FI PSKA Computer Networks and Communications
Name in Czech: Computer Networks and Communications
master's full-time specialized, language of instruction: English English
Included in the programme: FI N-PSKB_A Computer Systems, Communication and Security

Study-related information

  • Parts of the final state examination and its content
    The state final exam consists of two separately classified parts: defense of the diploma thesis and professional final examination. The entire state exam lasts about one hour (approximately 30 minutes of defense, 30 minutes of examination). The presentation of the Master's Thesis is 15 minutes, the next 15 minutes is devoted to reviews and discussion. In the following oral exam, the student responds without preparation to the questions asked, typically two to three questions are given, with at least one question being asked from the common core of the follow-up study program and at least one question from the student's specialization.

    The student must be able to explain the basic concepts he / she learned in the profiling subjects of the program, demonstrate the ability to use the basic techniques, methods and concepts explained in the profiling subjects of the program and must be able to respond to the relevant additional questions, selected topic is discussed in depth. If a student is not able to meet one of these requirements, the exam cannot be successfully passed.

    The precondition of access to the final exam is the submission of the Master's Thesis. In the case of negative reviews on the diploma thesis, the student may give up his/her defense, accept the "fail" and proceed straight to the oral exam. In case of unsuccessful defense, it is not possible to withdraw from examination.
  • Suggestion of theses topics and the topics of defended theses
    Examples of defended theses:
    1) Analysis of the spectrum of radiation detector:

    2) Rescue System for Sea Driving:

    3) Data collection and processing from distributed system of wireless sensors:

    4) ZigBee wireless network for collection of physical data:

    5) Designing Optimized Architecture for Solving Elliptic Curve Discrete Log Problem Using Pollard's rho method:

Recommended progress through the study plan

Obligatory courses of the programme / Povinné předměty studijního programu

Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Term Profile Cat.
FI:IA174Fundaments of Cryptography P. Novotnýzk 2/0/13+2 --
FI:MV013Statistics for Computer Science P. Hasilzk 2/2/03+2 2P
FI:PA191Advanced Computer Networking E. Hladkázk 2/0/02+2 1Z
FI:PV079Applied Cryptography V. Matyášzk 1/1/24+2 3Z
FI:SOBHADefence of Thesis D. SvobodaSZk 0/0/0- --
FI:SZMGRState Exam (MSc degree) D. SvobodaSZk 0/0/0- --
20 credits

Choice among courses of Mathematics / Volba předmětu Matematika

Pass at least 2 courses of the following list

Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Term Profile Cat.
FI:IV111Probability in Computer Science V. Řehákzk 2/2/03+2 1P
FI:MA007Mathematical Logic A. Kučerazk 2/1/14+2 1P
FI:MA010Graph Theory D. Kráľzk 2/1/03+2 1P
FI:MA012Statistics II O. Pokorazk 2/2/03+2 --
FI:MA015Graph Algorithms J. Obdržálekzk 2/1/03+2 --
FI:MA018Numerical Methods J. Zelinkazk 2/2/03+2 1P
FI:MA026Advanced Combinatorics P. Hliněnýzk 2/1/03+2 --
36 credits

Choice among courses of Informatics / Volba předmětu Informatika

Pass at least 1 course of the following list

Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Term Profile Cat.
FI:IA008Computational Logic A. Blumensathzk 2/2/03+2 --
FI:IA101Algorithmics for Hard Problems I. Černázk 2/02+2 1Z
FI:IA158 -- 0/0- --
FI:IA159Formal Methods for Software Analysis J. Strejčekzk 2/02+2 --
FI:IA169Model Checking J. Strejčekzk 2/1/03+2 1Z
FI:IV003Algorithms and Data Structures II I. Černázk 2/2/03+2 --
FI:IV054 -- 0/0- --
23 credits

Choice among courses of HW systems / Volba předmětu HW Systémy

Pass at least 2 courses of the following list. For this specialization PA174 is recommended. / V rámci této specializace se doporučuje volba PA174.

Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Term Profile Cat.
FI:IA158 -- 0/0- --
FI:PA174Design of Digital Systems II Z. Matějzk 2/02+2 1P
FI:PA175Digital Systems Diagnostics II V. Přenosilzk 2/02+2 1-
FI:PA176Architecture of Digital Systems II Z. Matějzk 2/0/02+2 2-
FI:PA190Digital Signal Processing V. Přenosilzk 2/0/02+2 2-
FI:PA192Secure hardware-based system design Z. Matějzk 2/2/25+2 --
FI:PA221Hardware description languages Z. Matějk 0/2/13+1 --
FI:PV191Embedded systems seminar Z. Matějk 0/33+1 2-
FI:PV193Accelerating Algorithms at Circuit Level V. Přenosilzk 2/02+2 2-
FI:PV194External Environments of Digital Systems V. Přenosilzk 2/02+2 2-
FI:PV198Onechip Controllers Z. Matějzk 2/0/13+2 1-
FI:PV200Introduction to hardware description languages Z. Matějk 0/2/13+1 1-
48 credits

Master's Thesis / Diplomová práce

It is necessary to collect 20 credits for completing Master's Thesis. / Povinnost získat 20 kreditů z předmětu SDIPR.

Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Term Profile Cat.
FI:SDIPRDiploma Thesis D. Svobodaz 0/0/020 --
20 credits

Obligatory courses for specialization / Povinné předměty specializace

Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Term Profile Cat.
FI:PA039Supercomputer Architecture and Intensive Computations L. Matyskazk 2/02+2 4P
FI:PA053Distributed Systems and Middleware M. Batkozk 2/0/02+2 2P
FI:PA151Wireless Networks V. Oujezskýzk 2/0/02+2 2P
FI:PA160Net-Centric Computing II L. Matyskazk 2/0/02+2 2P
FI:PV169Communication Systems Basics V. Oujezskýzk 2/0/02+2 1P
FI:PV188Principles of Multimedia Processing and Transport E. Hladkázk 2/0/02+2 3Z
FI:PV233Switching, Routing and Wireless Essentials J. Pelikánzk 2/23+2 3P
FI:PV234Enterprise Networking, Security, and Automation J. Pelikánzk 2/23+2 4P
34 credits