Law (Master's long-cycle full-time)

1st year
1st term
PrF:MP102ZK Sociology of Law • 98 %
PrF:MP106Z Roman Law I • 97 %
PrF:MP103ZK General History of Law • 96 %
PrF:MP113ZK Theory of Law I • 95 %
PrF:MP121ZK Theory of State • 95 %
PrF:MP111Z Language I.1 - English for Lawyers • 91 %
PrF:MV121K Introduction to Private Law • 63 %
PrF:EL037 Slavnostní imatrikulace - závazné potvrzení účasti • 59 %
PrF:MVE007K Development of Constitutional Law in the Czech Lands • 18 %
PrF:MVE002K Computer Processing of Scientific Text • 14 %
PrF:MVE006K History of the Czech Judiciary • 13 %
PrF:MV122K Introduction to the Study of Law • 13 %
PrF:MVE001Z Chapters from the Medieval Law in the Czech Lands • 11 %
2nd term
PrF:MP201ZK History of Czech and Czechoslovak Law in Modern Times • 97 %
PrF:MP204ZK Political Science • 97 %
PrF:MP215ZK Introduction to EU and International Law • 97 %
PrF:MP213Z Constitutional Law I • 96 %
PrF:MP220K Theory of Law II • 94 %
PrF:MP214ZK Civil Law - general part • 93 %
PrF:MP203ZK Roman Law II • 90 %
PrF:MP210Z Language I.2 - English for Lawyers • 90 %
PrF:MP221K Legal Informatics • 31 %
PrF:MP222K Legal Writing • 20 %
PrF:MVE007K Development of Constitutional Law in the Czech Lands • 19 %
PrF:MVE006K History of the Czech Judiciary • 12 %
2nd year
3rd term
PrF:MP301ZK National Economy • 95 %
PrF:MP310ZK Constitutional Law II • 95 %
PrF:MP313K Introduction to Studies of Public Administration • 94 %
PrF:MP309Z Language I.3 - English for Lawyers • 91 %
PrF:MP311ZK Absolute Property Rights • 88 %
PrF:MP221K Legal Informatics • 55 %
PrF:MP222K Legal Writing • 38 %
PrF:MVE010K The Law and Practice of International Organizations • 29 %
PrF:MVE002K Computer Processing of Scientific Text • 14 %
4th term
PrF:MP415ZK Economic Foundations of Law • 96 %
PrF:MP405Z Commercial Law I • 95 %
PrF:MP413Z Civil Procedural Law I • 92 %
PrF:MP404Z Labour Law I • 91 %
PrF:MP409ZK Language I.4 - English for Lawyers • 87 %
PrF:MP419Z Law of Obligations I • 83 %
PrF:MP416ZK Philosophy of Law • 38 %
PrF:MP417ZK History of Legal Thought • 28 %
PrF:MP222K Legal Writing • 23 %
PrF:MPP10 Practical Training I - Advocacy • 13 %
PrF:MP203ZK Roman Law II • 13 %
3rd year
5th term
PrF:MP504Z Private International Law I • 95 %
PrF:MP506Z Commercial Law II • 92 %
PrF:MP509ZK Family Law • 90 %
PrF:MP510ZK Civil Procedural Law II • 84 %
PrF:MP513ZK Law of Obligations II • 76 %
PrF:MP502ZK Labour Law II • 63 %
PrF:MP511ZK Intellectual Property Law • 58 %
PrF:MP512ZK The Law of Negotiable Instruments • 25 %
PrF:MP514ZK Labour Law II - a Seminar Focused on Skills • 24 %
PrF:EL027 Erasmus • 11 %
PrF:MPP10 Practical Training I - Advocacy • 11 %
PrF:MVE010K The Law and Practice of International Organizations • 11 %
6th term
PrF:MP615Z Administrative Law I • 96 %
PrF:MP605Z Criminal Law I • 94 %
PrF:MP601ZK Private International Law II • 91 %
PrF:MP604ZK Commercial Law III • 88 %
PrF:MP609Z Law of European Union I • 86 %
PrF:MP614ZK Execution and Bankruptcy Law • 74 %
PrF:MP801ZK Social Security Law • 15 %
PrF:MPP20 Practical Training II - Advocacy • 13 %
PrF:MP416ZK Philosophy of Law • 13 %
4th year
7th term
PrF:MP702Z Finance Law I • 96 %
PrF:MP703Z Criminal Law II • 96 %
PrF:MP719Z Administrative Law II • 96 %
PrF:MP701ZK Administrative Procedural Law • 94 %
PrF:MP726ZK Law of the European Union II • 88 %
PrF:MP705ZK Land Law • 87 %
PrF:MP724ZK International Trade Law • 87 %
PrF:MP701Z Administrative Procedural Law - Seminar • 44 %
PrF:MP705Z Land Law - Seminar • 43 %
PrF:MP724Z International Trade Law - Tutorial • 43 %
PrF:MP726Z Law of the European Union II Seminar • 43 %
PrF:MPP20 Practical Training II - Advocacy • 11 %
PrF:MP513ZK Law of Obligations II • 11 %
8th term
PrF:MP802Z Financial Law II • 95 %
PrF:MP803Z International Public Law I • 95 %
PrF:MP805Z Environmental Law I • 95 %
PrF:MP811ZK Administrative Law III • 94 %
PrF:MP1003K Diploma Seminar - Project • 93 %
PrF:MP804ZK Criminal Law III • 93 %
PrF:MP810ZK Human Rights and Judiciary • 92 %
PrF:MP801ZK Social Security Law • 88 %
PrF:MP804Z Criminal Law III - Seminar • 45 %
PrF:MP801Z Social Security Law - Seminar • 44 %
PrF:MP811Z Administrative Law III - seminar • 44 %
PrF:MP810Z Human Rights and Judiciary - Seminar • 43 %
PrF:MPP30 Practical Training III - Advocacy • 12 %
PrF:MPP40 Practical Training IV - Advocacy • 12 %
PrF:MP614ZK Execution and Bankruptcy Law • 12 %
5th year
9th term
PrF:MP903 Legal Interpretation and Reasoning • 97 %
PrF:MP929Z Financial Law III - Seminar • 97 %
PrF:MP904Z Environmental Law - Seminar • 96 %
PrF:MP905Z International Public Law II - Seminar • 96 %
PrF:MP911Z The Law of Negotiable Instruments - Tutorial • 94 %
PrF:MP911ZK The Law of Negotiable Instruments • 94 %
PrF:MP929ZK Financial Law III • 94 %
PrF:MP904ZK Environmental Law II • 92 %
PrF:MP905ZK International Public Law II • 92 %
PrF:MP1004K Diploma Seminar I • 85 %
PrF:MP903K Moral Reasoning • 42 %
PrF:MP930K Professional Ethics of Lawyers • 34 %
PrF:MP909K Legal Interpretation and Complex Cases • 21 %
PrF:MPP40 Practical Training IV - Advocacy • 12 %
10th term
PrF:MP1006Z Diploma Thesis • 93 %
PrF:MP1008 Civil Law - Pre-state-examination Camp • 70 %
PrF:MP1001 Master`s Degree Examination • 19 %
PrF:PV110 Civil Law and Procedure • 18 %
PrF:PV210 Criminal Law and Procedure • 17 %
PrF:MPP40 Practical Training IV - Advocacy • 11 %

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