FSpS OKT Fitness and Personal Trainer
Name in Czech: Osobní a kondiční trenér
bachelor's full-time single-subject, language of instruction: Czech Czech
Included in the programme: FSpS B-OKT Fitness and Personal Trainer

Study-related information

Recommended progress through the study plan

Společný univerzitní základ (15 kr.)

Společensko-vědní a přírodovědný základ

Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Term Profile Cat.
FSpS:bp4012 -- 0/0- 2-
FSpS:bp4024Management Fundamentals in Sport O. Racekk 1/1/03 4-
FSpS:bp4038First Aid M. Zvonařk 0/1/02 4-
5 credits


Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Term Profile Cat.
FSpS:bp4003English R. Prucklovázk 0/1/04 2-
4 credits


Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Term Profile Cat.
FSpS:bp4007Basic and Rhythmic Gymnastics P. Vaculíkováz 0/2/03 1-
3 credits

Bakalářská práce (min 10kr.)

Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Term Profile Cat.
FSpS:bp4001Methodology M. Seberazk 1/2/06 3P
FSpS:b4002Bachelor's Thesis 1 Z. Reguliz 0/0/0 125 hodin.5 5-
FSpS:b4004Bachelor's Thesis 2 Z. Reguliz 0/0/0 125 hodin.5 6P
16 credits

Compulsory courses

Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Term Profile Cat.
FSpS:b4011b -- 0/0- 3P
FSpS:b4011s -- 0/0- 3P
FSpS:b4016s -- 0/0- 2P
FSpS:b4016v -- 0/0- 2P
FSpS:b4030Practice M. Ročekz 0/0/0 75 hodin.3 5-
FSpS:b4360Coaching Practice S. Hřebíčkováz 0/0/0 75 hodin.3 6-
FSpS:b4361Altitude Training J. Ondráčekz 0/0/0 kurz 3D.2 4-
FSpS:bp4005Pedagogy V. Jůvazk 1/1/04 1P
FSpS:bp4006Philosophy V. Moudrzk 1/1/04 5P
FSpS:bp4008Anatomy M. Gimunovázk 1/1/04 1P
FSpS:bp4009Swimming 1 S. Kodešováz 0/1/02 1P
FSpS:bp4010Volleyball T. Vencúrikz 0/1/02 1P
FSpS:bp4013Physiology M. Bernacikovázk 1/2/05 1Z
FSpS:bp4014Swimming 2 S. Kodešováz 0/1/02 2P
FSpS:bp4015Basketball T. Vencúrikz 0/1/02 2P
FSpS:bp4017Psychology P. Fiľozk 1/1/04 3P
FSpS:bp4018Anthropomotricity and Biomechanics M. Zvonařzk 2/2/05+1 3Z
FSpS:bp4019Artistic Gymnastics P. Hedbávnýz 0/1/02 5P
FSpS:bp4020Track and Field 1 Z. Hlavoňováz 0/1/02 3P
FSpS:bp4021Skating J. Nykodýmz 0/1/02 4P
FSpS:bp4022Culture of Speech and Academic Writing E. Hurychzk 1/1/04 4-
FSpS:bp4023Preparation for Practice M. Ročekz 1/1/03 4-
FSpS:bp4025Movement and Health J. Vomelak 1/0/02 4P
FSpS:bp4026Track and Field 2 Z. Hlavoňováz 0/1/02 4P
FSpS:bp4027Preparatory Combatives J. Reguli Čihounkováz 0/1/02 4P
FSpS:bp4028Football D. Bokůvkaz 0/1/02 4P
FSpS:bp4029Didactic V. Jůvazk 1/1/04 5P
FSpS:bp4031Physical Activity for People with Diseases and Disabilities I. Struhárzk 1/1/03+1 5P
FSpS:bp4032Theory of Sports Training J. Nykodýmzk 1/1/04 1Z
FSpS:bp4033Sociology A. Svobodazk 1/1/04 6P
FSpS:bp4034Floorball and Softball T. Vencúrikz 0/1/02 6P
FSpS:bp4035Sports History M. Strachovázk 1/1/04 6P
FSpS:bp4036Selected Topics in Sports Science T. Vespalecz 1/0/02 6-
FSpS:bp4037Gymnastic Preparation P. Vaculíkováz 0/1/02 2P
FSpS:bp4051Exercise Physiology J. Vomelazk 1/1/04 2P
FSpS:bp4052Exercise Techniques M. Hrubýz 0/2/03 2P
FSpS:bp4053Introduction to Strength Training and Conditioning J. Cacekzk 1/2/05 2P
FSpS:bp4054Classical Massage K. Kapounkovázk 1/1/04 3P
FSpS:bp4059Field Testing and Measurements in Sport T. Vencúrikz 0/2/03 4P
FSpS:bp4060Sports Psychology and Working with Clients P. Pačesováz 1/1/03 4P
FSpS:bp4061Patophysiology of Exercise K. Kapounkovázk 1/1/04 3P
FSpS:bp4062Nutrition M. Kumstátzk 2/2/06 3P
FSpS:bp4063Nutrition Physiology J. Vomelazk 1/1/04 1P
FSpS:bp4064Kinesiology R. Vysokýz 0/1/02 2P
FSpS:bp4340Periodisation and Training Planning J. Cacekzk 1/2/05 4P
FSpS:bp4350Strength Training and Conditioning in Individual Sports J. Cacekzk 1/2/05 5P
FSpS:bp4351Olympic Weightlifting T. Králováz 0/1/02 5P
FSpS:bp4362Strength Training and Conditioning in Team Sports J. Cacekzk 1/2/05 6P
145 credits