FF FNCJpSCJ Czech As Foreign Language
Name in Czech: Čeština jako cizí jazyk
master's full-time specialized, language of instruction: Czech Czech
Included in the programme: FF N-CJ_ Czech Language and Literature

Study-related information

  • Parts of the final state examination and its content
    Students must fulfil all requirements from the study plan and registered by templates in the Information System of Masaryk University. Then they are allowed to take the final state exam. The final state exam consists of two parts:
    1. Defence of the thesis, whose topic corresponds with the focus of the specialization Czech studies from the literary point of view.
    2. An oral exam consisting of parts relating to language and to literature. Questions are asked on the basis of topics available from websites of the Department of Czech Language and Department of Czech Literature. Topics of the oral part of the final state exam follow basic and profile courses of the study programme.
    The purpose of the exam is to prove students’ ability to deal with the assigned professional topics, to react in discussion and to present their arguments in a way focused on facts. Besides the knowledge of facts, knowledge of elementary and advanced methodology relating to the discipline. Within the part focused on language, the versatile survey of knowledge of present-day Czech is checked, from the viewpoints of its origin, developmental tendencies and structural qualities (from the typological viewpoint). Advanced knowledge of linguistic terminology and orientation in linguistic methodology are expected. A part of the state exam is also a question from the sphere of teaching Czech as a foreign language. The part of the final state exam focused on literature includes the following topics: Czech and world scholarly approaches to literature, the development of Czech literature and history of literature from methodological and interdisciplinary viewpoints. Advanced knowledge of historical and theoretical issues relating to literature is expected, as well as the ability to analyze texts from the sphere of fiction and the knowledge of relevant sources relating to the particular discipline.
  • Suggestion of theses topics and the topics of defended theses
    Topics of defended theses:

    Kateřina Müllerová (učo 448786), Vliv vícejazyčného prostředí na osvojování češtiny jako druhého jazyka u dětí, https://is.muni.cz/auth/th/ekq7c/

    Suggestion of theses topics:

    Alternativní formy jazykové podpory - Jazykový tandem
    Jazykový tandem a výukové materiály

    Specifické poruchy učení ve výuce češtiny jako cizího jazyka

    Regionální varianty češtiny z pohledu studenta-cizince

    Zpracování sémantiky slovesných prefixů pro potřeby výuky češtiny jako druhého/cizího jazyka (úroveň B1 a B2)

    Jazykové interference slovinských studentů při učení českého jazyka

Recommended progress through the study plan

Společná část

Compulsory courses

20 kreditů

Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Term Profile Cat.
FF:CJJ15Czech Comparative Grammar M. Zikovázk 1/1/05 1Z
FF:CJJ16The Development of Standard Czech P. Kosekzk 2/0/04+1 2Z
FF:CJL09Czech Literature since 1989 for MA Z. Fišerzk 2/0/04+1 1Z
FF:CJL10Theory of Lit. for MA J. Tlustýzk 2/0/04+1 2Z
20 credits

Selective courses

40 kreditů

Blok 1: literatura

20 kreditů - z toho min. 3 kurzy z bloku A - profilující předměty

A - profilující předměty
Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Term Profile Cat.
FF:CJLB203Czech Literature from the Beginning to the 18th century - MA M. Soleiman pour Hashemizk 0/2/03+1 4P
FF:CJLB303Czech Literature of the 19th century Follow-up Studies - Seminar, MA Z. Urválkovázk 0/2/03+1 1P
FF:CJLB404Czech literature since 1895 Follow-up Studies - Seminar, MA L. Novákovázk 0/2/03+1 2P
FF:CJLB405Czech Literature since 1945 - Follow-up Studies - Seminar, MA Z. Fišerzk 0/2/03+1 3P
16 credits
B - doplňující předměty
Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Term Profile Cat.
FF:CJBC155Editorial Work Z. Fišerz 0/2/04 --
FF:CJLB101Gaps and Indeterminacy in Literary Work J. Tlustýk 0/2/05 --
FF:CJLB306Project seminar on 19th century literature Z. Urválkováz 0/2/02 --
FF:CJLB603Literature for Children -Follow-up Studies - Seminar, MA L. Novákovázk 0/2/04 --
FF:LMKB_a215Alcohol in culture - theory and practice P. Bubeníčekk 0/2/04 --
FF:LMKB_a401Adaptation, Remediation, Transmediation: Literature on Screen P. Bubeníčekk 0/2/0 0.4 --
FF:LMKB_a418To Look and to See: Tradition of Visual Arts P. Bubeníčekk 0/2/0 0.4 --
FF:LMKB_a432Vybrané umělecké a myšlenkové směry v intermediálním pohledu P. Bubeníčekk 0/2/0 0.4 --
FF:LMKB_a435Literature and Music M. Fránekz 0/2/0 0.4 --
FF:LMKB_a439Autobiographical Memory and Narrative P. Bubeníčekk 0/1/03 --
38 credits
Blok 2: jazyk

20 kreditů, z toho min. 1 kurz z profilujícího bloku v 2B a 1 kurz z profilujícího bloku v 2C

Blok 2A: čeština pro praxi
Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Term Profile Cat.
FF:CJBB190Syntax in educational practice P. Kosekz 0/2/03 --
FF:CJBB54Orthography: theory and practice, cultivation of communication J. Vojtováz 0/2/04 --
FF:CJBB203Academic Writing H. Žižkovák 1/0/04 --
FF:CJBB85Linguistic Software D. Hlaváčkováz 0/2/03 --
14 credits
Blok 2B: diachronní lingvistika
Profilující kurzy
Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Term Profile Cat.
FF:CJBA11Czech Dialectology Z. Hladkáz 0/2/04 3P
FF:CJJ37Czech in the context of the Indo-European Languages (introduction to etymology) P. Kosekzk 2/0/05 2P
9 credits
Ostatní kurzy
Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Term Profile Cat.
FF:CJBA18Historical Toponomastics M. Boháčovák 2/0/04 --
4 credits
Blok 2C: synchronní lingvistika
Profilující kurzy
Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Term Profile Cat.
FF:CJA055Grammar and Lexicon, Pt. P. Karlíkzk 2/0/06 2P
FF:CJBB184Language Typology P. Cahaz 0/2/04 1P
FF:CJBB72Aspects of language cultivation (An introduction) M. Křístekz 0/2/04 2P
14 credits
Ostatní kurzy
Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Term Profile Cat.
FF:CJBB112Passive voice in Czech P. Karlíkz 0/2/04 --
FF:CJBB166Time and Space in Language P. Cahaz 0/2/04 --
FF:CJBB175Chrematonyms in Czech Republic J. Pleskalovák 2/0/03 --
FF:CJBB192Are there sentences without a subject? P. Karlíkz 0/2/04 --
FF:CJBB199Research Skills: critical thinking and efficient presentations M. Starkek 0/2/05 --
FF:CJBB40Stylistics - an optional seminar M. Křístekz 0/2/04 --
FF:CJBB66Pragmatics Pt. I P. Karlíkz 0/2/04 --
FF:CJBB110Pragmatics, Pt. II P. Karlíkz 0/2/04 --
FF:CJJ36Morphophonological explorations M. Zikovák 0/2/04 --
36 credits
Blok 2D: doplňkové jazyky
Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Term Profile Cat.
FF:CJBA37Slovak Language J. Pleskalováz 0/2/03 --
FF:CJBA49Russian for students of Czech studies, Pt. I J. Vojtováz 0/2/03 --
FF:CJBA50Russian for the students of Czech studies, Pt.II J. Vojtováz 0/2/03 --
FF:CJBB155Latin for the Students of Bohemistics P. Mazáčováz 1/1/03 --
12 credits

Předměty k diplomové práci

20 kreditů

Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Term Profile Cat.
FF:CJXJ04M.A. thesis in linguistics – seminar I P. Kosekz 0/0/010 3P
FF:CJXJ05M.A. thesis in linguistics – seminar II P. Kosekz 0/0/010 4P
FF:CJXJ06M.A. thesis in linguistics P. Kosekz 0/0/0- 4P
20 credits

Specializační část

Compulsory courses

28 kreditů

Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Term Profile Cat.
FF:CJBB178Introduction into Teaching Czech as a Second/Foreign Language L. Krahula Doležík 2/0/04 1P
FF:CJBB181Underpinnings of Teaching Czech as a Second/Foreign Language M. Hanzelkováz 0/2/04 2P
FF:CJJ28Teaching Czech to adults as a second/foreign language I M. Hanzelkováz 0/2/05 1P
FF:CJJ29Teacher training M. Hanzelkováz 0/0/0 blokově.10 3P
FF:CJJ35Modern Technology in Czech Studies D. Hlaváčkováz 0/2/04 1P
27 credits

Selective courses

12 kreditů

Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Term Profile Cat.
FF:CJBB114Basic mnemotechniques for (not only) language studies A. Leixz 0/2/04 --
FF:CJJ27Intercultural education M. Hanzelkovák 1/0/03 --
FF:CJJ30Teaching Czech as a Second/Foreign Language for Children and Youth II M. Hanzelkováz 0/2/04 --
FF:CJJ31The Creation of Electronic Learning Materials H. Žižkováz 0/2/04 --
FF:CJJ32Language Assessment and Testing M. Hanzelkováz 0/2/04 --
FF:CJJ33Teaching Czech to adults as a second/foreign language M. Hanzelkováz 0/2/0 celkem 26 hodin, z toho 8 hodin náslechů.4 --
FF:CJJ34How to learn Czech as a foreign language through online technology M. Hanzelkováz 0/2/05 --
FF:PLIN022Using Corpora in Teaching Czech as a Foreign Language H. Žižkováz 0/2/03 --
31 credits

Elective courses

Blok 1: literatura

Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Term Profile Cat.
FF:UCJL06Theory of Literature J. Tlustýk 2/0/04 --
FF:UCJL07Czech Literature from the Beginnings to the 18th century for Bachelor M. Hanzelkovázk 0/2/04 --
8 credits

Blok 2: jazyk

Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Term Profile Cat.
FF:CJBB133Historical Grammar of Czech P. Kosekz 0/2/04 --
FF:CJBB179Czech Syntax: a transition course P. Karlíkzk 0/2/04 --
8 credits