PdF NNJ2hk Lower Secondary School Teacher Training in German Language
Study-related information
- Parts of the final state examination and its content
The state final examination includes the following parts:
- German Language and Literature including subject didactics
- Thesis defence
- Pedagogical and psychological basis for the Master's degree.
The field oral examination tests knowledge in the basic areas of study:
language as a basic means of communication: basic approaches to the description of language; the importance of linguistics for foreign language didactics: the main theoretical disciplines from which didactics and methodology of language teaching draws; language norms; theoretical linguistic disciplines, their importance for language teaching and learning foreign languages; basic literature; semantics and semiotics, their role in intercultural communication; pragmatic view of language: language as a tool of action, or as a tool of action. Linguistic and pragmatic specifics of German, sociolinguistic aspects of German; comparison with Czech/Slovenian; sources and tools of linguistic research, modern outputs and applications for teaching.
Literature and Cultural Studies
The literary and cultural studies part of the CCE is based on a list of texts read.This list must include at least 20 titles, 5 of which must be children's and young adult literature. The literary and cultural part of the examination will focus on one text from the reading list submitted by the candidate and will consist of interpreting the text and placing it in a cultural, thematic or genre context. For this reason, we identify eight epochs, one of which should be used in the examination as the primary relational framework for the interpreted text.
Definition of the objectives and contents of foreign language didactics and German as a foreign language didactics; related disciplines of foreign language didactics; methodological directions of foreign language teaching; planning, preparation, reflection, self-reflection and evaluation of a teaching unit; analysis of textbooks; techniques and strategies of foreign language learning; activating and motivating teaching methods; use of various media in foreign language teaching; information technology and foreign language teaching; training in correct pronunciation; vocabulary work; grammar mediation; working with text; listening comprehension training; reading comprehension training; development of written expression; development of spoken expression; didactics of literature; didactics of realia, intercultural learning; teaching German to pupils with special educational needs; testing and examination; error issues.
The State Final Examination in Pedagogy and Psychology is an aptitude examination in which the student demonstrates knowledge of the basic pedagogical and psychological disciplines, connects them, integrates them into theoretical contexts and draws practical implications from them. The student prepares for the exam according to the specified topics, supported by professional publications (including results of pedagogical and psychological research) and a student portfolio (class preparations, video recordings, written self-reflections, seminar papers, portfolio assignments, etc.). Emphasis is placed on the critical grasp of knowledge, its interconnection, its relation to the student's previous pedagogical experience and to the solution of pedagogical-psychological problems in teaching practice. The examination in pedagogy and psychology is assessed with one mark.
- Suggestion of theses topics and the topics of defended theses
Recommended progress through the study plan
Učitelská propedeutika (20 kr.)
Povinně volitelné
Student během studia zapisuje jeden z nabízených předmětů.
Povinné předměty (P+PV 23 kr.)
U předmětů Jazyková cvičení je nutná posloupnost splnění NJ_C101, NJ_C102, NJ_C201. Další průchod je pouze doporučený (viz katalog).
Selective courses
Z povinně volitelných předmětů je nutno zvolit minimálně 5 kreditů. U předmětů s dvojím ukončením (typicky zápočet nebo kolokvium) je možno získat +2 kr. navíc za vyšší ukončení.
Volitelné předměty (4 kr.)
U předmětů s dvojím ukončením (typicky zápočet nebo kolokvium) je možno získat +1 kr. navíc za vyšší ukončení. Uvedené předměty jsou pouze příkladem, student si vybírá z nabídky volitelných předmětů Pedagogické fakulty MU předměty v hodnotě 4 kreditů.
Oborové didaktiky (10 kr.)