Kopp, UC. Neural control of renal function [Internet]. San Ra- fael (CA): Morgan & Claypool Life Sciences; 2011. 3.1. Mea- surements of renal blood flow; [cited 2014 Jun 30]; [about 1 screen]. Available from: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/ NBK57243/#s3.1
In the event of citing a chapter in an online book which is in a PDF file, proceed in the same way as when citing an online book and of course follow the model for the bibliographic reference to a chapter in an online book in the respective citation style (here the model above from the NLM style). Therefore, we demonstrate the citation of a chapter in an online book in HTML format above:
We copied most of the information necessary for the bibliographic reference from the title page of the online book (see the figure on the left), and created an almost complete bibliographic reference to an online book without page numbers and URL. This means that we provided the type of the document and the accessed date, i.e. [Internet], [cited 2014 Jun 30].
We clicked on the title of the chapter on the website and displayed the page with the respective chapter. At this time we added the title of the chapter to the unfinished bibliographic reference, i.e. “Measurements of renal blood flow”, and after “Available from:” the URL of the chapter, i.e. not the URL of the book overall (see figure on the left), but rather the URL displayed after opening the chapter (see the figure on the right).