LF NIP01 Intensive Care
Name in Czech: Intenzivní péče
master's full-time single-subject, language of instruction: Czech Czech
Included in the programme: LF N-IP Intensive Care

Recommended progress through the study plan

povinné předměty

1. ročník

Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Term Profile Cat.
LF:MIAL011Algesiology - lecture R. Gálzk 2/0/0 30.2 1Z
LF:MIAM021pData Management and Analysis for Medical branches - lecture L. Dušekk 1/0/0 15.1 2P
LF:MIAM021sData Management and Analysis for Medical branches - practice L. Dušekz 0/1/0 15.1 2P
LF:MIAN011pAnesthesiology lecture R. Gálzk 2/0/0 30.2 1Z
LF:MIDI011pDidactics of social interaction in Intensive care - seminars N. Beharkovák 1/0/0 15.1 1-
LF:MIDI011sDidactics of social interaction in Intensive care N. Beharkováz 0/1/0 15.1 1-
LF:MIDS0141Diploma Seminary I S. Saibertováz 0/0/0 14.1 1P
LF:MIDS0242Diploma Seminary II S. Saibertováz 0/0/0 6.1 2P
LF:MIED021cEducation at nursing intensive care - practice N. Beharkováz 0/1/0 15.1 2P
LF:MIED021pEducation at nursing intensive care - lecture N. Beharkovázk 2/0/0 30.2 2P
LF:MIHY011Hygiene and Epidemiology at intensive medicine lecture B. Rezkovák 1/0/0 15.2 1P
LF:MIAN011sAnesthesiology practice R. Gálz 0/1/0 15.1 1Z
LF:MICH021cChronic intensive nursing care - exercise M. Šenkyříkováz 0/1.4/0 20.1 2P
LF:MICH021pChronic intensive nursing care - lecture M. Šenkyříkovák 1.4/0/0 20.3 2P
LF:MIIN0231cIntensive nursing care at Internal medicine I - practice M. Šenkyříkováz 0/2/0 30.1 2P
LF:MIIN0231pIntensive nursing care at Internal medicine I - lecture J. Krejčízk 2/0/0 30.3 2P
LF:MIIP021Individual practical training of Nursing M. Šenkyříkováz 0/0/0 120.2 2P
LF:MINP011cPre-hospital emergency care - practice S. Saibertováz 0/1/0 15.1 1P
LF:MINP011pPre-hospital emergency care lecture S. Saibertovázk 2/0/0 30.3 1P
LF:MIOA011cNursing care at Anesthesiology practice D. Večerkovázk 0/2/0 30.2 1P
LF:MIOC0231cIntensive nursing care at Surgical medicine I - practice V. Procházkaz 0/1/0 15.1 2P
LF:MIOC0231pIntensive nursing care at Surgical medicine I - lecture V. Procházkazk 1.4/0/0 20.2 2P
LF:MIOP0141Practical training of Nursing I M. Šenkyříkovázk 0/0/0 160.4 1P
LF:MIOP0242Practical training of Nursing II M. Šenkyříkovázk 0/0/0 160.4 2P
LF:MIOS0121Nursing care at Resuscitation and Intensive medicine I practice M. Šenkyříkováz 0/2/0 30.3 1P
LF:MIOS0222Nursing care in the resuscitation and intensive medicine II - practice M. Šenkyříkovázk 0/2/0 30.3 2P
LF:MIRI0121pResuscitation and Intensive medicine I lecture R. Gálz 2/0/0 30.1 1Z
LF:MIRI0222pResuscitation and Intensive medicine II lecture R. Gálzk 2/0/0 30.2 2Z
LF:MIRI0222sResuscitation and Intensive medicine II - practice R. Gálz 0/1/0 15.1 2Z
LF:MIRP0141sReflections on Practical Experience I - seminar J. Večeřováz 0/0/0 12.2 1-
LF:MIRP0242sReflections on Practical Experience II - seminar J. Večeřováz 0/0/0 10.2 2-
LF:MIVO011pNursing research - lecture D. Dolanovázk 1/0/0 15.2 1P
LF:MIVO011sNursing research - practice D. Dolanováz 0/1/0 15.1 1P
60 credits

2. ročník

3. semestr
Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Term Profile Cat.
LF:MIDS0343Diploma Seminary III S. Saibertováz 0/0/0 6.1 3P
LF:MIEF031sEthical and philosophical aspects in intensive care - seminar M. Světlákk 0/1/0 15.2 3Z
LF:MIGP031cIntensive nursing care in obstetrics and gynecology - lecture R. Wilhelmováz 0/1/0 15.1 3P
LF:MIGP031pIntensive nursing care in obstetrics and gynecology - lecture R. Wilhelmovázk 1/0/0 15.2 3P
LF:MIIL031cIntensive nursing care in infectious medicine - practice S. Saibertováz 0/1/0 15.1 3P
LF:MIIL031pIntensive nursing care in infectious medicine - lecture P. Husak 1/0/0 15.1 3P
LF:MIIN0332cIntensive Nursing Care in Internal Medicine II - practice M. Šenkyříkováz 0/2/0 30.1 3P
LF:MIIN0332pIntensive Nursing Care in Internal Medicine II - lecture J. Dolinazk 2/0/0 30.2 3P
LF:MIMN0321cManagement I - practice S. Saibertováz 0/1/0 15.1 3P
LF:MIMN0321pManagement I - lecture S. Saibertováz 1/0/0 15.1 3P
LF:MIOC0332cIntensive Nursing Care in Surgery II - practice D. Večerkováz 0/0.9/0 14.1 3P
LF:MIOC0332pIntensive Nursing Care in Surgery II - lecture M. Krtičkak 0.9/0/0 14.1 3P
LF:MIOP0343Nursing Practice III M. Šenkyříkovázk 0/0/0 160.2 3P
LF:MIPO031pLegal issues in nursing - a lecture M. Koščíkk 1/0/0 15.1 3-
LF:MIPO031sLegal issues in nursing - a seminar M. Koščíkz 0/1/0 15.1 3-
LF:MIPP031cIntensive nursing care in pediatrics I - practice P. Štouračz 0/2/0 30.1 3P
LF:MIPP031pIntensive nursing care in pediatrics I - lecture P. Štouračzk 2/0/0 30.2 3P
LF:MIRE031sPhysiotherapy in Intensive Care - tutorial R. Vysokýk 0/1.4/0 20.1 3P
LF:MIRP0343sReflections on Practical Experience III - seminar J. Večeřováz 0/0/0 10.1 3-
LF:MITO031pTranscultural Nursing - lecture N. Beharkovák 1/0/0 15.1 3-
LF:MITO031sTranscultural Nursing - practice N. Beharkováz 0/1/0 15.1 3-
LF:MIVF031pSelected Chapters from Pharmacology - lecture P. Babulazk 0.9/0/0 14.2 3Z
LF:MIVF031sSelected Chapters from Pharmacology - seminar P. Babulaz 0/0.5/0 8.1 3P
LF:MIVK031sSelected Chapters from Clinical Subjects - seminar A. Pokornák 0/0.8/0 12.1 3P
30 credits
4. semestr
Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Term Profile Cat.
LF:MIDS0444Diploma Seminary IV S. Saibertováz 0/0/0 6.1 4P
LF:MIIN0433cIntensive Nursing Care in Internal Medicine III - practise S. Saibertováz 0/0.8/0 12.1 4P
LF:MIIN0433pIntensive Nursing Care in Internal Medicine III - lecture J. Mayerk 0.8/0/0 12.2 4P
LF:MIMN0422cManagement II - practise S. Saibertováz 0/1/0 15.1 4P
LF:MIMN0422pManagement II - lecture S. Saibertovázk 1/0/0 15.2 4P
LF:MIMO041cPersonal Development Management - practice M. Světlákz 0/0.8/0 12.1 4-
LF:MIMO041pPersonal Development Management - lecture M. Světlákk 0.8/0/0 12.2 4-
LF:MINE041cIntensive Nursing Care in Neurology - practise S. Saibertováz 0/0.5/0 12.1 4P
LF:MINE041pIntensive Nursing Care in Neurology - lecture P. Štouračk 1.4/0/0 21.2 4P
LF:MIOC0433cIntensive nursing care in surgical disciplines III - practise D. Večerkováz 0/0.7/0 10.1 4P
LF:MIOC0433pIntensive nursing care in surgical disciplines III - lecture M. Smrčkazk 1.4/0/0 21.2 4P
LF:MIOP0444Nursing practice IV M. Šenkyříkovázk 0/11/0 160.5 4P
LF:MIPS041cIntensive Nursing Care in Psychiatry - Practice T. Kašpárekz 0/0.7/0 10.1 4P
LF:MIPS041pIntensive nursing care in psychiatry T. Kašpárekk 0.8/0/0 12.2 4P
LF:MIRP0444sReflections on Practical Experience IV - seminar S. Saibertováz 0/0.5/0 8.2 4-
LF:MIUR041cEmergency medicine - practise M. Dolečekz 0/2/0 30.1 4P
LF:MIUR041pEmergency medicine - lecture M. Dolečekzk 2/0/0 30.3 4P
30 credits

volitelné předměty

Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Term Profile Cat.
LF:BMZP001Clinical Practice - Placement Abroad A. Pokornáz 0/0/010 --
LF:BMZS001Clinical Visit Abroad A. Pokornáz 0/0/05 --
LF:MIAJ01cEnglish language - practice V. Dvořáčkovázk 0/0/0 20.5 --
20 credits