Player Covering after Shot and Pulling of Balls in Defence
It a defensive activity with an aim to prevent opponent from rebound together with own gain of ball so that it is safely in defender’s hand. It is complex of actions after opponent’s shot representing fundaments for transition offense. We divide this activity into: shooter covering, free-throws covering and covering of player whose teammate shoots (Dobrý, Velenský, 1980).
The action is then connected with ball rotation in jump with searching of space for pass to wing areas (outlet pass), ball held overhead (under the chin just in the packed area) – this is where usually the first pass is made.
Rón (2006) divides blocking of player after shot into covering of shooter and covering of player without ball according to position of forward to the ball and basket (player without ball on strong and weak side or in the court centre).
Defender of shooting player is obliged to shout “SHOT”
Block of the player so that he cannot reach the ball. Players must be aware of possibility of rule breaking from the point of personal foul. In case of floating defence players at weak side through eye contact (first see the player then the ball) react according the forward action. If the forward moves to the ball defender block him out by contact and turn. During the exercise we focus (beside the others) on right foot-work when blocking the opponent is this order: contact, turn, low gravity with seating of opponent’s thigh, step to the ball. In ideal case ball falls down on the ground.
Differentiate the shooting distance during the rebound practise. We tend to the opinion that it is better to learn contact face to the forward in the paint with primary objective to push him from good position for offensive rebound, outside the paint after initial face contact learn reverse turn and back contact with forward with using thigh contact, elbows and forearms ready for rebound (Fig. 81).
Fig. 81: Foot-work in reverse turn (for the video click on the image)
Ball pulling, emphasis on jump, catching ball by both hands, fall to stabile posture, position of the ball in view of opponent and space – create room for fast break; possibly connect with voice signal “GOT”
Game exercise focused on ball covering and pulling after shots
Exercise description 1 2 players, 1 ball, defender and forward
Ball lies in the centre of free-throw circle. Defender is back to the forward trying to keep him from gaining the ball (Fig. 82). This exercise can be done without ball as a resistance exercise when players in low stance push each other to given area by body weight without using the arms.
Fig. 82: Rebound practise in pairs, ball in the circle
Exercise description 2 2 players, Indian club, defender, forward
Exercise started by coach’s signal. Exercise intended for practise of contact with forward who simulates jump-shot and after incidence fast run between the clubs (Fig. 83). Players’ motivation is increased by time limit during which defender has to hold the forward by allowed ways.
Fig. 83: Basic contact practice
Exercise description 3 2 players, 1 ball, forward and defender
Defender stands under the basket with ball, forward outside the paint (Fig. 84). Defender starts the exercise by pass, forward takes step to the ball, stop-jump and finishing. Defender immediately after pass runs against the forward and making defensive rebound according to the rules. Forward decides if he shoots immediately or after one bounce dribbling to the basket. Method of ending and switching is determined by coach.
Fig. 84: Rebound after pass practise
Exercise description 4 Two players, 1 ball, 1 club
Player no. 1 makes combination give-and-go with player no. 2 and shoots after backward pass by way determined by coach. Player no. 2 runs around the club and makes defensive rebound. Method of ending and switching is determined by coach.
Fig. 85: Rebound after movement practise
Exercise description 5 Two lines, defenders with ball, 1 club, 1 passer (assistant)
Exercise begins by pass from defender to assistant. Together with the pass forward starts, runs around the club and shots after pass by the area and way determined by coach. Defender has to touch first the assistant then moves to the shooting player, makes defensive rebound (Fig. 86). Method of ending and switching is determined by coach.
Exercise starts by defender’s pass to opposite forward (Fig. 87). The forward does jump-shot and both forwards try to get good position for rebound. Defenders make defensive rebound. Method of ending and switching is determined by coach. Variation is a position of players on weak and strong side.
Fig. 87: Defensive rebound practise 2/2
Exercise description 7 4 lines at the both sides of the court, one ball in pair
Exercise is started by two pairs, who passing run to the opposite basket (Fig. 88). Player no. 1 and 4 makes jump-shot in front of the paint and rebound. Player no. 2 and 3 block shooters in motion to the basket and makes defensive rebound with pulling down the ball after shot. Another four begins after the previous one finishes.
Visual ball contact – for majority of players the visual contact with forward ends at the moment of shot – players watch trajectory of the shot and forward then get the better position for rebound
Jump or up-extension in the moment of shot – unless coach do not determine the blocking of shot as a priority of specific player’s defence the jump (or up-extension) for shot is an mistake which again allow the forward to get the good position for rebound after his shot.
Insufficient body-work in the direction to the forward – players often make their job easy by that they just hold their forward at their back – they turn back to him and think it is enough to prevent him from rebound. Forward lost from visual angle has enough place for rebound after the shot.
Arms in the position which does not allow catching the ball (arm backward, elbows with forearm raised are sufficient)
Long contact with forward – defender correctly makes contact with forward in the moment of shot but does not make following move against the rebound what can lead to gain of the opponent
Move to the forward from weak side during floating – defender, which by his floating helps the strong side moves insufficiently to the weak side against his forward, eventually it is not pushing him from good position for rebound
Covering of the ball contiguous after rebound – during rebound the ball pulled by defender shouldn’t be below the shoulder level, turn should be from the rebounding forward with a goal to create enough space for fast break.