This bibliographic reference differs from a reference to a chapter in a book only by the fact that the author and the title of the contribution are explicitly stated before the information about the anthology.
Harrison SP, Dodson J. Climates of Australia and New Guinea since 18,000 yr B.P. In: Wright HE, Kutzbach JE, Webb T, Ruddiman WF, Street-Perrott FA, Bartlein PJ, editors. Global climates since the last glacial maximum. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press; c1993. p. 265-293.
Although the contribution is marked as Chapter 11, we did not create a bibliographic reference to a book chapter, but a contribution to an anthology. We chose to do this because the contribution was not written by the editors stated on the title page but the authors who are given in the title of the contribution. Furthermore, due to the fact that this is not an anthology from a conference, details about the conference are left out. Instead of the year of publication we entered the year of copyright into the bibliographic reference, because the year of publication is not given anywhere in the anthology.