FF FDCJpSZJ Historical Languages of the Czech Lands
Name in Czech: Zemské jazyky
doctoral full-time specialized, language of instruction: Czech Czech
Included in the programme: FF D-CJ_ Czech Language

Study-related information

  • Final state doctoral examination and defence of the doctoral thesis
    The final state exam consists of two parts: the doctoral exam and defence of the Ph.D. thesis. These parts do not take place at the same time. Students must enrol for the Ph.D. exam in the fifth or sixth term of their Ph.D. studies. The exam takes place in front of a board of examiners, always during the regular exam period (i.e. either in June, or in January). Three months prior to the exam (i.e. either in March, or in October), the student will contact a supervisor of their study specialization, who will assign the student three groups of topics. For each of them, the student will prepare a presentation lasting fifteen minutes. Two of the groups of topics will then be presented in an oral form in front of the board of examiners (the choice
    of two out of three groups of topics is the competence of the board and will take place shortly before the beginning of the exam). The aim of the doctoral state exam is to prove students’ ability to present in an oral form selected topics from linguistic disciplines corresponding with the profile of the thesis and with an orientation of the Ph.D. group, in the activities of which the student actively participates. The aim of the exam is to check the ability of the Ph.D. student to interpret language phenomena, to reflect critically present-day sources, to participate in discussion and to resent their arguments in a way focused on facts.
    The aim of the Ph.D. theses is to work independently on a specific linguistic topic in an innovative way. PhD. students in their theses reflect present-day state of knowledge of the particular issues, on this basis clearly formulate the topic of their thesis, suggesting adequate methods of research, collect the data, evaluate them and analyses them critically, in the conclusions summarize the obtained results, putting
    them into a wider context of the particular discipline and clearly
    formulate, in what respect the thesis enlarges, deepens, specifies or corrects the present-day knowledge.
    Defence of the Ph.D. thesis consists of the following points: presentation of the Ph.D. student by the supervisor, presentation of main points of the thesis by the Ph.D. student, presentation of thesis reports, reaction to the reports, discussion. After the discussion, the board votes and gives a mark.
  • Requirements of the study
    A key part of study requirements in the Ph.D. study programme relates to preparation and work on the Ph.D. thesis, which is a complex scholarly work based on original research. Compulsory activities of a Ph.D. student are stated in an individual study plan. Besides compulsory courses they include independent creative work and presentation of its results – during the studies, active participation in at least one scholarly conference is required as well as publishing at least one study in a scholarly periodical. Ph.D. students are also required to participate in conferences of Ph.D. students organized by the particular
    institution. Other scholarly activities within the institution may
    include e.g. teaching, editorial work, participation e.g. in organizing conferences. As a part of the Ph.D. study programme, a stay at a university or at other research institution abroad is obligatory, selected with regard to the particular topic, providing a possibility to consult with foreign scholars and to carry out searching in current scholarly sources.

    Required courses of the Ph.D. study programme include four types of courses. Courses directly relating to proper completing of the programme, such as Theses (CJDY17), Ph.D. exam (CJDY16) and Doctoral dissertation (CJDY18).

    Another type of courses is Publication I (CJDY14), Presentation
    I (CJDY13), A study stay/internship abroad I CJDY15) and Ph.D. Day I, II a Doktorský den I, II (CJDY11,CJDY12).

    Students should try to participate in international conferences focused on topics dealt with in the Ph.D. theses. They should attempt to publish their own research in scholarly periodicals and to participate actively in meetings within the particular institution (conferences of Ph.D. students). These activities should lead students to learn how to defend results of their research work within the academic community.

    The third type of courses includes Doctoral seminars I- VIII (CJDY03-10).

    At the Department of Czech Language, Faculty of Arts, Masaryk University, these courses are organized in three simultaneously-running groups, in which students focused within their Ph.D. theses on diachronic research of language, on generative grammar and on corpus linguistics. The work consists of tasks assigned to students by the supervisor of the particular group and of invited lectures by Czech and foreign experts.

    The fourth type of courses includes Philosophy of Language (CJDY01) and
    Foreign Language (CJDY02).

    The remaining number of credits (90) in the specialization Land languages includes two compulsory courses (Textual Criticism I - LMD_001 and Textual Criticism II - LMD_002), selective courses relating to the particular specialization, selective courses supporting activities of students relating to publishing and elective courses offered by other
    philological departments.

    Depending on the topic of the thesis, students choose selective courses relating to the particular specialization (see below), selective courses supporting activities of students relating to publishing and elective courses offered by other philological departments.

    Courses relating to the particular specialization from the sphere of land languages are: two compulsory courses -Textual Criticism I (LMD_001), Textual Criticism
    II(LMD_002) and seven selective courses - Old Czech (CJDSM001), Czech Medieval Literature (CLDS_a33), Parallels of Early Modern Period (CLDS_a34), Medieval Latin (LMD_003), German Language in the Middle
    Ages(NJDS_001), Medieval Latin Literature (LMD_004), Medieval German Literature (NJDS_002). Depending on the topic of the thesis, students are required to enrol for at least four courses relating to the particular specialization.
  • Proposal of dissertation topics and topics of defended dissertations
    Defended theses
    Mgr. Jakub Machura, Ph.D. (učo ), Automatické doplňování a korekce interpunkce v češtině, https://is.muni.cz/auth/th/qebgq/;

    Mgr. et Mgr.Lucie Janků, Ph.D. (učo ), The Nanosyntax of Czech Nominal Declension, https://is.muni.cz/auth/th/qebgq/;

    Mgr. et Mgr. Ondřej Mrázek, Ph.D. (učo 383957), Strojové zpracování starších biblických textů, https://is.muni.cz/auth/th/in9zq/;

    Kateřina Najbrtová (učo 145034). Korpusová analýza přejímání valenčních rámců u adjektiv derivovaných sufixem -telný, https://is.muni.cz/th/145034/ff_d/;

    Olga Navrátilová (učo 109306). Slovosled posesivních zájmen ve staré češtině, https://is.muni.cz/th/109306/ff_d/;

    Jana Nová (učo 106015). Běžná mluva nejmladší generace v západočeském pohraničí, https://is.muni.cz/th/106015/ff_d/;

    Suggestion of theses topics:

    1. Clitic climbing ve staré češtině

    2. Syntaktické funkce staročeského supina

    3. Budování diachronního transliterovaného korpusu historické češtiny

    4. Životy svatých Otců - jazyková, textová a stylová analýza

    5. Slovotvorné postupy Mistra Klareta

Recommended progress through the study plan

Společná část

Compulsory courses

Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Term Profile Cat.
FF:CJDY01Philosophy of Language P. Cahak 2/0/010 1-
FF:CJDY02Foreign Language K. Osolsoběz 0/0/05 --
FF:CJDY03Doctoral seminar I K. Osolsoběz 1/1/015 1-
FF:CJDY04Doctoral seminar II K. Osolsoběz 1/1/015 2-
FF:CJDY05Doctoral seminar III K. Osolsoběz 1/1/015 3-
FF:CJDY11PhD Day I K. Osolsoběz 0/0/010 --
FF:CJDY12PhD Day II P. Kosekz 0/0/010 --
FF:CJDY13Presentation I K. Osolsoběz 0/0/05 --
FF:CJDY14Publication I K. Osolsoběz 0/0/015 --
FF:CJDY15A study stay/internship abroad I K. Osolsoběz 0/0/05 --
FF:CJDY16PhD exam K. OsolsoběSDzk 0/0/0- --
FF:CJDY17Theses K. Osolsoběz 0/0/05 8-
FF:CJDY18Doctoral dissertation K. Osolsoběz 0/0/025 8-
135 credits

Selective courses

15 kreditů

Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Term Profile Cat.
FF:AJ32058Analýza diskurzu J. Chovaneck 0/0/015 --
FF:CJDSL001Corpus linguistics K. Osolsoběz 1/0/0 probíhá formou blokových přednášek.15 --
FF:CJDSL002Critical data analysis I K. Osolsobězk 0/0/015 --
FF:CJDY06Doctoral seminar IV K. Osolsoběz 1/1/015 --
FF:CJDY07Doctoral seminar V K. Osolsoběz 1/1/015 --
FF:CJDY08Doctoral seminar VI K. Osolsoběz 1/1/015 --
FF:CJDY09Doctoral seminar VII K. Osolsoběz 1/1/015 --
FF:CJDY19Text preparation K. Osolsoběz 0/0/020 --
FF:CJDY20Publication II K. Osolsoběz 0/0/015 --
FF:CJDY21Presentation II K. Osolsoběz 0/0/05 --
FF:CJDY22A study stay/internship abroad II K. Osolsoběz 0/0/010 --
FF:CJDY23A study stay/internship abroad III K. Osolsoběz 0/0/020 --
FF:CJDY24Teaching K. Osolsoběz 0/0/05 --
FF:CLDS_a28Theories of Translation for PhD I Z. Fišerzk 0/2/0 blok.15 --
FF:CLDS_a34Parallels of Early Modern Period M. Soleiman pour Hashemizk 0/0/0 blok.15 --
FF:LgDEA09Experimental syntax and semantics I. M. Dočekalzk 0/0/015 --
FF:LgDEA10Experimental syntax and semantics II. M. Dočekalzk 0/0/015 --
FF:PGDS00EVResearch Ethics R. Švaříčekz 2/4/015 --
255 credits

Specializační část

Compulsory courses

Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Term Profile Cat.
FF:LMD_001Textual Criticism I P. Kosekk 0/0/015 1-
FF:LMD_002Textual Criticism II P. Mutlovák 0/0/015 2-
30 credits

Selective courses

60 kreditů

Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Term Profile Cat.
FF:CJDSM001Old Czech P. Kosekz 1/0/0 probíhá formou blokových přednášek.15 4-
FF:LMD_003Medieval Latin P. Mutlovák 0/0/0 blok.15 4-
FF:CLDS_a33Czech Medieval Literature Z. Urválkovák 0/0/0 blok.15 5-
FF:LMD_004Medieval Latin Literature J. Nechutovák 0/0/0 blok.15 5-
FF:NJDS_001German Language in the Middle Ages S. Stanovskák 0/0/0 blok.15 4-
FF:NJDS_002Medieval German Literature S. Stanovskák 0/0/0 blok.15 5-
90 credits