In the context of article processing charges (APCs), untrustworthy journals are connected with practices such as non-transparent information about APCs or providing information about them only after the fact (a surprise in the form of unexpected invoices). The amount of APCs may also be very low and therefore cannot cover the costs for publishing an article.
Although it was found that the average cost imposed by western publishers to publish an article is approximately 500 EUR, it cannot be considered a universal guideline which distinguishes untrustworthy journals from the others, because the economies of various countries differ. The amount of APCs as a criterion is disputable for one more reason: today there are many untrustworthy journals that require an APC amount similar to that of traditional publishers (see below the example Journal of Immunobiology x Immunobiology).

When assessing the APC criterion you should determine whether the journal states the exact amount of APCs clearly and intelligibly. It is typical of untrustworthy journals that they provide the amount of APCs together with some note – usually on the same page – in which the publisher reserves the right to charge additional fees.
As an example the publishing house Allied Academies may serve (see below). Publishing an article here requires not only paying APCs but also for membership in an unspecified organization with a yearly fee of 75 USD.