PdF EDIp Education for Diversity and Inclusion
Název anglicky: Education for Diversity and Inclusion
bakalářský prezenční jednooborový, vyučovací jazyk: angličtina angličtina
Zahrnut v programu: PdF B-EDI Education for Diversity and Inclusion

Informace o studiu

  • Součásti SZZ a jejich obsah
    The state final exam will consist of a defence of the project (Project completion - Final thesis and final paper defence) and two other subjects. Before the final state examination, there will be a course that will prepare students for the final defense of their project (Project presentation and peer-review).
    The first course, Educational strategies for inclusion and diversity in the 21st century, covers the key theoretical subjects of the study. It focuses on pedagogical and psychological knowledge in inclusive education. The second state exam is called Electronic portfolio assessment: implications for practice. It focuses on the portfolio that students collect throughout the semesters and practical examples of the use of selected methods of working with specific target groups in the educational context.
  • Návrh témat kvalifikačních prací a témata obhájených prací
    - Teachers’ perspectives on supporting learners experiencing barriers to learning
    - Attitudes of mainstream school educators toward the implementation of inclusive education
    -Inclusion of culturally and linguistically diverse learners
    -Supervision and the Effectiveness of specific organization: Case study from the field

Doporučený průchod studijním plánem

Required Courses

Kód Název Garant Ukončení Rozsah Kreditů Semestr Profilace
PdF:SOe100Study skills in English 1 L. Štěpánekz 0/2/04 1-
PdF:SOe101Adapation and integration M. Košatkováz 0/0/25 1-
PdF:SOe103Inclusive education and intercultural education Z. Janíkzk 0/2/06 1P
PdF:SOe109Study skills in English 2 L. Štěpánekz 0/2/04 2-
PdF:SOe110Engaging Diversity in Communication with Cultural Others Z. Janíkzk 0/2/05 2P
PdF:SOe111Theory and Methodology of Education M. Kurowskik 1/0/06 2Z
PdF:SOe200Introduction to Project Management and Writing L. Štěpánekz 0/2/02 3-
PdF:SOe201Intercultural Pedagogy, Teaching and Learning across cultures Z. Janíkk 0/2/05 3P
PdF:SOe202Research in Education K. Vlčkovázk 1/1/05 3Z
PdF:SOe203Self experience preparation for profession J. Nehybaz 0/1/05 3-
PdF:SOe300Edupreneurship L. Škarkovák 0/0/1.56 5P
PdF:SOe301Reflective experiential learning J. Nehybaz 0/0/2.55 5P
PdF:SOe302Global Learning and Social Justice M. Košatkováz 0/2/06 5P
PdF:SOe308Current Approaches and Theories in Education M. Košatkovázk 0/2/06 6Z
70 kreditů

Bachelor Thesis

Kód Název Garant Ukončení Rozsah Kreditů Semestr Profilace
PdF:SOe303Project writing M. Košatkováz 0/0/0 jiná.3 5P
PdF:SOe309Project completion M. Košatkováz 0/0/03 6P
PdF:SOe310Project presentation and peer-review M. Košatkovák 0/0/04 6P
10 kreditů

Practical Training

Kód Název Garant Ukončení Rozsah Kreditů Semestr Profilace
PdF:SOe104School and educational institution M. Kurowskiz 0/2/05 1P
PdF:SOe207International mobility/internship Z. Janíkz 0/0/0 12 weeks.15 4P
PdF:SOe208International Internship Reflection M. Košatkovák 0/0/.55 4-
25 kreditů

Selective Courses

Students choose from the list of selective courses 65 credits. In the third semester they choose at least one of the selective courses. The remaining 10 credits are added from the university's list of optional courses.

Special Education

Kód Název Garant Ukončení Rozsah Kreditů Semestr Profilace
PdF:SOe108Special and Inclusive Education H. Vaďurováz 0/2/04 1-
PdF:SOe112Education for All – Experiences from Practice V. Vojtovák 0/2/05 2-
PdF:SOe117Specific Learning Disability I. Jůzovák 0/2/04 2-
PdF:SOe206Education for All – Experiences from Practice 2 V. Vojtovák 0/2/05 3-
18 kreditů

Social Education

Kód Název Garant Ukončení Rozsah Kreditů Semestr Profilace
PdF:SOe107Personal and Social Education M. Košatkováz 0/2/04 1-
PdF:SOe111Theory and Methodology of Education M. Kurowskik 1/0/06 2-
PdF:SOe114Outdoor education and drama education M. Košatkováz 0/0/14 2-
PdF:SOe205Practice Teaching Assistant - Tutoring M. Košatkováz 0/0/2.54 3-
PdF:SOe306Teaching and learning (in) the circle M. Kurowskik 0/2/05 5-
PdF:SOe312Global Development Education in Teachers Training M. Kurowskiz 0/2/04 6-
27 kreditů

Pedagogy and Psycholgy

Kód Název Garant Ukončení Rozsah Kreditů Semestr Profilace
PdF:SOe105Introduction to Education and Psychology J. Bradovázk 2/0/05 1-
PdF:SOe106Introduction to Education and Psychology (sem) J. Bradováz 0/1/03 1-
PdF:SOe113Educational Psychology J. Marešk 1/1/04 2-
PdF:SOe115Developmental Psychology T. Kohoutekk 0/0/.54 2-
PdF:SOe116Educational Communication J. Bradovák 0/0/.54 2-
PdF:SOe204Practice Teaching Assistant - Assisting L. Škarkováz 0/0/2.54 3-
PdF:SOe209International Teaching Practice P. Svojanovskýk 0/0/0 60 hours.7 4-
PdF:SOe305Alternative and Innovative Education R. Pospíšilk 0/2/05 5-
PdF:SOe307Educational Assessment of students J. Bradovák 0/2/05 5-
PdF:SOe311Support of Student's Self-development through Coaching Techniques P. Svojanovskýz 0/2/04 6-
45 kreditů