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One-on-One by Centres

Game actions result in engagement between two opponents. These situations are in the basketball terminology marked as one-on-one situation. The forward tries to resolve the encounter for his benefit by scoring. In this description we come from American’s authors; therefore the paint is partly different in the figures than FIBA rules paint.

We divide post position (Fig. 50) according to the centre position into:

Obr. 50: Prostory pro hru pivotmana – Post positions (Paye, 1996)
Fig. 50: Pivot’s game area – Post positions (Paye, 1996)
  1. Area for action in high position – centre in high post
  2. Area for action in mid position – centre in mid post
  3. Area for action in low position – centre in low post
Mgr. Tomáš Pětivlas, Ph.D. |
Faculty of Sports Studies of Masaryk University |
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