Dental Hygiene (bachelor's full-time single-subject)

1st year
1st term
LF:BHAN011P Anatomy - lecture • 100 %
LF:BHOM011S Oral microbiology - seminar • 100 %
LF:BHOP0161X Professional practice I • 100 %
LF:BHVT011S Basics of Computer Science and Informatics - Seminar • 100 %
LF:BHZL0121C Dentistry I - practice • 100 %
LF:BHZL0121P Dentistry I - lecture • 100 %
LF:BHBC011P Biochemistry - lecture • 97 %
LF:BHBF011S Biophysics - seminar • 97 %
LF:BHFY011P Physiology - lecture • 97 %
LF:BHBB011S Cell biology and genetics - seminar • 94 %
LF:BHLT011S Medical Terminology - seminar • 94 %
LF:BHOH011S Oral histology and embryology - seminar • 67 %
LF:BHPO011C First Aid - practice • 64 %
LF:BHPO011P First Aid - lecture • 64 %
LF:BHOH011P Oral histology and embryology - lecture • 33 %
2nd term
LF:BHOH0251C Oral hygiene I - practice • 97 %
LF:BHOH0251P Oral hygiene I - lecture • 97 %
LF:BHOP0262X Professional Practice II • 97 %
LF:BHPD0251C Periodontics, oral pathology I - practice • 97 %
LF:BHPD0251P Periodontics, oral pathology I - lecture • 97 %
LF:BHZL0222C Dentistry II - practice • 97 %
LF:BHPF021P Pathophysiology - lecture • 94 %
LF:BHPP0221X Prázdninová praxe I • 94 %
LF:BHZL0222P Dentistry II - lecture • 94 %
LF:BHHI021P Histology • 66 %
LF:BHPA021S Pathological Anatomy - seminary • 66 %
LF:BHZL0222S Dentistry II - seminar • 66 %
LF:BHZO021C Nursing • 66 %
LF:BHHY021S Hygiene and epidemiology - seminar • 31 %
LF:BHPA021P Pathological Anatomy - lecture • 31 %
2nd year
3rd term
LF:BHBP0341 Bachelor's thesis I • 100 %
LF:BHED031C Education at work of dental hygienists - practice • 100 %
LF:BHED031P Education at work of dental hygienists - lecture • 100 %
LF:BHHE031C Bases of Hygiene in Dentistry - practice • 100 %
LF:BHHE031P Bases of Hygiene in Dentistry - lecture • 100 %
LF:BHOH0352C Oral Hygiene II - practice • 100 %
LF:BHOH0352P Oral Hygiene II - lecture • 100 %
LF:BHOP0363X Professional Practice III • 100 %
LF:BHAJ0121 English language I - practice • 91 %
LF:BHBP031S First aid - seminar • 91 %
LF:BHET031S Ethics and communication - seminar • 91 %
LF:BHFA031S Pharmacology - seminar • 91 %
LF:BHPD0352C Periodontics, oral mucosal disease II - practice • 91 %
LF:BHPD0352P Periodontics, oral mucosal disease II - lecture • 91 %
LF:BHPS031C Psychology - practice • 91 %
LF:BHPS031P Psychology - lecture • 91 %
FSpS:P9038 Physical Education – Yoga • 18 %
FSpS:P923 Physical Education – Total body training • 18 %
4th term
LF:BHBP0442 Bachelor Thesis II • 100 %
LF:BHKA041P Anatomy of the Head and Nerve Tracts - Lecture • 100 %
LF:BHOH0453C Oral Hygiene III - practice • 100 %
LF:BHOH0453P Oral Hygiene III - lecture • 100 %
LF:BHOP0464X Professional practice IV • 100 %
LF:BHPP0422X Prázdninová praxe II • 100 %
LF:BHAJ0222 English language II - practice • 91 %
LF:BHKL041S Clinical Medicine - seminar • 91 %
LF:BHPD0453C Periodontics, oral mucosal disease III - practice • 91 %
LF:BHPD0453P Periodontics, oral mucosal disease III - lecture • 91 %
LF:BHPZ041C Preventive Dentistry - practice • 91 %
LF:BHPZ041P Preventive Dentistry - lecture • 91 %
LF:BHSL041P Social Medicine and Public Health - lecture • 91 %
LF:BHZM041S Imaging methods in dentistry - seminar • 91 %
FSpS:P995 Physical Education – Spinning • 18 %
3rd year
5th term
LF:BHBP0543 Bachelor Thesis III • 100 %
LF:BHEM051 Economics and Marketing • 100 %
LF:BHOH0554C Oral Hygiene IV - practice • 100 %
LF:BHOH0554P Oral Hygiene IV - lecture • 100 %
LF:BHOP0565X Professional practice V • 100 %
LF:BHPD0554C Periodontics, oral mucosal disease IV - practice • 100 %
LF:BHPD0554P Periodontics, oral mucosal disease IV - lecture • 100 %
6th term
LF:BHBP0644 Bachelor Thesis IV • 100 %
LF:BHDV061 Dermatovenereology • 100 %
LF:BHOH0655C Oral Hygiene V - practice • 100 %
LF:BHOH0655P Oral Hygiene V - lecture • 100 %
LF:BHOP0666X Professional practice VI • 100 %
LF:BHPD0655C Periodontics, oral mucosal disease V - practice • 100 %
LF:BHPD0655P Periodontics, oral mucosal disease V - lecture • 100 %

The information was preprocessed: 5/10/2024 11:31

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