PdF BAJ3SAcp English Language for Education
Name in Czech: English Language for Education
bachelor's full-time single-subject, language of instruction: English English
Included in the programme: PdF B-AJ3SA English Language for Education

Study-related information

  • Parts of the final state examination and its content
    The Bachelor's State Examination is held in the form of a written test with 60 questions with a choice of one correct answer. 60 minutes are available for the test. The test items are in the range corresponding to the credit load of the following courses: introduction to pedagogy and psychology, theory and methodology of education, pedagogical communication, research in pedagogical practice, special and inclusive pedagogy, basics of pedagogical diagnostics, developmental and social psychology, assistantship. For each subject there are thematic areas with corresponding literature for study. A detailed overview of the thematic areas is published on the website of the Department of Education.

    The content of the state final examination is as follows:
    - English language and literature with didactics
    - Defence of the bachelor thesis
    - Pedagogical and psychological basis for the Bachelor's degree (detailed content and scope is given in Annex 1 of the Application)

    English language and literature with didactics: The state final examination is designed as a written test. The areas of knowledge and skills to be demonstrated in the test include the content set out in the syllabuses of all compulsory linguistic, literary and cultural and didactic subjects. Emphasis is placed on the practical application of the knowledge acquired, e.g. in the form of critical work with a text. The test also assesses the level of written English (C1 according to the SERRJ). Spoken language at the same level is assessed in the examination of Practical Language 3A - C1 and in the Bachelor's thesis defence (if the candidate submits the Bachelor's thesis to the AJ Department, which is almost a rule in single-subject studies).
  • Suggestion of theses topics and the topics of defended theses
    Note: All theses are stored in the MU archives. Access to the theses is available through the MUNI IS information system: www.is.muni.cz. Here we present only examples.

    OTWINOWSKA, Ewa. Experiential learning online: A comparative case study of Intensive Language and Methodology course at the Faculty of Education, Masaryk University , 2021. Available from: https://is.muni.cz/th/uvg9o/.
    PROKOP, Petr. David Gaider's Dragon Age: The Calling - Translation and Analysis , 2021. Available from: https://is.muni.cz/th/luzzf/.
    SUGDEN, Anya. The Portrayal of Poverty in the Cinema of Ken Loach , 2021. Available from: https://is.muni.cz/th/l8v62/.
    NEKLAPILOVA, Iveta. Facing the Challenge of Student Motivation During the Covid-19 Pandemic , 2021. Available from: https://is.muni.cz/th/kecr3/.
    JEŽKOVÁ, Tereza. The role of the teacher in alternative schools , 2021. Available from: https://is.muni.cz/th/qcq8k/.
    BOREJOVÁ, Hana. Symbolism of Weather in Northanger Abbey and Jane Eyre , 2021. Available from: https://is.muni.cz/th/pieyi/.

Recommended progress through the study plan

Učitelská propedeutika (38 kr.)

Compulsory courses

Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Term Profile Cat.
PdF:SZ6600Introduction to Education and Psychology J. Bradovázk 2/0/04 1Z
PdF:SZ6601Introduction to Education and Psychology (Seminar) J. Bradováz 0/1/02 1Z
PdF:SZ6603Developmental Psychology T. Kohoutekk 1/1/03 2Z
PdF:SZ6604Theory and Methodology of Education M. Kurowskik 1/0/02 2Z
PdF:SZ6605Special and Inclusive Education K. Pančochaz 1/1/03 3Z
PdF:SZ6606Research in Education K. Vlčkovázk 1/1/04 3Z
PdF:SZ6610Basics of Educational Assessment J. Kratochvílováz 0/1/02 4Z
PdF:SZ6612Educational Communication L. Škarkovák 0/2/03 4Z
PdF:SZ6609Social Psychology J. Krásak 1/1/03 5Z
26 credits

Selective courses

Pravidla pro výběr: 2 předměy za studium

Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Term Profile Cat.
PdF:SZ6613Drama Education in Teaching Practice L. Polánkováz 0/2/02 2-
PdF:SZ6614Global Development Education in Teachers Training M. Kurowskiz 0/2/02 2-
PdF:SZ6615Cross-curricular Subjects in the National Framework Programme K. Lojdováz 0/2/02 2-
PdF:SZ6616Methods of Respecting Education Training J. Nehybaz 0/2/02 2-
PdF:SZ6617Multicultural Lectures at Secondary Education L. Gulováz 0/2/02 2-
PdF:SZ6618Personal and Social Education -z 0/2/02 2-
PdF:SZ6619Support of Student's Self-development through Coaching Techniques P. Svojanovskýz 0/2/02 2-
PdF:SZ6620Specifics of Working in a Multiethnic Classroom M. Kurowskiz 0/2/02 2-
PdF:SZ6622Values Education in Teaching Practice F. Traplz 0/2/02 2-
PdF:SZ6623Education of Talented Students E. Trnováz 0/2/02 2-
20 credits

Foreign language

Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Term Profile Cat.
PdF:JVp002Entrance Test A2 - German R. Heroutz 0/0/0 Úvodní konzultace na začátku semestru, dále samostudium.1 1-
PdF:JVp031German for Teachers - A R. Heroutz 0/2/02 2-
PdF:JVp032German for Teachers - B R. Heroutzk 0/2/03 3-
6 credits

Sports activities

Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Term Profile Cat.
FSpS:P925Physical Education – Outdoor Sports Z. Zítkaz 0/2/01 1-
FSpS:p991Physical Education – Fitness A. Koblížkováz 0/2/01 2-
2 credits

Oborová část (111 kr.)

Povinné předměty (P+PV 100 kr.)

Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Term Profile Cat.
PdF:AJ1101Practical Language 1A Z. Janíkz 0/3/0 kombinované studium: výuka v blocích.3 1P
PdF:AJ1102Practical Language 1B I. Headlandová Kalischovázk 0/3/0 kombinované studium: výuka v blocích.5 2P
PdF:AJ1103Practical Language 2A Z. Janíkz 0/4/0 kombinované studium: výuka v blocích.4 3P
PdF:AJ1104Practical Language 2B Z. Janíkz 0/3/0 kombinované studium: výuka v blocích.3 4P
PdF:AJ1105Practical Language 3A - C1 level I. Headlandová Kalischovázk 0/2/0 kombinované studium: výuka v blocích.4 5P
PdF:AJ1106Practical Language 3B I. Headlandová Kalischováz 0/2/0 kombinované studium: výuka v blocích.2 6P
PdF:AJ1201Phonetics and Phonology A I. Headlandová Kalischováz 0/2/0 kombinované studium: výuka v blocích.2 1P
PdF:AJ1202Phonetics and Phonology B I. Headlandová Kalischovázk 1/2/0 kombinované studium: výuka v blocích.5 2P
PdF:AJ1203Grammar A R. Jančaříkováz 0/2/0 kombinované studium: výuka v blocích.2 1P
PdF:AJ1204Grammar B R. Jančaříkovázk 1/1/0 kombinované studium: výuka v blocích.4 2P
PdF:AJ1205Syntax A R. Vogelz 0/2/0 kombinované studium: výuka v blocích.2 3Z
PdF:AJ1206Syntax B R. Povolnázk 0/1/0 kombinované studium: výuka v blocích.4 4Z
PdF:AJ1207Functional Linguistics O. Dontcheva-Navrátilovázk 0/2/0 kombinované studium: výuka v blocích.4 5Z
PdF:AJ1208Introduction to Linguistics for Teachers M. Adamzk 1/0/0 kombinované studium: výuka v blocích.3 1Z
PdF:AJ1209Basics of Lexicology R. Vogelk 0/2/0 kombinované studium: výuka v blocích.3 6Z
PdF:AJ1210Writing Composition B. Kašpárkovák 0/2/0 kombinované studium: výuka v blocích.5 2P
PdF:AJ1211Selected Chapters from Syntax R. Povolnák 1/0/0 kombinované studium: výuka v blocích.2 4P
PdF:AJ1301British History, Culture and Literature I Z. Janíkzk 0/3/0 kombinované studium: výuka v blocích.5 3Z
PdF:AJ1303American History, Culture and Literature I B. Kašpárkovázk 0/3/0 kombinované studium: výuka v blocích.5 5Z
PdF:AJ1304American History, Culture and Literature II B. Kašpárkovák 0/3/0 kombinované studium: výuka v blocích.4 6Z
PdF:AJ1308Inquiries in Intercultural Communication J. Zerzovák 0/2/0 kombinované studium: výuka v blocích.5 1P
PdF:AJ1312British History, Culture and Literature II L. Podroužkovázk 0/3/0 kombinované studium: výuka v blocích.8 4P
PdF:AJ1408Intensive Language and Methodology Course S. Hanušováz 0/0/3.3 týden.2 3P
PdF:AJ1409Teaching English with Technology S. Hanušováz 0/2/0 kombinované studium: výuka v blocích.2 6P
88 credits

Selective courses

Students will register compulsory-optional courses in the minimal value of 12 credits total.

Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Term Profile Cat.
PdF:AJ0311Creative Writing Workshop L. Podroužkováz 0/2/0 2 hodiny.3 3P
PdF:AJ5208Grammar Practice B R. Jančaříkovák 0/1/0 12 hodin ve 2 blocích.3 4P
PdF:AJ5209Intonation in Focus I. Headlandová Kalischovák 0/1/0 12 hodin ve 2 blocích.3 5P
PdF:AJ0103Language Practice A I. Headlandová Kalischováz 0/2/03 3P
PdF:AJ0110Language Practice 2B I. Headlandová Kalischováz 0/2/03 4P
PdF:AJ0106Spoken Fluency A I. Headlandová Kalischováz 0/2/0 2 hodiny.3 3P
PdF:AJ0112Spoken Fluency B I. Headlandová Kalischováz 0/2/0 2 hodiny.3 4P
PdF:AJ0221Functional Sentence Perspective M. Adamz 0/2/0 2 hodiny.3 4P
PdF:AJ0301English and American Film Production I. Headlandová Kalischováz 0/1.5/0 1x3 hodiny 1 za 14 dní.3 5P
PdF:AJ5203Grammar Practice A R. Jančaříkovák 0/1/0 dopolední blok 8.30-13.30, sobota 8.10.2016 a sobota 17.12. 2016.3 2P
PdF:AJ5210Syntactic Analysis R. Povolnák 0/1/0 12 hodin ve 2 blocích.3 5P
PdF:ONLINE_AEnglish Online J. Zerzovák 0/0/0 online.2 3P
35 credits

Volitelné předměty (11 kr.)

Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Term Profile Cat.
PdF:AJ0207Pronunciation Practice A O. Dontcheva-Navrátilovák 0/1/0 1 hodina.2 2-
PdF:AJ0212Sociolinguistics and English Language Teaching O. Dontcheva-Navrátilováz 0/2/0 hodiny.2 5-
PdF:AJ0216Pronunciation Practice B O. Dontcheva-Navrátilovák 0/1/0 1 hodina.2 3-
PdF:AJ0301English and American Film Production I. Headlandová Kalischováz 0/1.5/0 1x3 hodiny 1 za 14 dní.3 3-
PdF:AJ0302Current Events in English Speaking Countries L. Podroužkovák 0/2/0 2 hodiny.3 2-
PdF:AJ0303Creative Poetry Writing L. Podroužkováz 0/0/0 online.2 4-
PdF:AJ0313Creative Writing L. Podroužkováz 0/2/02 2-
PdF:AJ0403Music in a Language Classroom A. Dobrovolnáz 0/2/02 3-
PdF:AJ0405Team Project A. Dobrovolnák 0/0/3.3 týden.2 4-
PdF:AJ0502Editing a Journal G. Oaklandovák 0/1/02 5-
PdF:AJ0203Academic Skills: Listening O. Dontcheva-Navrátilováz 0/2/0 2 hodiny.2 3-
PdF:AJ0204Academic Skills: Writing O. Dontcheva-Navrátilováz 0/2/02 4-
PdF:AJ0307Singing in English L. Podroužkováz 0/2/02 5-
PdF:AJ0505Challenging Conventions in Schools A. Dobrovolnáz 0/2/02 3-
PdF:ONLINE_AEnglish Online J. Zerzovák 0/0/0 online.2 2-
32 credits

Oborové didaktiky (13 kr.)

Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Term Profile Cat.
PdF:AJ1401Basics of English Methodology 1 A. Dobrovolnák 0/2/0 kombinované studium: výuka v blocích.3 3Z
PdF:AJ1402Basics of English Methodology 2 A. Dobrovolnák 0/2/0 kombinované studium: výuka v blocích.3 4Z
PdF:AJ1403Basics of English Methodology 3 J. Chocholatázk 0/2/0 kombinované studium: výuka v blocích.4 5Z
PdF:AJ1404Basics of English Methodology 4 J. Chocholaták 0/2/0 kombinované studium: výuka v blocích.3 6Z
13 credits

Praxe (10 kr.)

Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Term Profile Cat.
PdF:SZ6655Practice Teaching Assistant - Assisting 1 L. Škarkováz 0/0/5 60 hodin.2 3P
PdF:SZ6685Practice Teaching Assistant - Assisting 2 L. Škarkováz 0/0/5 60 hodin.2 4P
PdF:SZ6607Practice Teaching Assistant - Tutoring 1 M. Košatkováz 0/0/0 60 hodin.2 3P
PdF:SZ6686Practice Teaching Assistant - Tutoring 2 M. Košatkováz 0/0/5 60 hodin.2 4P
PdF:SZ6608Self-experience Preparation for the Profession I J. Nehybaz 0/1/02 3P
PdF:SZ6611Self-experience Preparation for the Profession II J. Nehybaz 0/1/02 4P
PdF:SZ6684Practice Teaching Assistant - Assisting 3 L. Škarkováz 0/0/5 60 hodin.2 5P
14 credits

Bakalářská práce (8 kr.)

Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Term Profile Cat.
PdF:AJ_BPpBachelor Thesis - Project S. Hanušováz 0/0/1 Individuální konzultace.2 4P
PdF:AJ_BPBachelor Thesis S. Hanušováz 0/0/1 Individuální konzultace.2 5P
PdF:AJ_BPdBachelor Thesis - Completion S. Hanušováz 0/0/1 Odevzdání BP.4 6P
8 credits