FF FNCJpSLB Czech Literature
Name in Czech: Literárněvědná bohemistika
master's full-time specialized, language of instruction: Czech Czech
Included in the programme: FF N-CJ_ Czech Language and Literature

Introductory information / Instructions

POZOR: tato šablona má pouze orientační charakter – pro registraci a zápis předmětů je nutno použít aktuální registrační šablonu. Průchod studiem kontrolujte výhradně dle kontrolní šablony určené pro váš imatrikulační ročník.

Společná část

Compulsory courses

20 kreditů

Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Term Profile Cat.
FF:CJJ15Czech Comparative Grammar M. Zikovázk 1/1/05 1Z
FF:CJJ16The Development of Standard Czech P. Kosekzk 2/0/04+1 2Z
FF:CJL09Czech Literature since 1989 for MA Z. Fišerzk 2/0/04+1 1Z
FF:CJL10Theory of Lit. for MA J. Tlustýzk 2/0/04+1 2Z
20 credits

Selective courses

40 kreditů

Blok 1: literatura

20 kreditů - z toho min. 3 kurzy z bloku A - profilující předměty

A - profilující předměty
Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Term Profile Cat.
FF:CJLB203Czech Literature from the Beginning to the 18th century - MA M. Hanzelkovázk 0/2/03+1 4P
FF:CJLB303Czech Literature of the 19th century Follow-up Studies - Seminar, MA Z. Urválkovázk 0/2/03+1 1P
FF:CJLB404Czech literature since 1895 Follow-up Studies - Seminar, MA L. Novákovázk 0/2/03+1 2P
FF:CJLB405Czech Literature since 1945 - Follow-up Studies - Seminar, MA Z. Fišerzk 0/2/03+1 3P
16 credits
B - doplňující předměty
Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Term Profile Cat.
FF:CJBC155Editorial Work Z. Fišerz 0/2/04 --
FF:CJLB101Gaps and Indeterminacy in Literary Work J. Tlustýk 0/2/05 --
FF:CJLB306Project seminar on 19th century literature Z. Urválkováz 0/2/02 --
FF:CJLB603Literature for Children -Follow-up Studies - Seminar, MA L. Novákovázk 0/2/04 --
FF:LMKB_a213Modern and Postmodern Novel Z. Foniokovák 2/0/0 0.4 --
FF:LMKB_a432Vybrané umělecké a myšlenkové směry v intermediálním pohledu P. Bubeníčekk 0/2/0 0.4 --
23 credits
Blok 2: jazyk

20 kreditů, z toho min. 1 kurz z profilujícího bloku v 2B a 1 kurz z profilujícího bloku v 2C

Blok 2A: čeština pro praxi
Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Term Profile Cat.
FF:CJBB190Syntax in educational practice P. Kosekz 0/2/03 --
FF:CJBB54Orthography: theory and practice, cultivation of communication J. Vojtováz 0/2/04 --
FF:CJBB85Linguistic Software D. Hlaváčkováz 0/2/03 --
10 credits
Blok 2B: diachronní lingvistika
Profilující kurzy
Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Term Profile Cat.
FF:CJBA11Czech Dialectology Z. Hladkáz 0/2/04 3P
FF:CJJ37Czech in the context of the Indo-European Languages (introduction to etymology) P. Kosekzk 2/0/05 2P
9 credits
Ostatní kurzy
Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Term Profile Cat.
FF:CJBA18Historical Toponomastics M. Boháčovák 2/0/04 --
4 credits
Blok 2C: synchronní lingvistika
Profilující kurzy
Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Term Profile Cat.
FF:CJA055Grammar and Lexicon, Pt. P. Karlíkzk 2/0/06 2P
FF:CJBB184Language Typology P. Cahaz 0/2/04 1P
FF:CJBB72Aspects of language cultivation (An introduction) M. Křístekz 0/2/04 2P
14 credits
Ostatní kurzy
Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Term Profile Cat.
FF:CJBB112Passive voice in Czech P. Karlíkz 0/2/04 --
FF:CJBB166Time and Space in Language P. Cahaz 0/2/04 --
FF:CJBB175Chrematonyms in Czech Republic J. Pleskalovák 2/0/03 --
FF:CJBB192Are there sentences without a subject? P. Karlíkz 0/2/04 --
FF:CJBB199Research Skills: critical thinking and efficient presentations M. Starkek 0/2/05 --
FF:CJBB40Stylistics - an optional seminar M. Křístekz 0/2/04 --
FF:CJBB66Pragmatics P. Kosekz 2/0/04 --
FF:CJBB110Pragmatics, Pt. II P. Karlíkz 0/2/04 --
FF:CJJ36Morphophonological explorations M. Zikovák 0/2/04 --
36 credits
Blok 2D: doplňkové jazyky
Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Term Profile Cat.
FF:CJBA37Slovak Language J. Vojtováz 0/2/03 --
FF:CJBA49Russian for students of Czech studies, Pt. I J. Vojtováz 0/2/03 --
FF:CJBA50Russian for the students of Czech studies, Pt.II J. Vojtováz 0/2/03 --
FF:CJBB155Latin for the Students of Bohemistics P. Mazáčováz 1/1/03 --
12 credits

Předměty k diplomové práci

20 kreditů

Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Term Profile Cat.
FF:CJXL04A Thesis Seminar, Pt. I Z. Fišerz 0/2/010 3P
FF:CJXL05A Thesis Seminar, Pt. II Z. Fišerz 0/2/010 4P
FF:CJXL06MA thesis Z. Fišerz 0/0/0- 4P
20 credits

Specializační část

Compulsory courses

20 kreditů

Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Term Profile Cat.
FF:CJL11Thinking about Literature I Z. Urválkovázk 2/0/010 3P
FF:CJL12Thinking about Literature I Z. Fišerzk 2/0/010 4P
20 credits

Selective courses

20 kreditů

Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Term Profile Cat.
FF:CJLB101Gaps and Indeterminacy in Literary Work J. Tlustýk 0/2/05 --
FF:CJLB105Multilingualism of Czech countries from an intercultural perspective Z. Urválkovák 2/0/05 --
FF:CJLB602Interpretation of Fantastic literature T. Dědinováz 0/2/04 --
FF:CJLB604The Idyll in the Modern Czech Literature M. Fránekz 2/0/0 0.4 3-
FF:CJLB605Young adult iterature Z. Fišerz 0/2/04 --
FF:CJLB707Crossroads of literary traffic Z. Urválkovák 2/0/04 --
FF:CJLB708Crossroads of Literary Traffic: Field Research Z. Urválkovák 0/2/05 --
FF:CJLB709From manuscript to book edition Z. Urválkovák 2/0/05 --
FF:UCJL17Insights into 20th Century World Literature Z. Fišerz 1/2/05 --
41 credits

Elective courses

Blok 1: literatura

Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Term Profile Cat.
FF:UCJL06Theory of Literature J. Tlustýk 2/0/04 --
FF:UCJL07Czech Literature from the Beginnings to the 18th century for Bachelor M. Hanzelkovázk 0/2/04 --
8 credits

Blok 2: jazyk

Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Term Profile Cat.
FF:CJBB133Historical Grammar of Czech P. Kosekz 0/2/04 --
FF:CJBB179Czech Syntax: a transition course P. Karlíkzk 0/2/04 --
8 credits