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High post actions

For the post´s action in high post we show methodology of actions, which leads to successful result of this position.

Practise Methodology:

  • Basic posture – every lowering or increasing of gravity centre slows down the drive
  • Ball covering – transfer of ball do in front of body under the knees or above the shoulders.
  • Lift of ball for shot with low centre of gravity
  • Try to get defender move by fakes – choose fake of direct drive to the basket (not to the sides), optimal length of step when faking maintaining the level of gravity, player in this posture often choose the spin
  • Drive in conformity with rules (it often happen that player before drive makes move of standing leg or lift it before dribbling)
  • Player should shoot if defender stands back and prepare for offensive rebound
  • If tight defence player should make drive in touch with defender to the basket (not to the side)
  • During drive create contact with defender´s body by loose shoulder in order to create good position for shot.
  • Strike at closer defender´s foot
  • Choose low number of dribbling bounces, the best way is to use one bounce dribbling
  • Practise drives to the weaker hand´s side
  • The various offenses are important, it leads to the situation when forward cannot recognise if forward would shoot by jump shot, after spin or after one or two bounce dribbling or doing semi-hook shot etc.

Exercise to develop actions in high-post.

  • Add previous activities – e.g. cutting without ball (Fig. 55, 56)
Fig. 55: Cutting to high-post

Fig. 56: Cutting to high-post
  • In situation 1/1 read the defence and react according to defender´s posture (Fig. 57–59), choose drive, spin or shot
Fig. 57: Direct drive
Fig. 58: Drive after turnaround and drop step
Fig. 59: Shooting (defender standing back)
Mgr. Tomáš Pětivlas, Ph.D. |
Faculty of Sports Studies of Masaryk University |
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| Service Center for E-Learning
| The Faculty of Informatics, Masaryk University, 2011

Technické řešení této výukové pomůcky je spolufinancováno Evropským sociálním fondem a státním rozpočtem České republiky.