FF FBDSpV Ancient History
Name in Czech: Dějiny starověku
Bachelor's full-time minor, language of instruction: Czech Czech
Included in the programme: FF B-DST_ Ancient History

Study-related information

  • Parts of the final state examination and its content
    The bachelor's state exam is oral. Topics, knowledge of which is required, are posted on a website of the Department of Classical Studies (in Czech):
    At the bachelor's exam, knowledge of rather encyclopedic character is required. Students draw three questions from the announced sets of questions that include the introduction into Ancient History studies, the history of the ancient Near East and Egypt, the history of ancient Greece and Rome.

Recommended progress through the study plan

Povinné předměty (P+PV 60 kr.)

Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Term Profile Cat.
FF:DSBcA01Introduction to the Study of Ancient History J. Bednaříkovázk 2/0/03 1Z
FF:DSBcA02Proseminar in Ancient History M. Melounováz 0/2/03 1Z
FF:DSBcA03History of the Ancient Near East I L. Pechazk 2/2/03+3 1P
FF:DSBcA22History of the Ancient Near East II L. Pechazk 2/2/03+3 2P
FF:DSBcA05History of Ancient Greece I M. Habajzk 2/2/03+3 2P
FF:DSBcA07History of Ancient Greece II M. Habajzk 2/2/03+3 3P
FF:DSBcA09History of Ancient Rome I M. Melounovázk 2/2/03+3 2P
FF:DSBcA11History of Ancient Rome II M. Melounovázk 2/2/03+3 3P
FF:DSBcA13Intermediate Period between Antiquity and the Middle Ages J. Bednaříkovázk 2/2/04+3 4P
FF:DSBcA28History of Ancient Historiography M. Melounováz 1/1/03 1Z
52 credits

Selective courses

Pramenný jazyk

V případě, že si student zvolí blok Pramenný jazyk, musí absolvovat 2 semestry jednoho pramenného jazyka z nabídky (dle svého výběru).

Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Term Profile Cat.
FF:LJ601Latin for the Non-Latinists I P. Ševčíkk 1/1/04 --
FF:LJ602Latin for the Non-Latinists II P. Ševčíkzk 1/1/04 --
FF:LJ603Latin for the Non-Latinists III P. Ševčíkk 1/1/04 --
FF:LJ604Latin for the Non-Latinists IV Z. Čermáková Lukšovázk 1/1/04 --
16 credits
Klasická řečtina
Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Term Profile Cat.
FF:KR013Classical Greek I J. Stekláz 0/2/04 --
FF:KR014Classical Greek II J. Steklázk 0/2/04 --
FF:KR015Classical Greek III J. Stekláz 0/2/04 --
FF:KR016Classical Greek IV J. Steklázk 0/2/04 --
16 credits
Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Term Profile Cat.
FF:DSMB16Akkadian I L. Pechazk 0/4/04 --
FF:DSMB17Akkadian II L. Pechazk 0/4/04 --
FF:DSMB20Reading of Akkadian Texts I L. Pechazk 0/4/04 --
FF:DSMB21Reading of Akkadian Texts II L. Pechazk 0/4/04 --
16 credits

Širší kulturně-historicko-archeologický kontext

V případě, že si student zvolí blok Širší kulturně-historicko-archeologický kontext, musí zde získat nejméně 8 kreditů.

Nabídka předmětů vyučovaných externími odborníky (domácími nebo zahraničními) se pravidelně obměňuje.

Studijní soustředění
Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Term Profile Cat.
FF:DSBcB22Intensive Study Course M. Melounováz 0/20/04 --
FF:DSBcB35Autumn School of Roman Law M. Frýdekz 0/0/04 --
8 credits
Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Term Profile Cat.
FF:DSBcA24Topography of Ancient Greece M. Habajzk 2/0/04 --
FF:DSBcA25Topography of Ancient Rome and Italy M. Melounovázk 0/0/04 --
FF:DSBcA26History of Ancient Law I M. Frýdekz 2/0/02 --
FF:DSBcA27History of Ancient Law II M. Frýdekzk 2/0/04 --
FF:DSBcB03Auxiliary Sciences of History in the Context of Ancient History N. Jaškováz 2/0/04 --
FF:DSBcB06The Era of Julio-Claudian Dynasty in the Mirror of Petronius' and Seneca's Work N. Jaškováz 0/2/04 --
FF:DSBcB07Reflexion of Ancient Literature in Later Art J. Maláz 0/2/04 --
FF:DSBcB12The Christian Message on the Background of Roman History N. Jaškováz 1/1/04 --
FF:DSBcB15Ancient Roman Family T. Antošovskáz 1/1/04 --
FF:DSBcB19Trade in Antiquity T. Štěpánekz 2/0/04 --
FF:DSBcB20The History of "Sport" in Antiquity I - Greece J. Kouřilz 2/0/04 --
FF:DSBcB21The History of "Sport" in Antiquity - Rome J. Kouřilz 2/0/04 --
FF:DSBcB24The Formation and Development of Cities in Antiquity T. Štěpánekz 2/0/04 --
FF:DSBcB25Roman Art M. Pardyováz 2/0/04 --
FF:DSBcB26Health, Lifestyle and Medicine in Antiquity J. Kouřilz 2/0/04 --
FF:DSBcB27The Unrelenting World: Labour, Violence, and Death in Ancient Roman Society T. Antošovskáz 2/0/04 --
FF:DSBcB29Vikings on the Sea and on the Mainland J. Bednaříkováz 2/0/04 --
FF:DSBcB30History and Reenactment of Ancient Sport J. Kouřilz 0/2/04 --
FF:DSBcB31Oriental and Mystery Cults in the Ancient Mediterranean M. Šmerdak 2/0/04 --
FF:DSBcB32Late Ancient and Early Christian Culture M. Pardyováz 2/0/04 --
FF:DSBcB33History of the Jewish People in Antiquity T. Kvasničkovák 2/0/04 --
FF:DSBcB34The Criminal Law of Ancient Rome M. Frýdekk 1/1/04 --
FF:DSBcB39An Expedition in the Footsteps of Alexander the Great's Campaign J. Kouřilz 0/0/0 exkurze.4 --
FF:DSBcB40Ancient Sparta J. Kouřilz 2/0/04 --
FF:DSBcB42From Cyrus to Alexander: through the History of Achaemenid Persia M. Habajk 4/0/04 --
FF:DSBcB44 -- 0/0- --
FF:DSBcB46 -- 0/0- --
FF:DSBcB47Empires along the Silk Road N. Gottvaldováz 1/1/04 --
FF:DSBcB48 -- 0/0- --
FF:DSMB01History of Ancient Warfare - Greece J. Kouřilk 1/1/04 --
FF:DSMB24History of Ancient Warfare - Eastern Peoples M. Juríkk 1/1/04 --
FF:DSMB18Pseudo-History versus Science M. Juríkk 0/2/04 --
FF:KR017Languages and Writing Systems of the Ancient Mediterranean: Greece J. Franekk 1/0/03 --
FF:LJ404Languages and Writing Systems of the Ancient Mediterranean (Italy) D. Urbanovák 1/0/03 --
FF:KR030Magic in the Graeco-Roman World J. Franekk 2/0/04 --
FF:LJ407The Arabian World in Antiquity and Early Middle Ages I J. Bednaříkováz 2/0/03 --
FF:LJ408The Arabian World in Antiquity and Early Middle Ages II J. Bednaříkovák 2/0/03 --
FF:LJ409Etique of the civilizations of Antiquity I J. Bednaříkováz 2/0/03 --
FF:LJ410Etique of the civilizations of Antiquity II J. Bednaříkovák 2/0/03 --
FF:LJ451Lectures by Czech and Foreign Experts D. Urbanovák in blocks - Jedná se o přednášky a semináře hostů z ČR i ze zahraničí.4 --
FF:LJ453Expert lectures: Romanisation and Latinisation of the Roman Empire D. Urbanovák in blocks - Lectures held by foreign lecturers.4 --
FF:RLB112Hebrew I S. Pöder Innerhoferk 0/2/04 --
FF:RLB113Hebrew II S. Pöder Innerhoferk 0/2/04 --
152 credits