FF FNMNGKpJ Culture Management
Name in Czech: Management v kultuře
master's full-time single-subject, language of instruction: Czech Czech
Included in the programme: FF N-MNGK_ Culture Management

Introductory information / Instructions

POZOR: tato šablona má pouze orientační charakter – pro registraci a zápis předmětů je nutno použít aktuální registrační šablonu. Průchod studiem kontrolujte výhradně dle kontrolní šablony určené pro váš imatrikulační ročník.

Student musí během studia absolvovat povinné předměty (68 kreditů), kredity spojené s diplomovou prací (20 kreditů), kredity za povinně volitelné předměty (nejméně 22 kreditů) a kredity za výběr z předmětů volitelných a povinně volitelných (nejméně 10 kreditů). Předměty Základy ekonomie a Ekonomie kultury je kvůli návaznosti vhodné absolvovat hned v prvním semestru studia. Odbornou praxi je možné absolvovat ve kterémkoliv semestru studia, ale pouze jedenkrát za studium.

Semester 1

Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Profile Cat. Requirement
ESF:BPE_ZEKOPrinciples of Economics M. Jandovázk 2/0/04 P P
ESF:BPH_ZMANPrinciples of Management J. Procházkazk 2/1/05 Z P
ESF:MPV_EKKUCultural Policy F. Svobodazk 2/1/05 Z P
FF:MVKU_04Select Lecture of the history F. Svobodak 2/0/04 P P
18 credits

Semester 2

Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Profile Cat. Requirement
ESF:BPV_ERNOEconomy and Management of Non-profit Organizations V. Hyánekzk 2/2/08 P P
ESF:BPV_MVVSMarketing, fundraising and Communication in Non-profit Sector S. Škarabelovázk 2/2/06 P P
ESF:BPV_ZVFSIntroduction to Public Finance and Public Administration R. Jahodazk 2/2/08 P P
ESF:MPP_OPVZBusiness Law F. Hamplzk 1/1/04 P P
FF:MVKU_05Select Lecture of the systematics F. Svobodak 2/0/04 P P
FF:MVKU_10Work Experience V. Pantůčekz 0/0/0 80 hodin.6 - P
36 credits

Semester 3

Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Profile Cat. Requirement
ESF:MPR_ORKHProtection and Regeneration of Cultural Values in Teritory V. Pařilzk 2/1/05 P P
ESF:MPV_MAUDManagement Accounting and Taxes in the Non-profit Sector M. Hladkázk 1/2/05 - P
FF:MVKU_01Diploma Seminar I V. Pantůčekz 0/2/010 P -
FF:MVKU_07Operation of the activities in the culture V. Pantůčekk 0/2/04 P P
24 credits

Semester 4

Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Profile Cat. Requirement
FF:MVKU_01bDiploma Seminar II V. Pantůčekz 0/2/010 P -
FF:MVKU_02Thesis V. Pantůčekz 0/0/0 individuální konzultace.- P -
FF:MVKU_03State final examenation F. SvobodaSZk 0/0/0- - P
10 credits

Any semester

Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Profile Cat. Requirement
FF:HV_732Dramaturgy of opera J. Zahrádkak 1/1/03 - PV
FF:HV_755Chapters from Aesthetisc of Music L. Spurnýzk 2/0/04 - PV
ESF:MPP_PRPRLabour Law P. Dvořákovázk 2/0/04 - PV
ESF:MPV_RVVSPublic Management D. Špačekzk 2/2/08 - PV
FF:MVK_13Copyright Law for Arts Management V. Pantůčekz 0/1/03 - PV
FF:MVK_23Sociological Research in Art and Culture M. Bekk 1/1/04 - PV
FF:MVK_25Chapters from the history of cultural economics and cultural institutions F. Svobodak 1/1/03 - PV
FF:MVK_26External Conference - Art's Management V. Pantůčekz 0/0/0 konference.2 - PV
FF:MVK_29Data processing and visualization F. Svobodak 0/1/03 - PV
FF:MVK_30Book culture and practice F. Svobodak 1/1/03 - PV
FF:MVK_32Actual trends in heritage institutions F. Svobodaz 0/0/22 - PV
FF:MVK_33Festival organization in theory and practice F. Svobodak 2/0/03 - PV
FF:SUS_08Seminar of criticism and cultural journalism J. Zahrádkak 0/2/04 - PV
FF:SUS_122The Culture History of Bohemia in in the years 1890-1938 M. Jeřábekk 2/0/04 - PV
FF:SUS_133The aristocratics representation T. Jeřábekk 2/0/04 - PV
FF:SUS_151aPersonalities of Czech and international Design I. D. Koudelkovák 2/0/03 - PV
FF:SUS_151bPersonalities of Czech and international Design II. D. Koudelkovák 2/0/03 - PV
FF:SUS_179Mysterium opery D. Koudelkovák 2/0/03 - PV
FF:SUS_191History of Applied Art I D. Koudelkovázk 2/0/04 - PV
FF:SUS_192History of Applied Art and Design D. Koudelkovázk 2/0/04 - PV
FF:SUS_210New Waves in West European Cinemas D. Koudelkovák 2/0/04 - PV
FF:SUS_211New Waves in East European Cinemas D. Koudelkovák 2/0/04 - PV
FF:SUS_220Searching for New Forms of Architecture D. Koudelkovák 0/0/04 - PV
FF:SUS_221The dawn of the century and architecture: Art Nouveau and its stylistic forms D. Koudelkovák 0/0/04 - PV
FF:SUS_222Czech opera of the 19th century through the eyes of English and American musicology M. Štědroňk 2/0/04 - PV
FF:SUS_223Selected chapters from the history of graphic design D. Koudelkovák 2/0/02 - PV
FF:SUS_58Art Nouveau Culture A. Filipk 2/0/03 - PV
FF:SUS_60The Sign of Genesis: Chapters from Czech Enlightenment M. Štědroňk 2/0/03 - PV
FF:SUS_61History of Czech Jazz Music P. Macekk 2/0/03 - PV
FF:SUS_66Romanticism and its Descentants J. Stříteckýk 2/0/04 - PV
FF:SUS_70Sociology of Art M. Bekzk 2/0/04 - PV
FF:SUS_82Arthistory of Brno I. A. Filipk 2/0/04 - PV
FF:SUS_92The Pre-Raphaelites A. Filipk 2/0/03 - PV
FF:SUS_94Arthistory of Brno II. A. Filipk 2/0/04 - PV
FF:SUS_98Contemporary art in changes I. R. Horáčekk 2/0/03 - PV
FF:SUS_99Contemporary art in changes II. R. Horáčekk 2/0/03 - PV
FF:TIM_BM_003TIM_Master class J. Horákovázk 1/1/04 - PV
FF:TIM_BM_004TIM_Master class J. Horákovázk 1/1/04 - PV
FF:TIM_B_005Cyberculture J. Macekzk 1/1/05 - PV
FF:TIM_B_023Videology. The Art of Moving Images I P. Míčováz 1/1/03 - PV
FF:TIM_B_024Videology. Art of Moving Images II P. Míčovázk 1/1/04 - PV
FF:TIM_B_041Public Relations - Theory for Practice P. Míčováz 1/1/03 - PV
FF:TIM_B_042Basics of online brand communication on social networks J. Horákováz 1/1/03 - PV
FF:TIM_M_001From Electronic Music to Live Coding Performance I M. Flašarzk 1/1/06 - PV
FF:TIM_M_002From Electronic Music to Live Coding Performance II M. Flašarzk 1/1/06 - PV
FF:TIM_M_010Opinion Journalism J. Horákováz 1/1/04 - PV
FF:TIM_M_017Curatorship: the story of the profession M. Kupkováz 1/1/03 - PV
FF:TIM_M_018Curatorship: social context and practical aspects M. Kupkováz 1/1/03 - PV
FF:TIM_M_020Internet Art M. Szűcsováz 2/0/03 - PV
FF:UEV_23Cultural Andragogy L. Spurnýzk 1/1/04 - PV
FF:ZD_23Sound studies I (practice) F. Johánekz 0/2/03 - PV
FF:ZD_31Aesthetic theories of multimedia and synesthesia I M. Flašarzk 1/1/04 - PV
FF:ZD_32Aesthetic theories of multimedia and synesthesia II M. Flašarzk 1/1/04 - PV
FF:mvk_28Cultural Landscape F. Svobodak 1/1/03 - PV
196 credits