FF FNISKkJ Information and Library Studies
Name in Czech: Informační studia a knihovnictví
master's combined single-subject, language of instruction: Czech Czech
Included in the programme: FF N-ISK_ Information and Library Studies

Study-related information

  • Parts of the final state examination and its content
    The final state examination consists of
    a) defense of the diploma thesis, which is to prove the student's ability to solve the selected problem relatively independently according to the given literature, to perform a basic analysis, to present the current state of the discussion and to take a position that is able to present during his own defense Respond to comments and queries

    b1) Information Science
    b2) Literature, Library Processes, Market
    b3) Information Policy and Management
    b4) Literature and Cultural Center

    Oral questions from the 2) and 4) are based on short text excerpts from literature from selected areas, and the student demonstrates his / her commentary and interpretation of the ability to work with a specialist text, to see the context and the factual knowledge. Information on the state final examination is posted by the head of the workplace on the public notice board of the information system and on the website of the workplace.
  • Requirements of the study
    Same number of credits as for full-time study. Teaching takes place in blocks to meet NAU requirements for a minimum number of direct hours of direct tuition per semester. Most of these are 6 weekend meetings per semester.
  • Suggestion of theses topics and the topics of defended theses
    Jan Trefulka, funded by the Department of the History of Literature of the Moravian Museum in Brno
    Field of Study: FF 7201T001, archive: http://is.muni.cz/th/361743/ff_m/

    Acquisitions, cataloging and presentation of comics in Czech libraries
    Field of Study: FF 7201T001, archive: http://is.muni.cz/th/384676/ff_m/

    Processing of newspaper articles in the Arna Novák Digital Library
    Field: FF 7201T001, archive: http://is.muni.cz/th/263658/ff_m/

    Ethical aspects of categorization: prejudices in subject slogans of the National Library of the Czech Republic.
    Field of Study: FF 7201T001, archive: http://is.muni.cz/th/327333/ff_m/

    ICT in the educational content of the lessons of information education in municipal libraries
    Field of study: FF 7201T001, archive: https://is.muni.cz/auth/th/qj5zk/

    Design thinking in the Czech Republic: mapping the community of practice
    Field of study: FF 7201T001, archive: http://is.muni.cz/th/415414/ff_m/

Recommended progress through the study plan

Povinné předměty (P a PV více než 90kr.)

Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Term Profile Cat.
FF:ISKM01Information Sciences J. Kudrnáčzk 2/0/05 1Z
FF:ISKM02DISRI J. Kudrnáčzk 1/1/05 1P
FF:ISKM03Literature, market and library processes P. Kyloušekzk 1/1/05 1Z
FF:ISKM04Bachelor Thesis Seminar: Methodology of LIS J. Kudrnáčz 1/1/05 1P
FF:ISKM05Information policy and management R. Polčákzk 1/1/05 3P
FF:ISKM06Learning Society Č. Šašinkazk 1/1/05 2P
FF:ISKM07Literature, Culture and Humanities J. Kudrnáčzk 1/1/05 2Z
FF:ISKM08Diploma Thesis Seminar II: Structure of the Project J. Kudrnáčz 1/1/05 2P
FF:ISKM09LIS workshop J. Kudrnáčz 1/1/02 2-
FF:ISKM10Information Behavior P. Vizváryzk 1/1/05 2P
FF:ISKM11Literature and Cultural Area J. Kudrnáčzk 1/1/05 3P
FF:ISKM12Organization of Knowledge J. Malinazk 1/1/05 3P
FF:ISKM13Diploma Thesis Seminar III: Text Creation J. Kudrnáčz 1/1/05 3P
FF:ISKM14Diploma Thesis Seminar IV: Finalization of the Text J. Kudrnáčz 1/1/05 4P
FF:ISKM15Thesis J. Kudrnáčz 0/0/0- 4-
FF:ISKM16State final exam J. KudrnáčSZk 0/0/0- 4-
67 credits

Selective courses

Blok výzkumu a aplikace

Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Term Profile Cat.
FF:ISKM19Field Project P. Vizváryz 0/0/0 počet kreditů je vypočítán následovně: 40 hodin = 3 kredit, 70 hodin = 4 kredity, 100 hodin = 5 kredity.5 --
FF:ISKM20Research Seminar L. Zbiejczuk Sucház 0/0/0 počet kreditů je vypočítán následovně: 20 hodin = 1 kredit, 40 hodin = 2 kredity, 60 hodin = 3 kredity, 80 hodin = 4 kredity, 100 hodin = 5 kreditů.5 --
FF:ISKM21Long-term internship abroad M. Lorenzz 0/0/0 30 - 40 hodin týdně.15 --
FF:ISKM22Participation in conferences P. Vizváryz 0/0/0 podle zvolené kreditové hodnoty (viz metody hodnocení).4 --
29 credits
Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Term Profile Cat.
FF:DESB76Research for/through design: Writing seminar R. Cibinz 0/2/05 --
FF:ISKB30Information, Communication and Identity M. Lorenzk 1/1/04 --
FF:ISKB34Philosophy of Information P. Škyříkk 2/0/05 --
FF:ISKB36Creative Laboratory P. Škyříkk 0/2/04 --
FF:ISKB39History of Everyday Czech Librarianship P. Škyříkz 1/1/04 --
FF:ISKB40Summer school: Master course P. Škyříkk 0/0/0 blokový výjezd v rozsahu jednoho týdne.5 --
FF:ISKB48Cultural Heritage Digitization M. Lorenzk 1/1/04 --
FF:ISKB49Digital Curatorship M. Lorenzk 1/1/04 --
FF:ISKB54Community Curatorship P. Škyříkk 0/30/0 interaktivní bloková výuka.4 --
FF:ISKB80Digital wellbeing: How to live online without losing balance M. Černýk 0/2/02 --
FF:ISKB81Winter school: crossing borders P. Škyříkz 0/0 bloková výuka.3 --
FF:ISKERA01Disinformation Pandemic: How to Fight It M. Černýk 1/1/04 --
FF:ISKM18Practice and internships P. Vizváryz 0/0/0 počet kreditů je vypočítán následovně: 40 hodin = 3 kredit, 70 hodin = 4 kredity, 100 hodin = 5 kredity.5 --
FF:ISKM19Field Project P. Vizváryz 0/0/0 počet kreditů je vypočítán následovně: 40 hodin = 3 kredit, 70 hodin = 4 kredity, 100 hodin = 5 kredity.5 --
FF:ISKM20Research Seminar L. Zbiejczuk Sucház 0/0/0 počet kreditů je vypočítán následovně: 20 hodin = 1 kredit, 40 hodin = 2 kredity, 60 hodin = 3 kredity, 80 hodin = 4 kredity, 100 hodin = 5 kreditů.5 --
FF:ISKM22Participation in conferences P. Vizváryz 0/0/0 podle zvolené kreditové hodnoty (viz metody hodnocení).4 --
FF:ISKM31Educational technologies M. Černýk 2/1/0 cvičení probíhá 1 x za dva týdny jako dvouhodinový blok.5 --
FF:ISKM40Literature in Culture J. Kudrnáčz 1/1/05 --
FF:ISKM45Pedagogical psychology P. Škyříkk 0/0/04 --
FF:ISKM54Digital design without barriers P. Škyříkz 1/0/05 --
FF:ISKM56Data Visualization P. Škyříkk 0/2/05 --
FF:ISKM57Reading Seminar: Educational Technology and Learning Society M. Černýk 0/0/25 --
FF:ISKM60Literature for Children and Youth P. Mazáčovák 1/1/05 --
FF:ISKM61MOOC: learning online M. Černýk 1/1/0 konzultace, MOOC kurz.5 --
FF:ISKM63Psychology in Online Education M. Černýk 1/1/05 --
FF:ISKM64Information Society M. Černýz 1/1/05 --
FF:ISKM69Design in context P. Škyříkk 0/30/0 interaktivní bloková výuka.5 --
FF:ISKM71What say images? Reading and creation of visual information P. Škyříkk 0/0/04 --
FF:ISKM83Visualization project P. Škyříkk 0/0/03 --
FF:ISKM87Literary and Cultural Project J. Kudrnáčz 0/2/05 --
FF:ISKM89Organisation of Data - Sematic Web M. Lorenzz 0/2/05 --
FF:ISKM93Inspiromat of information and media education methods M. Černýk 0/2/04 --
142 credits