Audio recording

Similarly to video recordings, citation styles commonly contain models for bibliographic references to audio recordings as well. Many styles include models for both the recording as a whole (e.g. an album by a music group), as well as a part thereof (e.g. a song from an album).

Just like with video recordings, information for bibliographic reference should primarily be taken from the sound carrier itself (the printing on a CD, label on a vinyl record, etc.). If you cannot find the required information there, search for it on the cover/booklet and only then go to the recording itself (e.g. the CD may contain other files besides the audio recording).

Model according to the NLM citation style manual

Guns N' Roses. Uses Your Illusion II [CD]. Mike Clink and Guns N' Roses, producers. Germany: Geffen; c1991. 1 CD: 76 min.

The final bibliographic reference to an audio recording

Commentary on creating the bibliographic reference

The reason for providing the model for a bibliographic reference to a video cassette in this case is the fact that the NLM citation style is a universal model for citing both audio and audio-visual documents.

The place of publication includes only the country because the city of publication is unknown and the CD contains only the name of the state.