When citing a journal article, copy the information about the author, title and page numbers from the article itself (and not, for example, from the table of contents of the journal). All other details such as the title of the journal, year of publication, volume, etc. should be taken firstly from the cover of the journal, and if not available there from the imprint and then from the article itself.
George DR, Navarro AM, Stazyk KK, Clark MA, Green MJ. Ethical quandaries and Facebook use: how do medical stu- dents think they (and their peers) should (and would) act?. AJOB Empir Bioeth. 2014 Apr-Jun;5(2):68-79.
According to the instructions of the NLM style, the title of the journal is abbreviated to the form used by the Medline PubMed database. We found this shortened version simply by entering the whole title of the journal into this database and copied it from the records found.
In relation with journals, note that the term “volume” is sometimes wrongly understood. If the citation style requires “volume”, you should not provide the year of publication but rather the number introduced by the words ročník, volume, tom, Band, etc. which express a volume of issues of journals.