_05APractical Courses of German including Life and Institutions I/2 M. Trombikovázk 0/6/06 Z P
FF:NJI_06AGerman morphology I I. Zündorfk 1/1/03 Z P
FF:NJI_07AIntroduction to the Study of German Literature A. Urválekzk 0/2/04 Z P
FF:NJI_1691APractise of Phraseology J. Maláz 1/0/02 P P
23 credits

Semester 3

Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Profile Cat. Requirement
FF:NJII_109BGerman in Business Communication I J. Trnaz 0/2/04 - PV
FF:NJII_37BIntroduction to German Phraseology J. Maláz 0/1/02 - PV
FF:NJII_7308BTheaterworkshop M. Katićk 0/2/04 - PV
FF:NJII_971BNarrative Writing: Murder In Campus J. Budňákz 0/2/03 - PV
FF:NJI_08AIntroduction to History and Culture of German speaking Countries V. Bromk 0/2/03 P P
FF:NJI_09APractical Courses of German including Life and Institutions I/1 A. Urválekz 0/6/06 Z P
FF:NJI_10AGerman literature from 1790 to 1900. Part I. A. Urválekz 1/1/03 Z P
FF:NJI_11AGerman morphology II I. Zündorfz 1/1/03 Z P
FF:NJI_12AWorking with text 1 A. Urválekk 2/0/03 - P
FF:NJI_29APolitic - Society in Germany V. Bromk 2/0/03 P P
FF:NJI_314BDebate club J. Budňákz 0/2/04 - PV
FF:NJI_3261BTutorium I. Zündorfk 0/0/03 - PV
FF:NJI_326BTutorium I. Zündorfk 0/0/03 - PV
FF:NJI_488BProject A. Urválekk 1/1/04 - PV
48 credits

Semester 4

Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Profile Cat. Requirement
FF:NJII_7291BTheatre workshop II M. Katićk 0/4/05 - PV
FF:NJI_13APractical Courses of German including Life and Institutions I/1 A. Urválekz 0/6/06 Z P
FF:NJI_1411AGerman grammar III V. Bromk 1/1/03 Z P
FF:NJI_14AGerman literature II A. Urválekz 1/1/03 Z P
FF:NJI_30APolitic - Society in Germany V. Bromk 2/0/03 P P
FF:NJI_325bTutorium I. Zündorfk 0/0/03 - PV
23 credits

Semester 5

Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Profile Cat. Requirement
FF:NJI_15AWorking with text 2 I. Zündorfk 2/0/03 P P
FF:NJI_171AGerman lexicology I. Zündorfk 1/1/03 Z P
FF:NJI_17AGerman literature III A. Urválekz 1/1/03 Z P
FF:NJI_25AGerman Stylistics I J. Malázk 2/0/04 P P
13 credits

Semester 6

Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Profile Cat. Requirement
FF:NJII_283ADiplomas seminar - Bachelor I. Zündorfz 0/2/010 P P
FF:NJII_291ADiplomas Thesis - Bachelor I. Zündorfz 0/0/0- P P
10 credits

Any semester

Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Profile Cat. Requirement
FF:NJII_117BSelected Themes of the Medieval Literature and their Realisations in German and Czech V. Bromk 1/1/04 - PV
FF:NJII_1225BFrom Schnitzler to Schwab A. Urválekk 0/2/05 - PV
FF:NJII_125BSelected Themes of the Historical Semantics (German) V. Bromk 0/2/05 - PV
FF:NJII_132BCzech-German Language Contacts V. Bromk 1/1/05 - PV
FF:NJII_133BGerman Proper Names V. Bromk 1/1/04 - PV
FF:NJII_137BGerman Chronicles of the Middle Ages V. Bromk 1/1/05 - PV
FF:NJII_199Bimproving pronunciation M. Katićk 1/1/04 - PV
FF:NJII_2225BThe German Conservatism A. Urválekk 1/1/05 - PV
FF:NJII_30BGerman Literature in Switzerland A. Urválekk 1/0/02 - PV
FF:NJII_3238BTrends in Contemporary German I. Zündorfk 1/1/04 - PV
FF:NJII_3239BLoanwords and Borrowings in German I. Zündorfk 1/1/05 - PV
FF:NJII_34BMethods of Text Analysis J. Maláz 1/1/05 - PV
FF:NJII_3514BKorpuslinguistics I. Zündorfk 1/1/05 - PV
FF:NJII_3515ATextlinguistik I. Zündorfk 1/1/05 - PV
FF:NJII_35BGerman mass media J. Malák 1/1/05 - PV
FF:NJII_38BGerman Phraseology in Texts J. Malák 1/1/05 - PV
FF:NJII_39BLiterature in the GDR A. Urválekk 1/0/02 - PV
FF:NJII_41BMoravian German Literature in the 19th and 20th century J. Budňákk 0/2/05 - PV
FF:NJII_421BGerman word order compared to Czech V. Bromk 1/1/05 - PV
FF:NJII_471BCulture theory J. Budňákk 0/2/05 - PV
FF:NJII_472BJournals in German Studies J. Budňákk 0/2/05 - PV
FF:NJII_473BThe German Problem after 1945 A. Urválekk 0/2/05 - PV
FF:NJII_496BSelected lecture II A. Urválekk 1/1/05 - PV
FF:NJII_720BThe Bible in the German Literature and Culture M. Trombikovák 1/0/02 - PV
FF:NJII_7278BTutorial I. Zündorfk 0/2/03 - PV
FF:NJI_31ALiterature I A. Urválekz 1/1/04 - P
FF:NJI_32APractical Courses of German including Life and Institutions III A. Urválekzk 0/2/04 - P
FF:NJI_33ALiterature II A. Urválekz 1/1/04 - P
FF:NJI_491BSelected lecture I A. Urválekk 1/1/04 - PV
126 credits