PdF P00901 Social Education
Název anglicky: Social Education
doktorský prezenční, vyučovací jazyk: angličtina angličtina
Zahrnut v programu: PdF D-SE Social Education
Kód Název Garant Ukončení Rozsah Kreditů Profilace Povinnost
PdF:RCSZ_AJC1Anglický jazyk pro doktorské studium – úroveň C1 R. Heroutzk 0/2/07 - P
PdF:SODA001Preparation of the Dissertation Thesis 1-8 D. Klapkok 0/0/0 konz.15 - P
PdF:SODA002Professional Orientation in the Field 1-8 D. Klapkok 0/0/0 konzultace.5 - P
PdF:SODA003Methodology of Scientific Work in Education 1 T. Janíkk 0/0/04 - P
PdF:SODA004Methodology of Scientific Work in Education 2 T. Janíkzk 0/0/06 - P
PdF:SODA005Research Internship Abroad K. Pančochak 0/0/010 - P
PdF:SODA006Quantitave and Qualitative Methods in Education Research 1 J. Německ 0/0/04 - P
PdF:SODA007Quantitave and Qualitative Methods in Education Research 2 J. Němeczk 0/0/06 - P
PdF:SODA008Philosophical Antropology in the Context of Social Education M. Kaplánekzk 0/0/010 - P
PdF:SODA009Social Theories and Theories of Education in the Paradigms of Knowledge 1 D. Klapkok 0/0/04 - P
PdF:SODA010Social Theories and Theories of Education in the Paradigms of Knowledge 2 D. Klapkozk 0/0/06 - P
PdF:SODA011Social Education and Leisure Activities J. Německ 0/0/07 - PV
PdF:SODA012Internationalization and Multiculturalism in the Era of Globalization K. Pančochak 0/0/07 - PV
PdF:SODA013Social Inclusion and development of management skills of a Social educator V. Vojtovák 0/0/07 - PV
PdF:SODA014Social Inclusion and development of psychomotor skills of a Social educator V. Vojtovák 0/0/07 - PV
PdF:SODA016Applied Social Psychology J. Marešk 0/0/107 - PV
112 kreditů