Balance beam 3 – Full turn with changing feet
The gymnast steps forward on her foot on which she starts the turn. The other leg is lifted from behind into a passé position. The rotation is initiated by the arms moving from the preparatory position to the upright position. After a turn of approximately 270°, the gymnast places her raised foot on the balance beam about hip width apart. The legs are switched, so the other leg is raised on the passé. In this position, the gymnast completes the turn. The element is finished by stepping the raised lower limb forward while moving the arms sideways.
This full turn with changing feet is particularly difficult because of maintaining balance during the rotational movement. At the same time, there is a slight translational movement of the centre of gravity in the axis of the beam. Stability during the movement is determined by the height of the centre of gravity when standing on tiptoe. Furthermore, by the small base of support.
- Body in not strengthened.
- Head flexion.
Physical preparation 1
Stand on one foot on the whole foot or on the toe.
Full turn with changing feet: Physical preparation 1 -
Physical preparation 2
Repeated raising on the toes with or without support on both feet or on one foot.
Full turn with changing feet: Physical preparation 2
Drill 1
The turn should be practiced first on the line on the ground, then on the balance beam "trainer", and finally on the balance beam.
Full turn with changing feet: Drill 1