PdF DV24ZSSS Study of pedagogy for teachers at lower secondary and upper secondary level
Name in Czech: Studium pedagogiky pro učitele druhého stupně základní školy a učitele střední školy
vocational education, full-time, language of instruction: Czech Czech
Included in the programme: PdF C-ZSSS Study of pedagogy for teachers at lower secondary and upper secondary level

Předměty CŽV

Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Term
PdF:SZc0001Introduction to the Study H. Horkáz 0/0/.2 2 hodiny.1 1
PdF:SZc0002Personality of the Teacher J. Kratochvílovák 0/0/.5 6 hodin.2 1
PdF:SZc0003Practice and reflection on practice in school 1 D. Veseláz 0/0/3 36 hodin (rozdělení viz. Informace učitele).5 1
PdF:SZc0004Reflection of practice outside school 1 P. Svojanovskýz 0/0/1 12 hodin.2 1
PdF:SZc0005Pupil's personality in school from a psychological perspective, teacher's psychohygiene T. Kohoutekzk 0/0/.8 10 hodin.3 1
PdF:SZc0006Developing professional competences for self-assessment and development planning L. Škarkovák 0/0/.2 2 hodiny.3 1
PdF:SZc0007Methodological seminar for the final thesis H. Horkáz 0/0/.4 4 hodiny.2 1
PdF:SZc0008Planning and management of teaching H. Horkázk 0/0/1.4 16 hodin.5 2
PdF:SZc0009Evaluation of pupils' learning process and results J. Kratochvílováz 0/0/.8 10 hodin.2 2
PdF:SZc0010Psychological aspects of the learning process in the classroom J. Marešz 0/0/.7 8 hodin.2 2
PdF:SZc0011Practice and reflection on practice in school 2 D. Veseláz 0/0/3 36 hodin (rozdělení viz. Informace učitele).5 2
PdF:SZc0012Reflection of practice outside school 2 P. Svojanovskýz 0/0/1 12 hodin.2 2
PdF:SZc0013Development of professional competences to plan, conduct and evaluate teaching L. Škarkovák 0/0/.2 2 hodiny.3 2
PdF:SZc0014Recognition of pupils' needs as a basis for differentiation and individualization of teaching J. Kratochvílovák 0/0/1.2 12 hodin.4 3
PdF:SZc0015Educational procedures H. Horkáz 0/0/.5 6 hodin.2 3
PdF:SZc0016Psychological aspects of communication with participants in the educational process J. Lukasz 0/0/.8 10 hodin.2 3
PdF:SZc0017Practice and reflection on practice in school 3 D. Veseláz 0/0/1.8 21 hodin (rozdělení viz. Informace učitele).3 3
PdF:SZc0018Reflection of practice outside school 3 P. Svojanovskýz 0/0/.5 6 hodin.2 3
PdF:SZc0019Developing professional competences to get to know pupils and support their learning L. Škarkovák 0/0/.2 2 hodiny.3 3
PdF:SZc0020Educational communication L. Škarkováz 0/0/.5 6 hodin.2 4
PdF:SZc0021School and family H. Horkák 0/0/.5 6 hodin.3 4
PdF:SZc0022School and classroom management D. Veseláz 0/0/.5 6 hodin.3 4
PdF:SZc0023Developing professional competencies for effective communication and collaboration with parents and L. Škarkovák 0/0/.2 2 hodiny.3 4
PdF:SZc0024Practice and reflection on practice in school 4 D. Veseláz 0/0/1.8 21 hodin (rozdělení viz. Informace učitele).3 4
PdF:SZc0025Reflection of practice outside school 4 P. Svojanovskýz 0/0/.5 6 hodin.2 4
PdF:SZc0026Final thesis H. Horkáz 0/0/1 individuální konzultace.10 4
79 credits

Povinně-volitelné předměty (1. semestr)

Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Term
PdF:SZc0027Didactics of English Language and Literature 1 S. Hanušováz 0/0/.4 5 hodin.2 1
PdF:SZc0030Didactics of biology 1 L. Vodováz 0/0/.4 5 hodin.2 1
PdF:SZc0033Didactics of Czech Language and Literature 1 A. Veřmiřovskýz 0/0/.4 5 hodin.2 1
PdF:SZc0036Didactics of History 1 K. Štěpánekz 0/0/.4 5 hodin.2 1
PdF:SZc0039Didactics of French Language and Literature 1 V. Bakešováz 0/0/.4 5 hodin.2 1
PdF:SZc0042Didactics of Physics 1 T. Miléřz 0/0/.4 5 hodin.2 1
PdF:SZc0045Didactics of Geography 1 D. Mísařováz 0/0/.4 5 hodin.2 1
PdF:SZc0048Didactics of music education 1 D. Taylorz 0/0/.4 5 hodin.2 1
PdF:SZc0051Didactics of chemistry 1 I. Pluckováz 0/0/.4 5 hodin.2 1
PdF:SZc0054Didactics of computer science 1 K. Pickaz 0/0/.4 5 hodin.2 1
PdF:SZc0057Didactics of mathematics 1 I. Budínováz 0/0/.4 5 hodin.2 1
PdF:SZc0060Didactics of German Language and Literature 1 P. Marečkováz 0/0/.4 5 hodin.2 1
PdF:SZc0063Didactics of Civic Education 1 R. Štěrbaz 0/0/.4 5 hodin.2 1
PdF:SZc0066Didactics of Russian Language and Literature 1 J. Krejčíz 0/0/.4 5 hodin.2 1
PdF:SZc0069Didactics of health education 1 J. Reissmannováz 0/0/.4 5 hodin.2 1
PdF:SZc0072Didactics of art education 1 H. Stehlíková Babyrádováz 0/0/.4 5 hodin.2 1
32 credits

Povinně-volitelné předměty (2. semestr)

Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Term
PdF:SZc0028Didactics of English Language and Literature 2 S. Hanušováz 0/0/1.7 20 hodin.3 2
PdF:SZc0031Didactics of biology 2 L. Vodováz 0/0/1.7 20 hodin.3 2
PdF:SZc0034Didactics of Czech Language and Literature 2 M. Jindraz 0/0/1.7 20 hodin.3 2
PdF:SZc0037Didactics of History 2 K. Štěpánekz 0/0/1.7 20 hodin.3 2
PdF:SZc0040Didactics of French Language and Literature 2 V. Bakešováz 0/0/1.7 20 hodin.3 2
PdF:SZc0043Didactics of Physics 2 T. Miléřz 0/0/1.7 20 hodin.3 2
PdF:SZc0046Didactics of Geography 2 D. Mísařováz 0/0/1.7 20 hodin.3 2
PdF:SZc0049Didactics of music education 2 D. Taylorz 0/0/1.7 20 hodin.3 2
PdF:SZc0052Didactics of chemistry 2 I. Pluckováz 0/0/1.7 20 hodin.3 2
PdF:SZc0055Didactics of computer science 2 K. Pickaz 0/0/1.7 20 hodin.3 2
PdF:SZc0058Didactics of mathematics 2 I. Budínováz 0/0/1.7 20 hodin.3 2
PdF:SZc0061Didactics of German Language and Literature 2 P. Marečkováz 0/0/1.7 20 hodin.3 2
PdF:SZc0064Didactics of Civic Education 2 R. Štěrbaz 0/0/1.7 20 hodin.3 2
PdF:SZc0067Didactics of Russian Language and Literature 2 J. Krejčíz 0/0/1.7 20 hodin.3 2
PdF:SZc0070Didactics of health education 2 J. Reissmannováz 0/0/1.7 20 hodin.3 2
PdF:SZc0073Didactics of art education 2 H. Stehlíková Babyrádováz 0/0/1.7 20 hodin.3 2
48 credits

Povinně-volitelné předměty (3. semestr)

Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Term
PdF:SZc0029Didactics of English Language and Literature 3 S. Hanušovázk 0/0/1.2 15 hodin.4 3
PdF:SZc0032Didactics of biology 3 L. Vodovázk 0/0/1.2 15 hodin.4 3
PdF:SZc0035Didactics of Czech Language and Literature 3 A. Veřmiřovskýzk 0/0/1.2 15 hodin.4 3
PdF:SZc0038Didactics of History 3 K. Štěpánekzk 0/0/1.2 15 hodin.4 3
PdF:SZc0041Didactics of French Language and Literature 3 V. Bakešovázk 0/0/1.2 15 hodin.4 3
PdF:SZc0044Didactics of Physics 3 T. Miléřzk 0/0/1.2 15 hodin.4 3
PdF:SZc0047Didactics of Geography 3 D. Mísařovázk 0/0/1.2 15 hodin.4 3
PdF:SZc0050Didactics of music education 3 D. Taylorzk 0/0/1.2 15 hodin.4 3
PdF:SZc0053Didactics of chemistry 3 I. Pluckovázk 0/0/1.2 15 hodin.4 3
PdF:SZc0056Didactics of computer science 3 K. Pickazk 0/0/1.2 15 hodin.4 3
PdF:SZc0059Didactics of mathematics 3 I. Budínovázk 0/0/1.2 15 hodin.4 3
PdF:SZc0062Didactics of German Language and Literature 3 P. Marečkovázk 0/0/1.2 15 hodin.4 3
PdF:SZc0065Didactics of Civic Education 3 R. Štěrbazk 0/0/1.2 15 hodin.4 3
PdF:SZc0068Didactics of Russian Language and Literature 3 J. Krejčízk 0/0/1.2 15 hodin.4 3
PdF:SZc0071Didactics of health education 3 J. Reissmannovázk 0/0/1.2 15 hodin.4 3
PdF:SZc0074Didactics of art education 3 H. Stehlíková Babyrádovázk 0/0/1.2 15 hodin.4 3
64 credits