When we talk about a graduate thesis, we mean all types of graduate theses at universities which are a requirement for gaining an academic degree, i.e. Bachelor’s, Master’s, Advanced Master's, Doctoral and Habilitation theses. If you want to cite theses, proceed in the same way as with books, with the difference being that citation styles usually require stating the type of the thesis after its title. Moreover, in the Czech academic world you can often encounter the Czech word list
” (sheet) instead of strana
(page) in the information about the page number, this is due to the fact that many such theses are printed only one-sided.
Universities tend to have very similar rules of formal requirements for graduate theses, and therefore it can be expected that most (if not all) title pages of these theses will contain all information necessary for the bibliographic reference.
Sedlakova V. Components for modelling lung structure - grounds for engineering lungs [dissertation]. Brno (Czechia): Masaryk Univ., Faculty of Medicine; 2018. 125 p.
If you cite a graduate thesis, the type of the document comes after the title. The names of the individual types of documents are specified in the commentaries to the model in the citation style. In our case, the word dissertation was used. Although the place of publication is given in square brackets in the model, we did not mark it in this way, because according to the instructions of the NLM style, square brackets should be used in the event that the information is missing in the document. In accordance with the instructions of this style we also complemented Brno, as a less well-known city, with a one-word name of the country. For the same reason we added the name of the faculty where the thesis was successfully defended, to the name of the university.
The English abbreviation for the word page is used to mark the information about the page number, because the citation style requires us not to use the number of printed sheets but the number of printed pages regardless of whether the sheets are printed single-sided or double-sided.