The model for a bibliographic reference to a patent is usually provided by the majority of citation styles published by scholarly establishments. These styles, however, do not always reflect the fact that mostly such patents are available online and these styles do not offer a model for a bibliographic citation to an online patent. The NLM style is no different as it only contains a model for a bibliographic reference to a printed patent. In such situation, you can create a bibliographic reference according to the model for printed patents and supplement it with the three pieces of information typical of online sources, i.e. the type of the document, accessed date, and URL of the patent (highlighted in the resulting bibliographic reference).
At the end we should add that the patent is available online in both HTML (top right figure) and PDF (bottom right) format.
Lessmeier TJ, Gregerson PB, inventors; Resynch Dynamics, LLC., assignee. Method for optimizing CRT therapy United States patent US RE45,005 E. 2014 Jul 8
After we searched for and found the patent, the URL displayed in the browser’s address bar was very long. Therefore, we tested whether the address would work even after deleting a portion of it. We learned that if we delete the part of the address with parameters, i.e. everything located after the number of the patent, the address will still be functional. For a better understanding we copied the entire address that we had in our browser. The red part is ultimately that which is used in the bibliographic reference: