After publishing of text aimed at didactics of individual game actions we followed with creating textbook of game-activities that can evolve these individual skills. In consequences we have decided to complete this publication with the text focused on players operating largely in the paint, alias pivotman. The modern concept of basketball demands pivot to control the game both back to the basket and from perimeter, highlighted by great three point shots. Mostly the ectomorph types in some case somatotype with higher portion of mesomorph assert themselves on the pivot post (Fig. 1).
In the text we deal with the wide range of pivotman’s actions. Focused on special shooting techniques (Chapter 4), which are basic point of all exercises. Letting coaches decide, in which exercise they focus specially on shooting practise. Individual exercise are divided according to pivot activity practise that we emphasis in particular part of training process. These drills may be used also for other game activities then they were created for. Limits of every single exercise are not sharp, concur each other and their use depends always on the coach.
Publication is a set of exercises, which are used by coaches in trainings units during individual training sessions. Basic elements of creating of this textbook were the seminars organised by Czech basketball federation. A number of exercises come from Czech teachers (e.i. Rón, Ježdík). We would like to broaden the exercise range used by students of basketball specialisation at Masaryk´s Faculty of Sport Studies and by basketball coaches.
Pivotman is a player, which constantly moves around a basket, usually turned back to it. The basic presumption for effective movement of the player is good foot-work. The more flexible player is, the bigger chance he has to succeed in either defence or offense (Mrázek, Buzek, 1960).
Post on the position 5 – pivotman (centre) should be characterised by following prerequisites and characteristics. He should be the tallest player in the team, should have efficient weight beside high flexibility. Apart from general strength and toughness needed for engagement under the basket he should also have ability to get rebounds. This is linked with good estimation of ball flight trajectory. High level of game skills is taken for granted, after that he should handle perfectly both shooting from short distances and rebounds in every situation. (Brown, Callego, 2003)
Rehák (1977) indicates as optimum age to start with game specialization to become a post age of 14–15, when is needed to start with technique practises (shots, free-throws, rebounds, blocks and first pass to fast break) and also with the offense and defence tactics (cooperation with other players etc.). He states optimal stature for pivot around 204 cm (or reach around 267 cm), weight around 100 kg and 40 cm vertical jump.
We recommend beginning with centre specialisation with respect to biological age and height prediction between the age of 16–17. Until this age we hold an opinion to practise skills for position 1–4.
Mičovič (1983) calls players statured 200–205 cm too small for pivot post. Players with stated height should play as wing or guard. He also talks about specialisation, highlighting that formally we need to make good basketball player and then transform him into good specialist for individual post. After recognition of anatomic, physiologic and psycho-physics characteristics and morally-volitional qualities we find a number of objective information for specialisation process. That is why post-puberty period is most appropriate.
The golden American rule says: Pivotmen are not made by coaches but they are making themselves during the game, they just took their post.
If high player wants to be great centre, the individual training is necessary. Practising should take from 60 to 90 minutes, should be based on warming focused on ball handling according to placing of 30 minutes part of shooting practise.
This publication can training provide with some exercise.
In this publication we are primary focused on the basics of these game activities of pivotmen:
Individual chapters include definition of pivotman’s activity, methodology of each activity together with methodology of exercises and individual drills with descriptions. Where we consider it necessary, we state critical parts (mistakes often committed by players) at the end of the chapter.
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