Elements performed on different apparatuses 1 – Inverted pike hang
- Technique
- View of the practitioner
- Biomechanics
- Faults
- Physical preparation
- Drill
- Spotting
- Worksheets
L-sit is a basic static element in which the lower limbs and trunk form a right angle. It can be performed on various apparatuses in two basic versions - hanging L-sit or in the support position. Alternatively, L-sit pull-ups can be performed.
L-sit – In hang
L-sit – Still rings L-sit – Horizontal bar L-sit – Parallel bars -
L-sit – In pull-ups
L-sit – Horizontal bar -
L-sit – In support
L-sit – Racks 1 L-sit – Racks 2 L-sit – Horizontal bar L-sit – On floor L-sit – Still rings
Raising the lower limbs into an L-sit is a rotational movement. The axis of rotation passes through the hip joints. The movement is based on the principle of the lever, where the gymnast overcomes the moment of gravitational force of the lower limbs with the moment of muscular force of the hip flexors.
- Trunk and legs do not form a 90° angle.
- Bent legs.
- Insufficient extension in the shoulders when performing a hanging L-sit.
Physical preparation 1
Strengthen the abdominal muscles and hip flexors.
L-sit: Physical preparation 1.1 L-sit: Physical preparation 1.2 -
Physical preparation 2
For L-sit in the support position it is necessary to strengthen the muscles of the upper limbs.
L-sit: Physical preparation 2.1 L-sit: Physical preparation 2.2