FF FNFJpV French language and literature
Name in Czech: Francouzský jazyk a literatura
master's full-time minor, language of instruction: Czech Czech
Included in the programme: FF N-FJ_ French Literature and Linguistics

Introductory information / Instructions

POZOR: tato šablona má pouze orientační charakter – pro registraci a zápis předmětů je nutno použít aktuální registrační šablonu. Průchod studiem kontrolujte výhradně dle kontrolní šablony určené pro váš imatrikulační ročník.

Povinné předměty (P+PV 40 kr.)

Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Term Profile Cat.
FF:FJ2A021French Literature I P. Kyloušekzk 1/1/0 Kombinovaná forma studia: 14 hodin za semestr.5 1Z
FF:FJ2A022French Literature II P. Dytrtzk 1/1/0 Kombinovaná forma studia: 14 hodin za semestr.5 2Z
FF:FJ2A023French Literature III P. Dytrtzk 1/2/0 Kombinovaná forma studia: 14 hodin za semestr.6 3Z
FF:FJ2A031French linguistics I Ch. Cusimanozk 1/1/0 Kombinovaná forma studia: 14 hodin za semestr.5 1Z
FF:FJ2A032French linguistics II Ch. Cusimanozk 2/0/0 Kombinovaná forma studia: 14 hodin za semestr.5 2Z
FF:FJ2A033French linguistics III Ch. Cusimanozk 2/1/0 Kombinovaná forma studia: 14 hodin za semestr.6 3Z
32 credits

Státní závěrečná zkouška

Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Term Profile Cat.
FF:FJ2A042State Exam P. DytrtSZk 0/0/0- 2P
0 credits

Selective courses


Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Term Profile Cat.
FF:FJ0B732Love in French poetry of the Renaissance and baroque periods P. Kyloušekzk 2/0/04 3P
FF:FJ0B764History of Francophone Culture in North America P. Vurmzk 2/03 2P
FF:FJ0B765Quebec Drama P. Vurmzk 2/0/04 2P
FF:FJ0B767Image of the USA and America in Quebec literature P. Kyloušekzk 2/0/06 3P
FF:FJ0B804Selected Chapters in Francophone Linguistic and Cultural Studies of North America P. Kyloušekzk 1/1/05 1P
FF:FJ0B807Political imaginary P. Dytrtk 0/2/03 3P
FF:FJ2B0214Introduction to the Literary Essay P. Vurmzk 0/2/05 -P
FF:FJ2B022Contemporary French Novel and Modernity P. Dytrtzk 1/1/04 1P
FF:FJ2B028Time and the Narrative Categories P. Kyloušekzk 2/0/04 1P
FF:SAKS021Image of the USA and America in Quebec literature P. Kyloušekzk 2/0/06 3P
44 credits


Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Term Profile Cat.
FF:FJ2B031Exercises in Linguistics Ch. Cusimanozk 0/2/04 3P
FF:FJ2B032Grammar and Comics Ch. Cusimanozk 0/0/04 2P
FF:FJ2B033French in North America Ch. Cusimanozk 1/0/06 4P
FF:FJ2B034Conversation analysis Ch. Cusimanozk 1/1/05 2P
FF:FJ2B035French Sociolinguistics Ch. Cusimanozk 2/0/04 1P
FF:FJ2B039Exercises in French Grammar Ch. Cusimanoz 0/1/04 2P
FF:FJIA023aLexicology and lexicography A. Němcová Polickáz 2/0/04 --
FF:PRFJB002Literary interpretation and translation P. Kyloušekzk 0/2/05 1P
FF:ROM0B016Languages, literatures and migrations E. Mocciarozk 2/0/05 1P
41 credits

Závěrečná zkouška

The student enrolls the Final written test during the second year of studies.

L'étudiant s'inscrit dans le cours de Rédaction finale en deuxième année de ses études.

Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Term Profile Cat.
FF:FJ2A041Written Test P. Dytrtzk 0/0/0 4 hodiny.- 4Z
FF:FJ2A042State Exam P. DytrtSZk 0/0/0- 4Z
0 credits