FF FBFJpJ French Language and Literature
Name in Czech: Francouzský jazyk a literatura
bachelor's full-time single-subject, language of instruction: Czech Czech
Included in the programme: FF B-FJ_ French Language and Literature

Introductory information / Instructions

POZOR: tato šablona má pouze orientační charakter – pro registraci a zápis předmětů je nutno použít aktuální registrační šablonu. Průchod studiem kontrolujte výhradně dle kontrolní šablony určené pro váš imatrikulační ročník.

Společný univerzitní základ (15 kr.)

Bakalářská práce (min. 10 kr.)

Students enroll in Seminars for the bachelor thesis in the 3rd year of study, typically FJ1A051 Seminar for Bachelor Thesis I in the autumn semester and FJ1A052 Seminar for Bachelor Thesis II in the spring semester. Students enroll in ROM1A003 Academic Writing for Romanists in the semester when they begin work on their BA thesis (typically in the 5th semester, concurrently with FJ1A051 Seminar for Bachelor Thesis I). They enroll in the course FJ1A055 Bachelor's Thesis in the semester in which they submit their thesis, typically in the 6th semester of their studies.

Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Term Profile Cat.
FF:FJ1A051Bachelor's Thesis Seminar I P. Dytrtz 0/2/04 5P
FF:FJ1A052Bachelor's Thesis Seminar II Ch. Cusimanoz 0/2/04 6P
FF:FJ1A055Bachelor's Thesis P. Dytrtz 0/0/0- 6P
FF:ROM1A003Academic Writing for Romanists P. Dytrtz 1/1/02 5P
10 credits

Compulsory courses

Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Term Profile Cat.
FF:FJ1A001Practical French I P. Dytrtzk 0/3/07 1P
FF:FJ1A002Practical French II P. Dytrtzk 4/4/08 2P
FF:FJ1A003Practical French III P. Dytrtz 0/4/02 3P
FF:FJ1A004Practical French IV P. Dytrtzk 0/2/03 4P
FF:FJ1A005Practical French V P. Dytrtz 0/2/02 5P
FF:FJ1A006Practical French VI P. Dytrtz 0/2/03 6P
FF:FJ1A011French History and Culture I P. Dytrtzk 2/0/05 1P
FF:FJ1A012French History and Culture II P. Dytrtzk 2/0/05 2P
FF:FJ1A021French Literature I P. Dytrtzk 1/1/05 1P
FF:FJ1A022French Literature II P. Kyloušekzk 1/1/05 2P
FF:FJ1A023French Literature III P. Dytrtzk 1/1/05 3P
FF:FJ1A024French Literature IV P. Kyloušekzk 1/1/05 4P
FF:FJ1A025French Literature V P. Dytrtzk 1/1/05 5P
FF:FJ1A026French Literature VI P. Kyloušekzk 1/1/05 6P
FF:FJ1A031French Phonetics and Phonology A. Němcová Polickázk 1/1/05 3P
FF:FJ1A032French Morphology A. Němcová Polickáz 1/1/05 4P
FF:FJ1A033Topics in French Linguistics I (lexicology, lexicography, introduction to corpus linguistics) Ch. Cusimanozk 1/2/05 5P
FF:FJ1A034Topics in French Linguistics II (morphosyntax of verb) A. Němcová Polickázk 1/1/05 6P
FF:ROM1A001Introduction to Linguistics I. Buzekzk 2/0/45 3Z
FF:ROM1A002Introduction to Literature Studies P. Dytrtzk 1/1/45 5Z
95 credits

Závěrečné zkoušky

Final Language Exam and Bachelor's Exam

Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Term Profile Cat.
FF:FJ1A050Language Final Exam P. Dytrtzk 0/2/0 a systematická domácí příprava.4 5Z
FF:FJ1A053Bachelor's State Exam P. DytrtSZk 0/0/0- 6Z
4 credits

Povinně-volitelné předměty (min. 42 kr.)

Povinně volitelné předměty pro PS

Optional courses in French

Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Term Profile Cat.
FF:FJ0B027Modern and Contemporary French poetry P. Dytrtzk 1/1/05 --
FF:FJ0B773Czech Translations from Quebec and West Indies Literature P. Vurmzk 2/05 --
FF:FJ0B795Phonetics of French and Correction of Pronunciation P. Dytrtz 0/2/03 --
FF:FJ0B801RapCor I P. Dytrtz 0/2/05 --
FF:FJ0B804Selected Chapters in Francophone Linguistic and Cultural Studies of North America P. Kyloušekzk 1/1/05 --
FF:FJ0B805Café littéraire P. Dytrtk 0/2/03 --
FF:FJ0B806Comparative readings P. Dytrtzk 0/2/05 --
FF:FJ2B032Grammar and Comics Ch. Cusimanozk 0/0/04 --
FF:FJ2B035French Sociolinguistics Ch. Cusimanozk 2/0/04 --
FF:FJIB501Practical French - Level 1 P. Dytrtz 0/2/02 --
FF:ROM0B016Languages, literatures and migrations E. Mocciarozk 2/0/05 3-
46 credits

Společné romanistické předměty

Optional courses offered annually for both semesters

Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Term Profile Cat.
FF:ROM1BBA01Basque Language I N. Olaranz 0/2/04 --
FF:ROM1BBA02Basque Language II P. Dytrtzk 1/3/05 --
FF:ROM1BBA03Basque Language III N. Olaranz 1/2/24 --
FF:ROM1BBA04Basque Language IV P. Dytrtzk 1/3/05 --
FF:ROM1BBA11Basque Literature N. Olaranzk 1/2/25 --
FF:ROM1BBA12Basque Cinema N. Olaranzk 0/2/25 --
FF:ROM1BBA13Basque History and Culture I P. Dytrtzk 2/0/05 --
FF:ROM1BIJ01Practical Italian I P. Dytrtz 0/2/04 --
FF:ROM1BIJ02Practical Italian II P. Dytrtzk 0/2/25 --
FF:ROM1BPO01Practical Portuguese I S. Špánkováz 0/2/04 --
FF:ROM1BPO02Practical Portuguese II S. Špánkovázk 0/2/25 --
FF:ROM1BPO03Practical Portuguese III S. Špánkováz 0/2/04 --
FF:ROM1BPO04Practical Portuguese IV S. Špánkovázk 0/2/25 --
FF:ROM1BSJ01Practical Spanish I I. Buzekz 0/2/24 --
FF:ROM1BSJ02Practical Spanish II I. Buzekzk 0/2/05 --
FF:ROM1BSJ03Practical Spanish III I. Buzekz 0/2/04 --
FF:ROM1BSJ04Practical Spanish IV I. Buzekzk 0/2/05 --
78 credits

Povinně volitelné předměty pro JS

Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Term Profile Cat.
FF:FJ0B028Political philosophy of the Enlightenment P. Dytrtzk 1/15 --
FF:FJ0B765Quebec Drama P. Dytrtzk 2/05 --
FF:FJ0B767Image of the USA and America in Quebec literature P. Kyloušekzk 2/0/06 --
FF:FJ0B795Phonetics of French and Correction of Pronunciation P. Dytrtz 0/2/03 --
FF:FJ0B802RapCor II A. Němcová Polickáz 0/2/05 --
FF:FJ0B807Political imaginary P. Dytrtk 0/2/03 --
FF:FJ1B551Practical French - Level 1- II P. Dytrtzk 0/2/04 --
FF:FJ2B034Conversation analysis Ch. Cusimanozk 1/1/05 --
36 credits

Volitelné předměty (min. 18 kr.)