Law (Master's degree programme, full-time study mode, single-subject)

1st year
1st term
There is no data available.
2nd term
There is no data available.
2nd year
3rd term
There is no data available.
4th term
There is no data available.
3rd year
5th term
PrF:EL027 Erasmus • 100 %
PrF:MP502ZK Labour Law II • 100 %
PrF:MP504Z Private International Law I • 100 %
PrF:MP506Z Commercial Law II • 100 %
PrF:MP509ZK Family Law • 100 %
PrF:MP510ZK Civil Procedural Law II • 100 %
PrF:MP511ZK Intellectual Property Law • 100 %
PrF:MVV296K Interactive Entertainment Law • 100 %
FI:PV156 Digital Photography • 100 %
PdF:FC8010 Financial literacy 1 • 100 %
FSpS:P950 Physical Education – Yoga • 100 %
6th term
PrF:MP609Z Law of European Union I • 100 %
PrF:MPP10 Practical Training I - Advocacy • 50 %
PrF:MPP20 Practical Training II - Advocacy • 50 %
PrF:MP419Z Law of Obligations I • 50 %
PrF:MP601ZK Private International Law II • 50 %
PrF:MP604ZK Commercial Law III • 50 %
PrF:MP605Z Criminal Law I • 50 %
PrF:MP614ZK Execution and Bankruptcy Law • 50 %
PrF:MP615Z Administrative Law I • 50 %
PdF:FC8004 Unsustainable development of humanity 2 • 50 %
PdF:FC8011 Financial literacy 2 • 50 %
PdF:SZ6072 E-COURSE: IT security and literacy in education • 50 %
FSpS:P9042 Physical Education – Slow Flow Yoga • 50 %
4th year
7th term
PrF:MP701Z Administrative Procedural Law - Seminar • 100 %
PrF:MP702Z Finance Law I • 100 %
PrF:MP703Z Criminal Law II • 100 %
PrF:MP705Z Land Law - Seminar • 100 %
PrF:MP724Z International Trade Law - Tutorial • 100 %
PrF:MP701ZK Administrative Procedural Law • 90 %
PrF:MP705ZK Land Law • 90 %
PrF:MP724ZK International Trade Law • 90 %
PrF:MP719Z Administrative Law II • 80 %
PrF:MP726Z Law of the European Union II Seminar • 80 %
PrF:MP726ZK Law of the European Union II • 80 %
PrF:MP506Z Commercial Law II • 20 %
PrF:MP510ZK Civil Procedural Law II • 20 %
PrF:MP911Z The Law of Negotiable Instruments - Tutorial • 20 %
PrF:MP911ZK The Law of Negotiable Instruments • 20 %
8th term
PrF:MP801Z Social Security Law - Seminar • 46 %
PrF:MP802Z Financial Law II • 46 %
PrF:MP805Z Environmental Law I • 46 %
PrF:MP801ZK Social Security Law • 42 %
PrF:MP803Z International Public Law I • 42 %
PrF:MP804Z Criminal Law III - Seminar • 42 %
PrF:MP810Z Human Rights and Judiciary - Seminar • 42 %
PrF:MP810ZK Human Rights and Judiciary • 42 %
PrF:MP929Z Financial Law III - Seminar • 42 %
PrF:MP1003K Diploma Seminar - Project • 38 %
PrF:MP804ZK Criminal Law III • 38 %
PrF:MP811ZK Administrative Law III • 38 %
PrF:MP905Z International Public Law II - Seminar • 38 %
PrF:MP911Z The Law of Negotiable Instruments - Tutorial • 38 %
PrF:MP911ZK The Law of Negotiable Instruments • 38 %
PrF:MP929ZK Financial Law III • 38 %
PrF:MP1004K Diploma Seminar I • 33 %
PrF:MP811Z Administrative Law III - seminar • 33 %
PrF:MP905ZK International Public Law II • 33 %
PrF:MP903 Legal Interpretation and Reasoning • 29 %
PrF:MP904Z Environmental Law - Seminar • 25 %
PrF:MP904ZK Environmental Law II • 25 %
PrF:MP705ZK Land Law • 21 %
PrF:MP724ZK International Trade Law • 21 %
PrF:MP601ZK Private International Law II • 17 %
PrF:MP604ZK Commercial Law III • 17 %
PrF:MP903K Moral Reasoning • 17 %
PrF:MP511ZK Intellectual Property Law • 13 %
PrF:MP705Z Land Law - Seminar • 13 %
PrF:MP909K Legal Interpretation and Complex Cases • 13 %
5th year
9th term
PrF:MP929Z Financial Law III - Seminar • 95 %
PrF:MP903 Legal Interpretation and Reasoning • 93 %
PrF:MP905Z International Public Law II - Seminar • 93 %
PrF:MP904Z Environmental Law - Seminar • 91 %
PrF:MP929ZK Financial Law III • 91 %
PrF:MP911Z The Law of Negotiable Instruments - Tutorial • 89 %
PrF:MP911ZK The Law of Negotiable Instruments • 89 %
PrF:MP904ZK Environmental Law II • 88 %
PrF:MP905ZK International Public Law II • 88 %
PrF:MP1004K Diploma Seminar I • 77 %
PrF:MP903K Moral Reasoning • 39 %
PrF:MP930K Professional Ethics of Lawyers • 36 %
PrF:MP909K Legal Interpretation and Complex Cases • 18 %
PrF:MV939K Forensic Medicine for Lawyers • 14 %
PrF:MPP40 Practical Training IV - Advocacy • 11 %
10th term
PrF:MP1006Z Diploma Thesis • 79 %
PrF:MP1008 Civil Law - Pre-state-examination Camp • 62 %
PrF:MP1003K Diploma Seminar - Project • 14 %

Law (Master's long-cycle full-time)

1st year
1st term
PrF:MP102ZK Sociology of Law • 98 %
PrF:MP106Z Roman Law I • 97 %
PrF:MP103ZK General History of Law • 96 %
PrF:MP113ZK Theory of Law I • 95 %
PrF:MP121ZK Theory of State • 95 %
PrF:MP111Z Language I.1 - English for Lawyers • 91 %
PrF:MV121K Introduction to Private Law • 63 %
PrF:EL037 Slavnostní imatrikulace - závazné potvrzení účasti • 59 %
PrF:MVE007K Development of Constitutional Law in the Czech Lands • 18 %
PrF:MVE002K Computer Processing of Scientific Text • 14 %
PrF:MVE006K History of the Czech Judiciary • 13 %
PrF:MV122K Introduction to the Study of Law • 13 %
PrF:MVE001Z Chapters from the Medieval Law in the Czech Lands • 11 %
2nd term
PrF:MP201ZK History of Czech and Czechoslovak Law in Modern Times • 97 %
PrF:MP204ZK Political Science • 97 %
PrF:MP215ZK Introduction to EU and International Law • 97 %
PrF:MP213Z Constitutional Law I • 96 %
PrF:MP220K Theory of Law II • 94 %
PrF:MP214ZK Civil Law - general part • 93 %
PrF:MP203ZK Roman Law II • 90 %
PrF:MP210Z Language I.2 - English for Lawyers • 90 %
PrF:MP221K Legal Informatics • 31 %
PrF:MP222K Legal Writing • 20 %
PrF:MVE007K Development of Constitutional Law in the Czech Lands • 19 %
PrF:MVE006K History of the Czech Judiciary • 12 %
2nd year
3rd term
PrF:MP301ZK National Economy • 95 %
PrF:MP310ZK Constitutional Law II • 95 %
PrF:MP313K Introduction to Studies of Public Administration • 94 %
PrF:MP309Z Language I.3 - English for Lawyers • 91 %
PrF:MP311ZK Absolute Property Rights • 88 %
PrF:MP221K Legal Informatics • 55 %
PrF:MP222K Legal Writing • 38 %
PrF:MVE010K The Law and Practice of International Organizations • 29 %
PrF:MVE002K Computer Processing of Scientific Text • 14 %
4th term
PrF:MP415ZK Economic Foundations of Law • 96 %
PrF:MP405Z Commercial Law I • 95 %
PrF:MP413Z Civil Procedural Law I • 92 %
PrF:MP404Z Labour Law I • 91 %
PrF:MP409ZK Language I.4 - English for Lawyers • 87 %
PrF:MP419Z Law of Obligations I • 83 %
PrF:MP416ZK Philosophy of Law • 38 %
PrF:MP417ZK History of Legal Thought • 28 %
PrF:MP222K Legal Writing • 23 %
PrF:MPP10 Practical Training I - Advocacy • 13 %
PrF:MP203ZK Roman Law II • 13 %
3rd year
5th term
PrF:MP504Z Private International Law I • 95 %
PrF:MP506Z Commercial Law II • 92 %
PrF:MP509ZK Family Law • 90 %
PrF:MP510ZK Civil Procedural Law II • 84 %
PrF:MP513ZK Law of Obligations II • 76 %
PrF:MP502ZK Labour Law II • 63 %
PrF:MP511ZK Intellectual Property Law • 58 %
PrF:MP512ZK The Law of Negotiable Instruments • 25 %
PrF:MP514ZK Labour Law II - a Seminar Focused on Skills • 24 %
PrF:EL027 Erasmus • 11 %
PrF:MPP10 Practical Training I - Advocacy • 11 %
PrF:MVE010K The Law and Practice of International Organizations • 11 %
6th term
PrF:MP615Z Administrative Law I • 96 %
PrF:MP605Z Criminal Law I • 94 %
PrF:MP601ZK Private International Law II • 91 %
PrF:MP604ZK Commercial Law III • 88 %
PrF:MP609Z Law of European Union I • 86 %
PrF:MP614ZK Execution and Bankruptcy Law • 74 %
PrF:MP801ZK Social Security Law • 15 %
PrF:MPP20 Practical Training II - Advocacy • 13 %
PrF:MP416ZK Philosophy of Law • 13 %
4th year
7th term
PrF:MP702Z Finance Law I • 96 %
PrF:MP703Z Criminal Law II • 96 %
PrF:MP719Z Administrative Law II • 96 %
PrF:MP701ZK Administrative Procedural Law • 94 %
PrF:MP726ZK Law of the European Union II • 88 %
PrF:MP705ZK Land Law • 87 %
PrF:MP724ZK International Trade Law • 87 %
PrF:MP701Z Administrative Procedural Law - Seminar • 44 %
PrF:MP705Z Land Law - Seminar • 43 %
PrF:MP724Z International Trade Law - Tutorial • 43 %
PrF:MP726Z Law of the European Union II Seminar • 43 %
PrF:MPP20 Practical Training II - Advocacy • 11 %
PrF:MP513ZK Law of Obligations II • 11 %
8th term
PrF:MP802Z Financial Law II • 95 %
PrF:MP803Z International Public Law I • 95 %
PrF:MP805Z Environmental Law I • 95 %
PrF:MP811ZK Administrative Law III • 94 %
PrF:MP1003K Diploma Seminar - Project • 93 %
PrF:MP804ZK Criminal Law III • 93 %
PrF:MP810ZK Human Rights and Judiciary • 92 %
PrF:MP801ZK Social Security Law • 88 %
PrF:MP804Z Criminal Law III - Seminar • 45 %
PrF:MP801Z Social Security Law - Seminar • 44 %
PrF:MP811Z Administrative Law III - seminar • 44 %
PrF:MP810Z Human Rights and Judiciary - Seminar • 43 %
PrF:MPP30 Practical Training III - Advocacy • 12 %
PrF:MPP40 Practical Training IV - Advocacy • 12 %
PrF:MP614ZK Execution and Bankruptcy Law • 12 %
5th year
9th term
PrF:MP903 Legal Interpretation and Reasoning • 97 %
PrF:MP929Z Financial Law III - Seminar • 97 %
PrF:MP904Z Environmental Law - Seminar • 96 %
PrF:MP905Z International Public Law II - Seminar • 96 %
PrF:MP911Z The Law of Negotiable Instruments - Tutorial • 94 %
PrF:MP911ZK The Law of Negotiable Instruments • 94 %
PrF:MP929ZK Financial Law III • 94 %
PrF:MP904ZK Environmental Law II • 92 %
PrF:MP905ZK International Public Law II • 92 %
PrF:MP1004K Diploma Seminar I • 85 %
PrF:MP903K Moral Reasoning • 42 %
PrF:MP930K Professional Ethics of Lawyers • 34 %
PrF:MP909K Legal Interpretation and Complex Cases • 21 %
PrF:MPP40 Practical Training IV - Advocacy • 12 %
10th term
PrF:MP1006Z Diploma Thesis • 93 %
PrF:MP1008 Civil Law - Pre-state-examination Camp • 70 %
PrF:MP1001 Master`s Degree Examination • 19 %
PrF:PV110 Civil Law and Procedure • 18 %
PrF:PV210 Criminal Law and Procedure • 17 %
PrF:MPP40 Practical Training IV - Advocacy • 11 %

Comparative Constitutional Law (doctoral full-time)

1st year
1st term
PrF:DAC2DT02 Doctoral Thesis Project II • 100 %
PrF:DA2LRM01 Legal Research Methodology I • 100 %
PrF:DAC1DT01 Doctoral Thesis Project I • 67 %
PrF:DA1RM01 Research Methodology • 67 %
PrF:DACPVP03 Reading Group • 33 %
PrF:DAC2PVP02 Political Philosophy Classics • 33 %
PrF:MVV357K Czech Constitutional Values • 33 %
2nd term
PrF:DA3LRM02 Legal Research Methodology II • 100 %
PrF:DAC3DT03 Doctoral Thesis Project III • 67 %
PrF:DACPVP03 Reading Group • 33 %
PrF:DAC1PVP01 Key Concepts of Constitutional Law • 33 %
2nd year
3rd term
There is no data available.
4th term
PrF:DAC4DT01 Doctoral Thesis I • 75 %
PrF:DACPVP04 Research Seminar - Work in Progress • 50 %
PrF:DAC5DT05 Doctoral Thesis II • 25 %
PrF:DA6RS02 Research Skills II • 25 %
CST:CZ4A_INT2 Czech for Foreign MU Staff: Intermediate 2 • 25 %
CST:FR_J2024 FRESHERS: Skills for Research Career • 25 %
3rd year
5th term
PrF:DACPVP03 Reading Group • 100 %
PrF:DAC6DT03 Doctoral Thesis III • 100 %
6th term
PrF:DACPVP06 Participation in International Project • 100 %
PrF:DAC1PVP01 Key Concepts of Constitutional Law • 100 %
PrF:DAC7DT07 Doctoral Thesis IV • 100 %
PrF:DA3LRM02 Legal Research Methodology II • 100 %
4th year
7th term
There is no data available.
8th term
PrF:DAC8DT05 Doctoral Thesis V • 100 %
PrF:DASDZ Doctoral state examination • 100 %

Comparative Corporate, Foundation and Trust Law (doctoral full-time)

1st year
1st term
There is no data available.
2nd term
There is no data available.
2nd year
3rd term
There is no data available.
4th term
PrF:DA3LRM02 Legal Research Methodology II • 100 %
3rd year
5th term
There is no data available.
6th term
PrF:DAF7DT04 Doctoral Thesis IV • 100 %
4th year
7th term
There is no data available.
8th term
PrF:DAF8DT05 Doctoral Thesis V • 100 %

Financial Law and Financial Science (doctoral degree programme, full-time study mode)

1st year
1st term
There is no data available.
2nd term
There is no data available.
2nd year
3rd term
There is no data available.
4th term
There is no data available.
3rd year
5th term
There is no data available.
6th term
PrF:D7DIS08 Doctoral Thesis I - Paper in a Journal • 100 %
PrF:D7DIS09 Doctoral Thesis I - Draft • 100 %
PrF:DPVP02 Work on Doctoral Thesis - Paper in Reviewed Proceedings in Czech/Slovak Republics • 33 %
PrF:DSDZ Doctoral state examination • 33 %
PrF:D5FIP13 International Cooperation in Financial Supervision • 33 %
4th year
7th term
PrF:D8DIS10 Doctoral Thesis II • 67 %
PrF:D9DIS11 Preparation for Doctoral Thesis Defence • 33 %
8th term
PrF:D8DIS10 Doctoral Thesis II • 60 %
PrF:D9DIS11 Preparation for Doctoral Thesis Defence • 40 %
PrF:DSDZ Doctoral state examination • 20 %

Financial Law and Financial Sciences (doctoral full-time)

1st year
1st term
PrF:DI1DIS01 Dissertation - Individual Study Plan I • 100 %
PrF:DO1FIP01 Theory of financial law • 100 %
PrF:DO1FIP02 Economic aspects of dissertation • 100 %
PrF:DO1FIP03 Administrative aspects of dissertation • 100 %
2nd term
There is no data available.
2nd year
3rd term
There is no data available.
4th term
PrF:DO5FIPA Area studies V • 100 %
PrF:DO5FIPS Financial law seminar V • 100 %
3rd year
5th term
PrF:DIPUB Scientific publication A, B, C • 100 %
PrF:DPVP13 European Tax Law • 100 %

Intellectual Property Law (doctoral full-time)

1st year
1st term
PrF:DAI2CL02 Copyright Law II • 100 %
PrF:DAI2DT02 Doctoral Thesis Project II • 100 %
PrF:DA2LRM01 Legal Research Methodology I • 100 %

International Legal Studies (doctoral full-time)

1st year
1st term
PrF:DI1DIS01 Dissertation - Individual Study Plan I • 100 %
PrF:DI1PED01 Development of Pedagogical Skills I • 100 %
PrF:DI2DIS02 Dissertation - Individual Study Plan II • 100 %
PrF:DI2PED02 Development of Pedagogical Skills II • 100 %
PrF:DOMPS_MPO Transnational Law of International Trade • 100 %
PrF:DOMPSV_DMP Private international law doctrine up to and including the 19th century • 100 %
PrF:DOMPSV_IP2 Principles of Private International Law II • 100 %
PrF:DOMPSV_MPS Theories of Private International Law • 100 %
PrF:DSANG1 English I • 100 %
PrF:DSANG2 English II • 100 %
PrF:DSPVP01 Jurisprudence and legal research - methodological approaches • 100 %
PrF:DSPVP02 Working with resources • 100 %
PrF:DSPVP03 Presentation and Pedagogical Skills • 100 %

International and European Law (doctoral degree programme, full-time study mode)

1st year
1st term
There is no data available.
2nd term
There is no data available.
2nd year
3rd term
There is no data available.
4th term
There is no data available.
3rd year
5th term
There is no data available.
6th term
PrF:D7DIS08 Doctoral Thesis I - Paper in a Journal • 100 %
PrF:D7DIS09 Doctoral Thesis I - Draft • 100 %
4th year
7th term
PrF:DOPVPE01 Vybrané společné politiky EU • 67 %
PrF:DOPVPE04 Finanční, měnové a rozpočtové otázky EU • 67 %
PrF:DOPVPE02 Area of Freedom, Security and Justice • 33 %
PrF:DOPVPM10 Analysis of the Court of Justice of the EU case law • 33 %
PrF:DO2PEU02 Obecná část práva EU – interakce s národním právem, aplikace v členských státech (přednost, přímý účinek) • 33 %
PrF:DPVP03 Work on Doctoral Thesis - Paper in Proceedings abroad • 33 %
PrF:D8DIS10 Doctoral Thesis II • 33 %
8th term
PrF:DSDZ Doctoral state examination • 67 %
PrF:D8DIS10 Doctoral Thesis II • 67 %
PrF:D9DIS11 Preparation for Doctoral Thesis Defence • 33 %

Private International Law (doctoral degree programme, full-time study mode)

1st year
1st term
There is no data available.
2nd term
There is no data available.
2nd year
3rd term
There is no data available.
4th term
PrF:D3DIS06 Work on Doctoral Thesis I - Paper in a Journal • 100 %
PrF:D3SVZ12 Topical Questions of Jurisprudence and Legal Practice I • 100 %
PrF:D5DIS06 Work on Doctoral Thesis III - Paper in a Journal • 100 %
PrF:D5DIS07 Work on Doctoral Thesis III- Thesis Proposal • 100 %
PrF:D5MES11 International Trade Operations II • 100 %
PrF:D5MES13 International Procedural Law • 100 %
PrF:D5PED02 University Teaching Practice III • 100 %
PrF:D5SVZ13 Civili Procedure II • 100 %
PrF:D5SVZ14 Theoretical Legal Thinking I • 100 %
3rd year
5th term
PrF:D6DIS06 Work on Doctoral Thesis IV - Paper in a Journal • 100 %
PrF:D6DIS07 Work on Doctoral Thesis IV - Thesis Proposal • 100 %
PrF:D6MES11 International Trade Operations III • 100 %
PrF:D6MES12 International Arbitration Proceedings • 100 %
PrF:D6PED02 University Teaching Practice IV • 100 %
PrF:D6SVZ13 Civili Procedure III • 100 %
PrF:D6SVZ14 Theoretical Legal Thinking II • 100 %
6th term
PrF:D7DIS08 Doctoral Thesis I - Paper in a Journal • 100 %
PrF:D7DIS09 Doctoral Thesis I - Draft • 100 %
4th year
7th term
There is no data available.
8th term
PrF:D8DIS10 Doctoral Thesis II • 50 %
PrF:DPVP02 Work on Doctoral Thesis - Paper in Reviewed Proceedings in Czech/Slovak Republics • 25 %
PrF:D7DIS08 Doctoral Thesis I - Paper in a Journal • 25 %

Civil Law (doctoral degree programme, full-time study mode)

1st year
1st term
There is no data available.
2nd term
There is no data available.
2nd year
3rd term
There is no data available.
4th term
There is no data available.
3rd year
5th term
There is no data available.
6th term
PrF:DPVP02 Work on Doctoral Thesis - Paper in Reviewed Proceedings in Czech/Slovak Republics • 67 %
PrF:D6DIS06 Work on Doctoral Thesis IV - Paper in a Journal • 67 %
PrF:D6DIS07 Work on Doctoral Thesis IV - Thesis Proposal • 67 %
PrF:D6OBC02 Civil Law Substantive VI • 67 %
PrF:D6OBC03 Civil Procedure VI • 67 %
PrF:D6PED02 University Teaching Practice IV • 67 %
PrF:D6PVP07 Family Law VI • 67 %
PrF:D6SVZ14 Theoretical Legal Thinking II • 67 %
PrF:D7DIS08 Doctoral Thesis I - Paper in a Journal • 67 %
FF:CJBB203 Academic Writing • 33 %
PrF:DPVP04 Work on Doctoral Thesis - Paper in a Foreign Journal • 33 %
PrF:D1JAZ03 German I • 33 %
PrF:D4DIS06 Work on Doctoral Thesis II - Paper in a Journal • 33 %
PrF:D5PED02 University Teaching Practice III • 33 %
PrF:D5PVP07 Family Law V • 33 %
PrF:D7DIS09 Doctoral Thesis I - Draft • 33 %
4th year
7th term
PrF:DPVP02 Work on Doctoral Thesis - Paper in Reviewed Proceedings in Czech/Slovak Republics • 33 %
PrF:D2JAZ03 German II • 33 %
PrF:D6DIS06 Work on Doctoral Thesis IV - Paper in a Journal • 33 %
PrF:D6DIS07 Work on Doctoral Thesis IV - Thesis Proposal • 33 %
PrF:D6PVP08 Intellectual Property Law VI • 33 %
PrF:D7DIS08 Doctoral Thesis I - Paper in a Journal • 33 %
PrF:D7DIS09 Doctoral Thesis I - Draft • 33 %
PrF:D8DIS10 Doctoral Thesis II • 33 %
8th term
PrF:DSDZ Doctoral state examination • 67 %
PrF:D8DIS10 Doctoral Thesis II • 33 %
PrF:DPVP02 Work on Doctoral Thesis - Paper in Reviewed Proceedings in Czech/Slovak Republics • 17 %
PrF:DPVP06 Work on Doctoral Thesis - Review in a Journal • 17 %
PrF:D7DIS09 Doctoral Thesis I - Draft • 17 %
PrF:D9DIS11 Preparation for Doctoral Thesis Defence • 17 %

Commercial Law (doctoral degree programme, full-time study mode)

1st year
1st term
There is no data available.
2nd term
There is no data available.
2nd year
3rd term
There is no data available.
4th term
There is no data available.
3rd year
5th term
There is no data available.
6th term
PrF:D5DIS06 Work on Doctoral Thesis III - Paper in a Journal • 100 %
PrF:D7DIS08 Doctoral Thesis I - Paper in a Journal • 100 %
PrF:D7DIS09 Doctoral Thesis I - Draft • 100 %
4th year
7th term
PrF:D8DIS10 Doctoral Thesis II • 100 %
PrF:DPVP02 Work on Doctoral Thesis - Paper in Reviewed Proceedings in Czech/Slovak Republics • 50 %
PrF:DPVP05 Work on Doctoral Thesis - Academic and Professional Literature Search • 50 %
PrF:DPVP06 Work on Doctoral Thesis - Review in a Journal • 50 %
PrF:D7DIS08 Doctoral Thesis I - Paper in a Journal • 50 %
PrF:D7DIS09 Doctoral Thesis I - Draft • 50 %
8th term
PrF:DSDZ Doctoral state examination • 100 %
PrF:D9DIS11 Preparation for Doctoral Thesis Defence • 100 %

Labour Law (doctoral degree programme, full-time study mode)

1st year
1st term
There is no data available.
2nd term
There is no data available.
2nd year
3rd term
There is no data available.
4th term
There is no data available.
3rd year
5th term
There is no data available.
6th term
There is no data available.
4th year
7th term
There is no data available.
8th term
PrF:DSDZ Doctoral state examination • 100 %
PrF:D8DIS10 Doctoral Thesis II • 100 %

European Law (doctoral full-time specialized)

1st year
1st term
There is no data available.
2nd term
There is no data available.
2nd year
3rd term
There is no data available.
4th term
PrF:DI5DIS05 Dissertation - Individual Study Plan V • 100 %
PrF:DI5PED05 Development of Pedagogical Skills V • 100 %
PrF:DO3PEU02 Vynucování práva EU a soudní systém EU • 100 %
PrF:DO5MPV01 Interpretace v mezinárodním právu a právu EU • 100 %
CST:FR_P2022 FRESHERS: Skills for Research Career • 100 %

Law Information and Communication Technologies (doctoral degree programme, full-time study mode)

1st year
1st term
There is no data available.
2nd term
There is no data available.
2nd year
3rd term
There is no data available.
4th term
There is no data available.
3rd year
5th term
There is no data available.
6th term
There is no data available.
4th year
7th term
There is no data available.
8th term
PrF:D8DIS10 Doctoral Thesis II • 100 %
PrF:D7DIS08 Doctoral Thesis I - Paper in a Journal • 50 %

Law Information and Communication Technologies (doctoral full-time)

1st year
1st term
PrF:D2DIS02 Preparatory Work on Doctoral Thesis II - Academic and Professional Literature Search • 100 %
PrF:D2DIS03 Preparatory Work on Doctoral Thesis II - Academic and Professional Literature Study • 100 %
PrF:D2DIS05 Preparatory Work on Doctoral Thesis II - Contribution to Discussion at Academic Conference/Seminar • 100 %
PrF:D2PED01 Teaching Assistance and Support II • 100 %
PrF:D2PIT04 Protection of information in European and international law II • 100 %
PrF:D2PIT05 Theory of law of information and communication technologies II • 100 %
PrF:D2PIT06 eGovernment and eJustice II • 100 %
PrF:DSPVP02 Working with resources • 80 %
PrF:D1DIS01 Preparatory Work on Doctoral Thesis I • 80 %
PrF:D1PED01 Teaching Assistance and Support I • 80 %
PrF:D1PIT01 Protection of information in European and international law I • 80 %
PrF:D1PIT02 Theory of law of information and communication technologies I • 80 %
PrF:D1PIT03 eGovernment and eJustice I • 80 %
PrF:D2JAZ01 English II • 80 %
PrF:DSPVP01 Jurisprudence and legal research - methodological approaches • 60 %
PrF:DSPVP03 Presentation and Pedagogical Skills • 60 %
PrF:D1JAZ01 English I • 60 %
PrF:D2DIS04 Preparatory Work on Doctoral Thesis II - Review in a Journal • 60 %
FF:CJVAPS Academic writing in English • 20 %
FF:NJ_001 Practical Courses of German • 20 %
FF:NJ_002 Practical Courses of German • 20 %
PrF:DPVP01 Work on Doctoral Thesis - Visiting Study/Internship/Resarch Abroad • 20 %
PrF:DSPVP05 Social Science Methods in Law • 20 %
PrF:D1JAZ02 French I • 20 %
PrF:D1SVZ11 Introduction to Scientific Work I • 20 %
PrF:D2JAZ02 French II • 20 %
PrF:MV319Z Language II.1. - French for Lawyers • 20 %
PrF:MV418K Language II.2. - French for Lawyers • 20 %
PdF:NJ_A102 German for Beginners 2 • 20 %
PdF:NJ_A104 German for Beginners 4 • 20 %
CST:FR_J2023 FRESHERS: Skills for Research Career • 20 %
2nd term
PrF:D3DIS07 Work on Doctoral Thesis I - Thesis Proposal • 100 %
PrF:D3PED02 University Teaching Practice I • 100 %
PrF:D3PIT07 Protection of information in European and international law III • 100 %
PrF:D3PIT08 Theory of law of information and communication technologies III • 100 %
PrF:D3PIT09 Law of eCommerce I • 100 %
PrF:DSPVP06 Legal argumentation • 75 %
PrF:D3DIS06 Work on Doctoral Thesis I - Paper in a Journal • 75 %
PrF:DPVP05 Work on Doctoral Thesis - Academic and Professional Literature Search • 50 %
PrF:DSPVP07 Grant and Project Preparation • 25 %
PrF:D3SVZ12 Topical Questions of Jurisprudence and Legal Practice I • 25 %
2nd year
3rd term
PrF:D4DIS07 Work on Doctoral Thesis II - Thesis Proposal • 100 %
PrF:D4PED02 University Teaching Practice II • 100 %
PrF:D4PIT10 Protection of information in European and international law IV • 100 %
PrF:D4PIT11 Theory of law of information and communication technologies IV • 100 %
PrF:D4PIT12 Law of eCommerce II • 100 %
PrF:D4DIS06 Work on Doctoral Thesis II - Paper in a Journal • 75 %
PrF:D2DIS04 Preparatory Work on Doctoral Thesis II - Review in a Journal • 50 %
PrF:DPVP01 Work on Doctoral Thesis - Visiting Study/Internship/Resarch Abroad • 25 %
PrF:DPVP05 Work on Doctoral Thesis - Academic and Professional Literature Search • 25 %
PrF:DSPVP03 Presentation and Pedagogical Skills • 25 %
PrF:DSPVP05 Social Science Methods in Law • 25 %
PrF:D4SVZ12 Topical Questions of Jurisprudence and Legal Practice II • 25 %
PrF:D6DIS06 Work on Doctoral Thesis IV - Paper in a Journal • 25 %
PdF:NJ_D740 Online German A2/B2: german sentence • 25 %
4th term
PrF:D5DIS06 Work on Doctoral Thesis III - Paper in a Journal • 100 %
PrF:D5DIS07 Work on Doctoral Thesis III- Thesis Proposal • 100 %
PrF:D5PED02 University Teaching Practice III • 100 %
PrF:D5PIT13 Protection of information in European and international law V • 100 %
PrF:D5PIT14 Theory of law of information and communication technologies V • 100 %
PrF:D5PIT15 Law of eCommerce III • 100 %
PrF:D5SVZ14 Theoretical Legal Thinking I • 100 %
3rd year
5th term
PrF:DPVP03 Work on Doctoral Thesis - Paper in Proceedings abroad • 100 %
PrF:DPVP04 Work on Doctoral Thesis - Paper in a Foreign Journal • 100 %
PrF:DPVP05 Work on Doctoral Thesis - Academic and Professional Literature Search • 100 %
PrF:D2DIS05 Preparatory Work on Doctoral Thesis II - Contribution to Discussion at Academic Conference/Seminar • 100 %
PrF:D6DIS06 Work on Doctoral Thesis IV - Paper in a Journal • 100 %
PrF:D6DIS07 Work on Doctoral Thesis IV - Thesis Proposal • 100 %
PrF:D6PED02 University Teaching Practice IV • 100 %
PrF:D6PIT16 Protection of information in European and international law VI • 100 %
PrF:D6PIT17 Theory of law of information and communication technologies VI • 100 %
PrF:D6PIT18 Law of eCommerce IV • 100 %
PrF:D6SVZ14 Theoretical Legal Thinking II • 100 %
6th term
PrF:D7DIS08 Doctoral Thesis I - Paper in a Journal • 100 %
PrF:D7DIS09 Doctoral Thesis I - Draft • 100 %
4th year
7th term
PrF:DPVP03 Work on Doctoral Thesis - Paper in Proceedings abroad • 100 %
PrF:DPVP04 Work on Doctoral Thesis - Paper in a Foreign Journal • 100 %
8th term
PrF:D8DIS10 Doctoral Thesis II • 100 %

Private law and civil procedural law (doctoral full-time)

1st year
1st term
PrF:DI1DIS01 Dissertation - Individual Study Plan I • 100 %
PrF:DI1PED01 Development of Pedagogical Skills I • 100 %
PrF:DI2DIS02 Dissertation - Individual Study Plan II • 100 %
PrF:DI2PED02 Development of Pedagogical Skills II • 100 %
PrF:DOSCPS_MET Methodology of finding the law • 100 %
PrF:DOSCPS_PHP Substantive law and procedural law • 100 %
PrF:DOSCPV_WS PhD workshop • 100 %
PrF:DSPVP01 Jurisprudence and legal research - methodological approaches • 100 %
PrF:DSPVP02 Working with resources • 100 %
PrF:DIPUB Scientific publication A, B, C • 67 %
PrF:DOSCPV_CPS Civil Procedure - The Doctrine of Parties • 67 %
PrF:DOSCPV_CPZ Civil Procedure - Basic Conceptual Issues • 67 %
PrF:DOSCPV_SR Civil Procedure - Judicial Decisions and Res Judicata • 67 %
PrF:DSANG1 English I • 67 %
PrF:DSANG2 English II • 67 %
PrF:DOSCPV_NSA Unfair Competition and Labelling Rights A • 33 %
PrF:DOSCPV_NSB Unfair Competition and Labelling Rights B • 33 %
PrF:DOSCPV_PS Civil Procedure - Subject Matter of the Dispute • 33 %
PrF:DOSCPV_PUS Civil Procedure - Action and Other Procedural Acts of the Parties • 33 %
PrF:DOSCPV_SOS Private law seminar • 33 %
PrF:DSPVP03 Presentation and Pedagogical Skills • 33 %
PrF:DSPVP07 Grant and Project Preparation • 33 %
CST:FR_J2024 FRESHERS: Skills for Research Career • 33 %

Administrative and Environmental Law (doctoral degree programme, full-time study mode)

1st year
1st term
There is no data available.
2nd term
There is no data available.
2nd year
3rd term
There is no data available.
4th term
There is no data available.
3rd year
5th term
PrF:D2JAZ01 English II • 100 %
PrF:D4SVZ12 Topical Questions of Jurisprudence and Legal Practice II • 100 %
PrF:D6DIS06 Work on Doctoral Thesis IV - Paper in a Journal • 100 %
PrF:D6DIS07 Work on Doctoral Thesis IV - Thesis Proposal • 100 %
PrF:D6PED02 University Teaching Practice IV • 100 %
PrF:D6SPZ22 Judicial Control in Environmental Law • 100 %
PrF:D6SVZ14 Theoretical Legal Thinking II • 100 %
6th term
PrF:D7DIS09 Doctoral Thesis I - Draft • 83 %
PrF:D7DIS08 Doctoral Thesis I - Paper in a Journal • 67 %
PrF:DPVP06 Work on Doctoral Thesis - Review in a Journal • 33 %
PrF:D5DIS06 Work on Doctoral Thesis III - Paper in a Journal • 33 %
PrF:DPVP02 Work on Doctoral Thesis - Paper in Reviewed Proceedings in Czech/Slovak Republics • 17 %
PrF:DPVP03 Work on Doctoral Thesis - Paper in Proceedings abroad • 17 %
PrF:DPVP04 Work on Doctoral Thesis - Paper in a Foreign Journal • 17 %
PrF:D4DIS07 Work on Doctoral Thesis II - Thesis Proposal • 17 %
PrF:D6DIS07 Work on Doctoral Thesis IV - Thesis Proposal • 17 %
PrF:D6PED02 University Teaching Practice IV • 17 %
PrF:D6SPZ20 Judicial Control over Public Administration I • 17 %
PrF:D6SPZ21 Judicial Control over Public Administration II • 17 %
PrF:D6SPZ22 Judicial Control in Environmental Law • 17 %
PrF:D6SVZ14 Theoretical Legal Thinking II • 17 %
4th year
7th term
PrF:D6SPZ21 Judicial Control over Public Administration II • 60 %
PrF:D8DIS10 Doctoral Thesis II • 60 %
PrF:DPVP02 Work on Doctoral Thesis - Paper in Reviewed Proceedings in Czech/Slovak Republics • 40 %
PrF:DPVP06 Work on Doctoral Thesis - Review in a Journal • 40 %
PrF:D6DIS06 Work on Doctoral Thesis IV - Paper in a Journal • 40 %
PrF:DPVP04 Work on Doctoral Thesis - Paper in a Foreign Journal • 20 %
PrF:DSPVP03 Presentation and Pedagogical Skills • 20 %
PrF:DSPVP04 Historical Research in Law • 20 %
PrF:D6SPZ20 Judicial Control over Public Administration I • 20 %
PrF:D7DIS09 Doctoral Thesis I - Draft • 20 %
PdF:SP0966 Art as a tool for communication in the inclusive culture • 20 %
PdF:SP2907 Art techniques in the intervention • 20 %
CST:FR_J2024 FRESHERS: Skills for Research Career • 20 %
8th term
PrF:DSDZ Doctoral state examination • 80 %
PrF:D9DIS11 Preparation for Doctoral Thesis Defence • 40 %

Theory and history of law (doctoral full-time)

1st year
1st term
PrF:DI1DIS01 Dissertation - Individual Study Plan I • 100 %
PrF:DI1PED01 Development of Pedagogical Skills I • 100 %
PrF:DI2DIS02 Dissertation - Individual Study Plan II • 100 %
PrF:DI2PED02 Development of Pedagogical Skills II • 100 %
PrF:DOTDP_PM Methodology of legal thought • 100 %
PrF:DOTDP_PV Historical Development of Legal Science • 100 %
PrF:DOTPV_AJ1 Analytical Jurisprudence I. • 100 %
PrF:DOTPV_ETI Legal ethics • 100 %
PrF:DSANG1 English I • 100 %
PrF:DSPVP01 Jurisprudence and legal research - methodological approaches • 100 %
PrF:DSPVP02 Working with resources • 100 %
CST:FR_P2023 FRESHERS: Skills for Research Career • 100 %

Theory of Law (doctoral degree programme, full-time study mode)

1st year
1st term
There is no data available.
2nd term
There is no data available.
2nd year
3rd term
There is no data available.
4th term
There is no data available.
3rd year
5th term
There is no data available.
6th term
PrF:D7DIS08 Doctoral Thesis I - Paper in a Journal • 100 %
PrF:D7DIS09 Doctoral Thesis I - Draft • 100 %
PrF:D3DIS06 Work on Doctoral Thesis I - Paper in a Journal • 25 %
PrF:D5DIS06 Work on Doctoral Thesis III - Paper in a Journal • 25 %
CST:FR_P2022 FRESHERS: Skills for Research Career • 25 %
4th year
7th term
PrF:D8DIS10 Doctoral Thesis II • 40 %
PrF:DPVP02 Work on Doctoral Thesis - Paper in Reviewed Proceedings in Czech/Slovak Republics • 20 %
PrF:DPVP03 Work on Doctoral Thesis - Paper in Proceedings abroad • 20 %
PrF:DPVP04 Work on Doctoral Thesis - Paper in a Foreign Journal • 20 %
PrF:DPVP06 Work on Doctoral Thesis - Review in a Journal • 20 %
PrF:DPVP10 Course on scientific methods • 20 %
PrF:D4DIS06 Work on Doctoral Thesis II - Paper in a Journal • 20 %
PrF:D7DIS09 Doctoral Thesis I - Draft • 20 %
PrF:MVV4068K Comparative Legal Studies • 20 %
8th term
PrF:DSDZ Doctoral state examination • 75 %
PrF:D9DIS11 Preparation for Doctoral Thesis Defence • 75 %
PrF:D8DIS10 Doctoral Thesis II • 50 %

Theory of Law (doctoral full-time)

1st year
1st term
There is no data available.
2nd term
There is no data available.
2nd year
3rd term
There is no data available.
4th term
PrF:DI3PED03 Development of Pedagogical Skills III • 100 %
PrF:DI5DIS05 Dissertation - Individual Study Plan V • 100 %
PrF:DO3TEPR03 Contemporary legal thought III • 100 %
PrF:DO3TEPR04 Methodology of Jurisprudence I. • 100 %
PrF:DO5TEPR02 Legal Theory V. • 100 %
PrF:DSPVP01 Jurisprudence and legal research - methodological approaches • 100 %

Criminal Law (doctoral degree programme, full-time study mode)

1st year
1st term
There is no data available.
2nd term
There is no data available.
2nd year
3rd term
There is no data available.
4th term
There is no data available.
3rd year
5th term
There is no data available.
6th term
PrF:D7DIS08 Doctoral Thesis I - Paper in a Journal • 100 %
PrF:D7DIS09 Doctoral Thesis I - Draft • 100 %
PrF:DPVP02 Work on Doctoral Thesis - Paper in Reviewed Proceedings in Czech/Slovak Republics • 33 %
4th year
7th term
PrF:DPVP06 Work on Doctoral Thesis - Review in a Journal • 67 %
PrF:D6DIS06 Work on Doctoral Thesis IV - Paper in a Journal • 33 %
8th term
PrF:DPVP02 Work on Doctoral Thesis - Paper in Reviewed Proceedings in Czech/Slovak Republics • 67 %
PrF:D8DIS10 Doctoral Thesis II • 33 %

Criminal Law (doctoral full-time)

1st year
1st term
PrF:DI1DIS01 Dissertation - Individual Study Plan I • 100 %
PrF:DI1PED01 Development of Pedagogical Skills I • 100 %
PrF:DI2DIS02 Dissertation - Individual Study Plan II • 100 %
PrF:DI2PED02 Development of Pedagogical Skills II • 100 %
PrF:DO1TRPR01 Criminal Law Substantive I • 100 %
PrF:DO1TRPR02 Criminal Procedure I • 100 %
PrF:DO1TRPR05 Criminology I • 100 %
PrF:DO2TRPR01 Criminal Law Substantive II • 100 %
PrF:DO2TRPR02 Criminal Procedure II • 100 %
PrF:DO2TRPR05 Criminology II • 100 %
PrF:DSANG1 English I • 100 %
PrF:DSANG2 English II • 100 %
PrF:DSDNEM3 Second Language - German • 100 %
PrF:DSPVP01 Jurisprudence and legal research - methodological approaches • 100 %
PrF:DSPVP02 Working with resources • 100 %
PrF:DSPVP03 Presentation and Pedagogical Skills • 100 %
2nd term
PrF:DI3DIS03 Dissertation - Individual Study Plan III • 100 %
PrF:DI3PED03 Development of Pedagogical Skills III • 100 %
PrF:DO3TRPR01 Criminal Law Substantive III • 100 %
PrF:DO3TRPR02 Crriminal Procedure III • 100 %
PrF:DO3TRPR03 Criminology III • 100 %
PrF:DO3TRPR04 Criminalistics III • 100 %
2nd year
3rd term
PrF:DI4DIS04 Dissertation - Individual Study Plan IV • 100 %
PrF:DI4PED04 Development of Pedagogical Skills IV • 100 %
PrF:DO4TRPR01 Criminal Law Substantive IV • 100 %
PrF:DO4TRPR02 Criminal Procedure IV • 100 %
PrF:DO4TRPR03 Criminology IV • 100 %
PrF:DO4TRPR04 Criminalistics IV • 100 %
PrF:DO2PEU02 Obecná část práva EU – interakce s národním právem, aplikace v členských státech (přednost, přímý účinek) • 50 %
4th term
PrF:DI5DIS05 Dissertation - Individual Study Plan V • 100 %
PrF:DI5PED05 Development of Pedagogical Skills V • 100 %
PrF:DO5TRPR01 Criminal Law Substantive V • 100 %
PrF:DO5TRPR02 Criminal Procedure V • 100 %
PrF:DO5TRPR03 Criminology V • 100 %
PrF:DO5TRPR04 Criminalistics V • 100 %
PrF:DIKONF Conference Presentation • 40 %
PrF:DIINTER Internacionalization • 20 %
PrF:DIPUB Scientific publication A, B, C • 20 %
PrF:DSPVP01 Jurisprudence and legal research - methodological approaches • 20 %
3rd year
5th term
PrF:DI6DIS06 Dissertation - Individual Study Plan VI • 100 %
PrF:DI6PED06 Development of Pedagogical Skills VI • 100 %
PrF:DO6TRPR01 Criminal Law Substantive VI • 100 %
PrF:DO6TRPR02 Criminal Procedure VI • 100 %
PrF:DO6TRPR03 Criminology VI • 100 %
PrF:DO6TRPR04 Criminalistics VI • 100 %
PrF:DIINTER Internacionalization • 20 %
PrF:DIPUB Scientific publication A, B, C • 20 %
PrF:DSPVP03 Presentation and Pedagogical Skills • 20 %
6th term
PrF:DIV7PED07 Development of Pedagogical Skills VII • 100 %
PrF:DI7DIS07 Dissertation - Individual Study Plan VII • 67 %
PrF:DIPUB Scientific publication A, B, C • 33 %
PrF:DSDANG3 Second Language - Englisch • 33 %
PrF:DSDZ Doctoral state examination • 33 %
PrF:DSPVP06 Legal argumentation • 33 %
4th year
7th term
PrF:DSPVP03 Presentation and Pedagogical Skills • 100 %
8th term
PrF:DI8DIS08 Dissertation - Individual Study Plan VIII • 100 %
PrF:DSDZ Doctoral state examination • 50 %

Constitutional Law and Theory of State (doctoral degree programme, full-time study mode)

1st year
1st term
There is no data available.
2nd term
There is no data available.
2nd year
3rd term
There is no data available.
4th term
There is no data available.
3rd year
5th term
PrF:DACPVP03 Reading Group • 100 %
PrF:DPVP04 Work on Doctoral Thesis - Paper in a Foreign Journal • 100 %
PrF:D3DIS06 Work on Doctoral Thesis I - Paper in a Journal • 100 %
PrF:D5DIS06 Work on Doctoral Thesis III - Paper in a Journal • 100 %
PrF:D5DIS07 Work on Doctoral Thesis III- Thesis Proposal • 100 %
PrF:D5PED02 University Teaching Practice III • 100 %
PrF:D5SVZ03 Administrative Law V • 100 %
PrF:D5SVZ14 Theoretical Legal Thinking I • 100 %
PrF:D5USP03 Constitutional Law V • 100 %
PrF:D5USP06 Theory of State and Political Science V • 100 %
PrF:D6DIS06 Work on Doctoral Thesis IV - Paper in a Journal • 100 %
PrF:D6DIS07 Work on Doctoral Thesis IV - Thesis Proposal • 100 %
PrF:D6PED02 University Teaching Practice IV • 100 %
PrF:D6SVZ03 Administrative Law VI • 100 %
PrF:D6SVZ14 Theoretical Legal Thinking II • 100 %
PrF:D6USP03 Constitutional Law VI • 100 %
PrF:D6USP06 Theory of State and Political Science VI • 100 %
6th term
PrF:DOUSPS1 Research Writing Skills • 100 %
PrF:D7DIS08 Doctoral Thesis I - Paper in a Journal • 100 %
PrF:D7DIS09 Doctoral Thesis I - Draft • 100 %
4th year
7th term
PrF:DOUSPS2 Research in Progress • 50 %
PrF:DPVP02 Work on Doctoral Thesis - Paper in Reviewed Proceedings in Czech/Slovak Republics • 50 %
PrF:DPVP06 Work on Doctoral Thesis - Review in a Journal • 50 %
PrF:DSPVP05 Social Science Methods in Law • 50 %
PrF:D4DIS06 Work on Doctoral Thesis II - Paper in a Journal • 50 %
PrF:D6DIS06 Work on Doctoral Thesis IV - Paper in a Journal • 50 %
8th term
PrF:DSDZ Doctoral state examination • 33 %
PrF:D5DIS06 Work on Doctoral Thesis III - Paper in a Journal • 33 %
PrF:D7DIS08 Doctoral Thesis I - Paper in a Journal • 33 %
PrF:D7DIS09 Doctoral Thesis I - Draft • 33 %
PrF:D8DIS10 Doctoral Thesis II • 33 %

Constitutional Law and Theory of State (jednooborový) (doctoral full-time)

1st year
1st term
PrF:DI2DIS02 Dissertation - Individual Study Plan II • 100 %
PrF:DI2PED02 Development of Pedagogical Skills II • 100 %
PrF:DO2USPS02 Constitutional Law I. • 100 %
PrF:DI1DIS01 Dissertation - Individual Study Plan I • 75 %
PrF:DI1PED01 Development of Pedagogical Skills I • 75 %
PrF:DO1USPS01 Theory of State I. • 75 %
PrF:DSANG1 English I • 75 %
PrF:DSANG2 English II • 75 %
PrF:DSPVP01 Jurisprudence and legal research - methodological approaches • 75 %
PrF:DIPUB Scientific publication A, B, C • 50 %
PrF:DPVP16 Readings in Constitutional Law • 50 %
PrF:DSPVP02 Working with resources • 50 %
PrF:DSPVP05 Social Science Methods in Law • 50 %
PrF:DACPVP03 Reading Group • 25 %
PrF:DIKONF Conference Presentation • 25 %
PrF:DOUSPS2 Research in Progress • 25 %
PrF:DSPVP03 Presentation and Pedagogical Skills • 25 %
PdF:FJ0001 French for Beginners 1 • 25 %
PdF:NJ_A101 German for Beginners 1 • 25 %
PdF:NJ_A104 German for Beginners 4 • 25 %
PdF:ONLINE_AG English Online - Grammar • 25 %
2nd term
PrF:DI3DIS03 Dissertation - Individual Study Plan III • 100 %
PrF:DI3PED03 Development of Pedagogical Skills III • 100 %
PrF:DO3USPS02 Constitutional Law II. • 100 %
PrF:DSPVP07 Grant and Project Preparation • 80 %
PrF:DSPVP01 Jurisprudence and legal research - methodological approaches • 40 %
PrF:DI1PED01 Development of Pedagogical Skills I • 20 %
PrF:DOTPV_LAW1 Law and Humanities I. • 20 %
PrF:DSPVP02 Working with resources • 20 %
PrF:MVV57914K European Human Rights Moot Court Competition II • 20 %
PdF:ONLINE_AS English Online - Speaking • 20 %
CST:AUT_TM1 Introduction to scheduling and time management for students with special needs • 20 %
2nd year
3rd term
PrF:DI4DIS04 Dissertation - Individual Study Plan IV • 100 %
PrF:DI4PED04 Development of Pedagogical Skills IV • 100 %
PrF:DO4USPS02 Constitutional Law III. • 100 %
PrF:DIKONF Conference Presentation • 40 %
PrF:DPVP16 Readings in Constitutional Law • 40 %
PrF:DIPUB Scientific publication A, B, C • 20 %
PrF:DOUSPS2 Research in Progress • 20 %
PrF:DSPVP03 Presentation and Pedagogical Skills • 20 %
CST:CORE042 Data – the Answer to the Ultimate Question of Life, the Universe, and Everything... • 20 %
4th term
PrF:DI5DIS05 Dissertation - Individual Study Plan V • 100 %
PrF:DI5PED05 Development of Pedagogical Skills V • 100 %
PrF:DO5USPS02 Constitutional Law IV. • 100 %
PrF:DIPUB Scientific publication A, B, C • 33 %
3rd year
5th term
PrF:DI6DIS06 Dissertation - Individual Study Plan VI • 67 %
PrF:DI6PED06 Development of Pedagogical Skills VI • 67 %
PrF:DIPUB Scientific publication A, B, C • 33 %
PrF:DSPVP05 Social Science Methods in Law • 33 %
6th term
PrF:DACPVP03 Reading Group • 100 %
PrF:DIINTER Internacionalization • 100 %
PrF:DIV7PED07 Development of Pedagogical Skills VII • 100 %
PrF:DI7DIS07 Dissertation - Individual Study Plan VII • 100 %
4th year
7th term
PrF:DIV8PED08 Development of Pedagogical Skills VIII • 100 %

Public Law Studies (doctoral full-time)

1st year
1st term
PrF:DI1DIS01 Dissertation - Individual Study Plan I • 75 %
PrF:DI1PED01 Development of Pedagogical Skills I • 75 %
PrF:DI2DIS02 Dissertation - Individual Study Plan II • 75 %
PrF:DI2PED02 Development of Pedagogical Skills II • 75 %
PrF:DOVPV_VP1 Public Law Seminar I • 75 %
PrF:DOVPV_VP2 Public Law Seminar II • 75 %
PrF:DSANG1 English I • 75 %
PrF:DSPVP01 Jurisprudence and legal research - methodological approaches • 75 %
PrF:DSPVP02 Working with resources • 75 %
PrF:DOVPS_EKON Economic Basis of Public Administration • 50 %
PrF:DOVPS_VMP Role of European and International Law in the Public Law • 50 %
PrF:DOVPS_VPP Theory of Public Procedural Law • 50 %
PrF:DSANG2 English II • 50 %
PrF:DOVPV_AZP International and EU Law Aspects of Enviromental Protection • 25 %
PrF:DOVPV_DISK Discretionary power of public administration • 25 %
PrF:DOVPV_FIN Financial literacy • 25 %
PrF:DOVPV_SKVS Judicial review of public administration • 25 %
PrF:DOVPV_SP Administrative processes in public law • 25 %
PrF:DOVPV_TRE Administrative Punishment • 25 %
PrF:DOVPV_TZP Enviromental Law Theory • 25 %
PrF:DSNEM2 German II • 25 %
PrF:DSPVP03 Presentation and Pedagogical Skills • 25 %
PrF:DSPVP07 Grant and Project Preparation • 25 %
CST:FR_J2024 FRESHERS: Skills for Research Career • 25 %

Financial Administration (Bachelor's combined specialized)

1st year
1st term
PrF:BZ102ZK Introduction to the Theory of the State • 95 %
PrF:BZ105ZK The Fundamentals of International and European Union Law • 95 %
PrF:BZ101ZK Legal Theory • 90 %
PrF:BZ106K Basics of Academical Writing • 85 %
PrF:BV302ZK Selected Chapters in Psychology of Law • 40 %
PrF:BV503K Accounting Law • 40 %
PrF:BV101ZK The History of the Czech Public Administration • 25 %
PrF:BV103ZK Fundamentals of Czech Political System • 20 %
PrF:BV102ZK Roman Law (Real Rights and Law of Obligations) and History of Private Law • 15 %
PrF:BZ502K Basics of a Foreign Language for Bachelors - English • 15 %
2nd term
PrF:BZ207ZK Constitutional Law for Bachelors • 91 %
PrF:BZ208K Civil Law for Bachelors • 91 %
PrF:BZ209K Legal Informatics • 91 %
PrF:BZ210ZK Basics of Administrative Law • 73 %
PrF:BV204ZK Management • 55 %
PrF:BV203ZK Economics • 18 %
PrF:BV403ZK Social Communication • 18 %
2nd year
3rd term
PrF:BZ305ZK Civil Procedural Law • 100 %
PrF:BZ306ZK Basics of Financial Law • 100 %
PrF:BZ308ZK Introduction to Commercial Law • 100 %
PrF:BZ309K Procedural Law • 90 %
PrF:BZ304ZK Civil Law for Bachelors II • 70 %
PrF:BV302ZK Selected Chapters in Psychology of Law • 30 %
PrF:BV503K Accounting Law • 30 %
PrF:BV103ZK Fundamentals of Czech Political System • 20 %
PrF:BZ502K Basics of a Foreign Language for Bachelors - English • 20 %
4th term
PrF:BM405K Selected Administrative Proceedings Questions • 90 %
PrF:BZ402ZK Tax Administration • 90 %
PrF:BZ403K Basics of Substantive Criminal Law and Procedural Criminal Law I • 90 %
PrF:BZ410ZK Administrative Procedural Law • 90 %
PrF:BM404ZK Finance of Local Administration • 80 %
PrF:BZ405ZK Labour Law • 80 %
PrF:BF405ZK Public Finance and Fiscal Law • 70 %
PrF:BZ210ZK Basics of Administrative Law • 20 %
3rd year
5th term
PrF:BN508ZK Legal Regulation of Property Taxation • 100 %
PrF:BF504ZK Administration of Customs and Indirect Taxes • 90 %
PrF:BM505ZK Basics of Administrative Science • 90 %
PrF:BM506Z Diploma Seminar I • 90 %
PrF:BZ504ZK Basics of Substantive Criminal Law and Procedural Criminal Law • 90 %
PrF:BZ502K Basics of a Foreign Language for Bachelors - English • 50 %
6th term
PrF:BF604ZK Monetary Policy and Currency Law • 100 %
PrF:BM604Z Diploma Seminar II • 100 %
PrF:BF405ZK Public Finance and Fiscal Law • 29 %
PrF:BM404ZK Finance of Local Administration • 14 %
PrF:BZ405ZK Labour Law • 14 %

Land Registry Administration (Bachelor's combined specialized)

1st year
1st term
PrF:BZ102ZK Introduction to the Theory of the State • 77 %
PrF:BZ105ZK The Fundamentals of International and European Union Law • 77 %
PrF:BZ106K Basics of Academical Writing • 77 %
PrF:BZ101ZK Legal Theory • 69 %
PrF:BV101ZK The History of the Czech Public Administration • 46 %
PrF:BV103ZK Fundamentals of Czech Political System • 38 %
PrF:BV302ZK Selected Chapters in Psychology of Law • 38 %
PrF:BV102ZK Roman Law (Real Rights and Law of Obligations) and History of Private Law • 31 %
PrF:BV301ZK Selected Chapters in Sociology of Law • 23 %
FF:CORE053 Information literacy course • 15 %
2nd term
PrF:BZ207ZK Constitutional Law for Bachelors • 100 %
PrF:BZ210ZK Basics of Administrative Law • 100 %
PrF:BZ208K Civil Law for Bachelors • 88 %
PrF:BZ209K Legal Informatics • 88 %
PrF:BZ406ZK Enviromental Law Basics • 50 %
PrF:BVD005K The Legal Status of Experts and Rules of their Profession • 38 %
PrF:BV202ZK The History of Criminal Law • 38 %
PrF:BV401ZK Public Finance • 25 %
PrF:BS601K Basics of Communication • 13 %
PrF:BV403ZK Social Communication • 13 %
2nd year
3rd term
PrF:BZ305ZK Civil Procedural Law • 100 %
PrF:BZ306ZK Basics of Financial Law • 100 %
PrF:BZ308ZK Introduction to Commercial Law • 83 %
PrF:BZ309K Procedural Law • 83 %
PrF:BZ304ZK Civil Law for Bachelors II • 67 %
PrF:BV302ZK Selected Chapters in Psychology of Law • 50 %
PrF:BN507K Basics of Land Law I • 33 %
PrF:BZ101ZK Legal Theory • 33 %
PrF:BZ503K Rudiments of a Foreign Language for Bachelors - German • 33 %
PrF:BO106K English for Specific Purposes I • 17 %
PrF:BV301ZK Selected Chapters in Sociology of Law • 17 %
PrF:BZ105ZK The Fundamentals of International and European Union Law • 17 %
4th term
PrF:BM404ZK Finance of Local Administration • 100 %
PrF:BM405K Selected Administrative Proceedings Questions • 100 %
PrF:BZ402ZK Tax Administration • 100 %
PrF:BZ403K Basics of Substantive Criminal Law and Procedural Criminal Law I • 100 %
PrF:BZ410ZK Administrative Procedural Law • 100 %
PrF:BZ405ZK Labour Law • 83 %
PrF:BZ406ZK Enviromental Law Basics • 67 %
PrF:BN605ZK Basics of Land Law II • 33 %
PrF:BZ209K Legal Informatics • 33 %
PrF:BV401ZK Public Finance • 17 %
PrF:NP213K Environmental Law for Public Administration • 17 %
3rd year
5th term
PrF:BM505ZK Basics of Administrative Science • 100 %
PrF:BM506Z Diploma Seminar I • 100 %
PrF:BN507K Basics of Land Law I • 100 %
PrF:BN508ZK Legal Regulation of Property Taxation • 100 %
PrF:BZ504ZK Basics of Substantive Criminal Law and Procedural Criminal Law • 100 %
PrF:BZ502K Basics of a Foreign Language for Bachelors - English • 50 %
6th term
PrF:BM604Z Diploma Seminar II • 100 %
PrF:BN605ZK Basics of Land Law II • 100 %
PrF:BN606K Land Registry • 100 %

International Commercial Law Studies (Bachelor's combined single-subject)

1st year
1st term
PrF:BZ102ZK Introduction to the Theory of the State • 93 %
PrF:BZ105ZK The Fundamentals of International and European Union Law • 92 %
PrF:BZ101ZK Legal Theory • 90 %
PrF:BO106K English for Specific Purposes I • 88 %
PrF:BZ106K Basics of Academical Writing • 83 %
PrF:BZ107K Legal Informatics • 83 %
PrF:BV302ZK Selected Chapters in Psychology of Law • 33 %
PrF:BV102ZK Roman Law (Real Rights and Law of Obligations) and History of Private Law • 18 %
PrF:BV103ZK Fundamentals of Czech Political System • 14 %
PrF:BV101ZK The History of the Czech Public Administration • 11 %
2nd term
PrF:BZ208K Civil Law for Bachelors • 93 %
PrF:BO204ZK Introduction in the Private International Law • 92 %
PrF:BZ207ZK Constitutional Law for Bachelors • 92 %
PrF:BO205ZK English for Specific Purposes II • 75 %
PrF:BZ210ZK Basics of Administrative Law • 75 %
PrF:BV204ZK Management • 48 %
PrF:BV203ZK Economics • 25 %
PrF:BV401ZK Public Finance • 17 %
PrF:BV202ZK The History of Criminal Law • 12 %
2nd year
3rd term
PrF:BZ305ZK Civil Procedural Law • 98 %
PrF:BZ306ZK Basics of Financial Law • 89 %
PrF:BZ308ZK Introduction to Commercial Law • 82 %
PrF:BO306ZK EU Internal Market • 78 %
PrF:BO307ZK EU Economic Policies • 78 %
PrF:BO305K Selected Problems of Private International Law • 73 %
PrF:BZ304ZK Civil Law for Bachelors II • 58 %
PrF:BO308 Dny pro distanční výuku • 56 %
PrF:BV302ZK Selected Chapters in Psychology of Law • 20 %
PrF:BZ106K Basics of Academical Writing • 13 %
PrF:BZ107K Legal Informatics • 11 %
4th term
PrF:BO405K International Trade Transactions I • 88 %
PrF:BZ403K Basics of Substantive Criminal Law and Procedural Criminal Law I • 86 %
PrF:BO407ZK International Economic Law • 84 %
PrF:BO408ZK Transport Law • 84 %
PrF:BZ402ZK Tax Administration • 84 %
PrF:BO409ZK International Arbitration • 82 %
PrF:BZ404ZK External Economic Relations of the EU • 78 %
PrF:BZ405ZK Labour Law • 78 %
PrF:BV603K Contracting in International Trade • 20 %
PrF:BZ210ZK Basics of Administrative Law • 20 %
PrF:BO205ZK English for Specific Purposes II • 12 %
3rd year
5th term
PrF:BO505ZK International Jurisdiction • 85 %
PrF:BZ504ZK Basics of Substantive Criminal Law and Procedural Criminal Law • 77 %
PrF:BZ506K Custom Law • 77 %
PrF:BO502ZK International Trade Transactions II • 73 %
PrF:BO506Z Diploma Seminar I • 69 %
PrF:BO506 Dny pro distanční výuku • 62 %
PrF:BO307ZK EU Economic Policies • 19 %
PrF:BO306ZK EU Internal Market • 15 %
PrF:BV301ZK Selected Chapters in Sociology of Law • 12 %
PrF:BV302ZK Selected Chapters in Psychology of Law • 12 %
PrF:BZ308ZK Introduction to Commercial Law • 12 %
6th term
PrF:BO604ZK International Protection of Intelectual Property Rights • 79 %
PrF:BO605Z Diploma Seminar II • 79 %
PrF:BO408ZK Transport Law • 18 %
PrF:BO407ZK International Economic Law • 14 %
PrF:BO409ZK International Arbitration • 14 %
PrF:BV603K Contracting in International Trade • 14 %
PrF:BZ402ZK Tax Administration • 14 %
PrF:BO405K International Trade Transactions I • 11 %
PrF:BO506Z Diploma Seminar I • 11 %
PrF:BZ403K Basics of Substantive Criminal Law and Procedural Criminal Law I • 11 %
PrF:BZ404ZK External Economic Relations of the EU • 11 %
PrF:BZ405ZK Labour Law • 11 %

Commercial Law Studies (Bachelor's combined single-subject)

1st year
1st term
There is no data available.
2nd term
There is no data available.
2nd year
3rd term
There is no data available.
4th term
There is no data available.
3rd year
5th term
PrF:BZ504ZK Basics of Substantive Criminal Law and Procedural Criminal Law • 87 %
PrF:BZ508ZK Commercial Obligations • 83 %
PrF:BP507ZK Securities • 78 %
PrF:BZ505ZK Selected Problems of Administrative Law and Public Administration • 78 %
PrF:BP501Z Diploma Seminar I • 74 %
PrF:BZ502K Basics of a Foreign Language for Bachelors - English • 57 %
PrF:BZ309K Procedural Law • 13 %
6th term
PrF:BP602Z Diploma Seminar II • 82 %
PrF:BP601ZK Competition Law • 77 %
PrF:BZ602K International Trade Law • 68 %
PrF:BP501Z Diploma Seminar I • 14 %
PrF:BV204ZK Management • 14 %
PrF:BZ508ZK Commercial Obligations • 14 %

Social Security Administration (Bachelor's combined specialized)

1st year
1st term
There is no data available.
2nd term
There is no data available.
2nd year
3rd term
There is no data available.
4th term
There is no data available.
3rd year
5th term
PrF:BM505ZK Basics of Administrative Science • 100 %
PrF:BS503Z EU Social policy • 100 %
PrF:BS505K Social Security Law for Bachelors I • 100 %
PrF:BM506Z Diploma Seminar I • 67 %
PrF:BZ502K Basics of a Foreign Language for Bachelors - English • 67 %
PrF:BZ504ZK Basics of Substantive Criminal Law and Procedural Criminal Law • 67 %
PrF:BS601K Basics of Communication • 33 %
PrF:BS603ZK Social Security Law for Bachelors II • 33 %
PrF:BV301ZK Selected Chapters in Sociology of Law • 33 %
PrF:BZ304ZK Civil Law for Bachelors II • 33 %
PrF:BZ308ZK Introduction to Commercial Law • 33 %
PrF:BZ402ZK Tax Administration • 33 %
PrF:BZ405ZK Labour Law • 33 %
6th term
PrF:BM604Z Diploma Seminar II • 50 %
PrF:BS601K Basics of Communication • 50 %
PrF:BS603ZK Social Security Law for Bachelors II • 50 %
PrF:BZ410ZK Administrative Procedural Law • 50 %
PrF:BM404ZK Finance of Local Administration • 25 %
PrF:BZ304ZK Civil Law for Bachelors II • 25 %
PrF:BZ402ZK Tax Administration • 25 %
PrF:BZ403K Basics of Substantive Criminal Law and Procedural Criminal Law I • 25 %
PrF:BZ405ZK Labour Law • 25 %
PrF:BZ504ZK Basics of Substantive Criminal Law and Procedural Criminal Law • 25 %

Theory and Practice of Criminal and Administratice Proced (Bachelor's combined single-subject)

1st year
1st term
PrF:BZ105ZK The Fundamentals of International and European Union Law • 93 %
PrF:BZ101ZK Legal Theory • 92 %
PrF:BZ102ZK Introduction to the Theory of the State • 92 %
PrF:BZ107K Legal Informatics • 86 %
PrF:BZ106K Basics of Academical Writing • 82 %
PrF:BV302ZK Selected Chapters in Psychology of Law • 47 %
PrF:BV101ZK The History of the Czech Public Administration • 23 %
PrF:BV102ZK Roman Law (Real Rights and Law of Obligations) and History of Private Law • 18 %
PrF:BV103ZK Fundamentals of Czech Political System • 13 %
PrF:BZ210ZK Basics of Administrative Law • 11 %
2nd term
PrF:BZ207ZK Constitutional Law for Bachelors • 93 %
PrF:BZ208K Civil Law for Bachelors • 90 %
PrF:BZ210ZK Basics of Administrative Law • 90 %
PrF:BV202ZK The History of Criminal Law • 51 %
PrF:BVD005K The Legal Status of Experts and Rules of their Profession • 33 %
PrF:BV204ZK Management • 25 %
PrF:BV403ZK Social Communication • 24 %
PrF:BV203ZK Economics • 14 %
2nd year
3rd term
PrF:BZ306ZK Basics of Financial Law • 94 %
PrF:BZ305ZK Civil Procedural Law • 93 %
PrF:BZ309K Procedural Law • 91 %
PrF:BZ308ZK Introduction to Commercial Law • 79 %
PrF:BZ304ZK Civil Law for Bachelors II • 61 %
PrF:BZ502K Basics of a Foreign Language for Bachelors - English • 18 %
PrF:BV302ZK Selected Chapters in Psychology of Law • 12 %
4th term
PrF:BZ407Z Criminal Law Substant I • 94 %
PrF:BZ408Z Procedural Criminal Law I • 94 %
PrF:BT406ZK Basics of Criminalistics • 90 %
PrF:BZ402ZK Tax Administration • 85 %
PrF:BZ410ZK Administrative Procedural Law • 85 %
PrF:BZ210ZK Basics of Administrative Law • 11 %
3rd year
5th term
PrF:BT506Z Procedural Criminal Law II • 98 %
PrF:BT505Z Basics of Criminal Law Substantive • 96 %
PrF:BT504ZK International Protection of Human Rights • 93 %
PrF:BZ507ZK Basics of Criminal Law Substantive and Procedural Criminal Law • 89 %
PrF:BT508Z Diploma Seminar I • 83 %
PrF:BZ502K Basics of a Foreign Language for Bachelors - English • 70 %
6th term
PrF:BT601ZK Basics of Criminology, Penology and Forensic Anthropology • 93 %
PrF:BT602ZK Basics of Forensic Medicine • 91 %
PrF:BT603K Basics of Forensic Psychology and Psychiatry • 89 %
PrF:BT605Z Diploma Seminar II • 89 %

General Public Administration (Bachelor's combined specialized)

1st year
1st term
PrF:BZ101ZK Legal Theory • 95 %
PrF:BZ102ZK Introduction to the Theory of the State • 95 %
PrF:BZ105ZK The Fundamentals of International and European Union Law • 91 %
PrF:BZ106K Basics of Academical Writing • 87 %
PrF:BV101ZK The History of the Czech Public Administration • 42 %
PrF:BV302ZK Selected Chapters in Psychology of Law • 29 %
PrF:BV103ZK Fundamentals of Czech Political System • 25 %
PrF:BV503K Accounting Law • 13 %
2nd term
PrF:BZ207ZK Constitutional Law for Bachelors • 91 %
PrF:BZ210ZK Basics of Administrative Law • 89 %
PrF:BZ208K Civil Law for Bachelors • 84 %
PrF:BZ209K Legal Informatics • 80 %
PrF:BV202ZK The History of Criminal Law • 43 %
PrF:BV204ZK Management • 30 %
PrF:BV403ZK Social Communication • 20 %
PrF:BV401ZK Public Finance • 14 %
2nd year
3rd term
PrF:BZ305ZK Civil Procedural Law • 98 %
PrF:BZ306ZK Basics of Financial Law • 96 %
PrF:BZ308ZK Introduction to Commercial Law • 94 %
PrF:BZ309K Procedural Law • 88 %
PrF:BZ304ZK Civil Law for Bachelors II • 80 %
PrF:BZ502K Basics of a Foreign Language for Bachelors - English • 20 %
PrF:BV103ZK Fundamentals of Czech Political System • 16 %
PrF:BV503K Accounting Law • 14 %
4th term
PrF:BZ403K Basics of Substantive Criminal Law and Procedural Criminal Law I • 96 %
PrF:BM405K Selected Administrative Proceedings Questions • 94 %
PrF:BZ410ZK Administrative Procedural Law • 94 %
PrF:BM406K Selected Problems of Administrative Law and Public Administration • 92 %
PrF:BM404ZK Finance of Local Administration • 88 %
PrF:BZ402ZK Tax Administration • 85 %
PrF:BZ405ZK Labour Law • 85 %
3rd year
5th term
PrF:BM505ZK Basics of Administrative Science • 96 %
PrF:BZ504ZK Basics of Substantive Criminal Law and Procedural Criminal Law • 96 %
PrF:BM507ZK Selected Problems of Administrative Law and Public Administration II • 93 %
PrF:BM506Z Diploma Seminar I • 91 %
PrF:BZ502K Basics of a Foreign Language for Bachelors - English • 67 %
6th term
PrF:BM604Z Diploma Seminar II • 94 %
PrF:BM605ZK Selected Problems of Administrative Law and Public Administration III • 91 %

Senior Officer of Justice (Bachelor's degree programme, combined form, single-subject)

1st year
1st term
There is no data available.
2nd term
There is no data available.
2nd year
3rd term
There is no data available.
4th term
There is no data available.
3rd year
5th term
There is no data available.
6th term
PrF:BJ504K Selected Problems of Private International Law • 100 %

Senior Officer of Justice (Bachelor's combined single-subject)

1st year
1st term
PrF:BZ102ZK Introduction to the Theory of the State • 93 %
PrF:BZ107K Legal Informatics • 89 %
PrF:BZ101ZK Legal Theory • 87 %
PrF:BJ101ZK Organization of Justice • 85 %
PrF:BZ105ZK The Fundamentals of International and European Union Law • 78 %
PrF:BVD003K Alternative Disputes Resolutions • 39 %
PrF:BV302ZK Selected Chapters in Psychology of Law • 33 %
PrF:BV101ZK The History of the Czech Public Administration • 24 %
PrF:BV102ZK Roman Law (Real Rights and Law of Obligations) and History of Private Law • 20 %
2nd term
PrF:BZ208K Civil Law for Bachelors • 97 %
PrF:BZ207ZK Constitutional Law for Bachelors • 93 %
PrF:BZ210ZK Basics of Administrative Law • 93 %
PrF:BJ201K Civil Procedural Law for Senior Officers of Justice I • 90 %
PrF:BJ202Z Civil Procedural Law for Senior Officers of Justice I - Tutorial • 90 %
PrF:BJ203Z Administrative and Secretarial Work in Judiciary I • 90 %
PrF:BV202ZK The History of Criminal Law • 43 %
PrF:BV403ZK Social Communication • 30 %
PrF:BV204ZK Management • 20 %
2nd year
3rd term
PrF:BJ308Z Civil Procedural Law for Senior Officers of Justice II - Tutorial • 100 %
PrF:BJ309Z Administrative and Secretarial Work in Judiciary II • 100 %
PrF:BJ303ZK Family Law for Senior Officers of Justice • 96 %
PrF:BZ308ZK Introduction to Commercial Law • 96 %
PrF:BJ307K Civil Procedural Law for Senior Officers of Justice II • 88 %
PrF:BZ304ZK Civil Law for Bachelors II • 88 %
PrF:BZ306ZK Basics of Financial Law • 33 %
PrF:BV301ZK Selected Chapters in Sociology of Law • 21 %
PrF:BVE001K Personal Data Protection • 17 %
PrF:BV103ZK Fundamentals of Czech Political System • 17 %
PrF:BZ107K Legal Informatics • 17 %
4th term
PrF:BJ403Z Criminal Law Tutorial for Senior Officers of Justice I • 100 %
PrF:BJ408Z Civil Procedural Law for Senior Officers of Justice III - Tutorial • 100 %
PrF:BZ407Z Criminal Law Substant I • 100 %
PrF:BZ408Z Procedural Criminal Law I • 100 %
PrF:BJ401ZK Civil Law for Bachelors III (for Senior Officers of Justice) • 95 %
PrF:BZ409ZK Introduction to Corporate Law • 91 %
PrF:BJ407ZK Civil Procedural Law for Senior Officers of Justice III • 86 %
PrF:BV204ZK Management • 23 %
3rd year
5th term
PrF:BJ503Z Criminal Law Tutorial for Senior Officers of Justice II • 96 %
PrF:BJ504K Selected Problems of Private International Law • 96 %
PrF:BJ507Z Civil Procedural Law for Senior Officers of Justice IV - Tutorial • 92 %
PrF:BJ508K Civil and Criminal Procedure - Practice of the Diploma Assignment • 92 %
PrF:BT505Z Basics of Criminal Law Substantive • 88 %
PrF:BT506Z Procedural Criminal Law II • 88 %
PrF:BZ502K Basics of a Foreign Language for Bachelors - English • 80 %
PrF:BZ507ZK Basics of Criminal Law Substantive and Procedural Criminal Law • 80 %
PrF:BJ506ZK Civil Procedural Law for Senior Officers of Justice IV • 72 %
6th term
PrF:BJ601ZK European Conflict of Laws and Procedural Law • 91 %
PrF:BJ602K Administrative Judiciary • 91 %
PrF:BZ410ZK Administrative Procedural Law • 91 %
PrF:BJ603 Diploma Thesis Assignment • 27 %
PrF:BJ401ZK Civil Law for Bachelors III (for Senior Officers of Justice) • 14 %
PrF:BJ407ZK Civil Procedural Law for Senior Officers of Justice III • 14 %

Public Administration (master's degree programme, combined form, single-subject)

1st year
1st term
PrF:NP101ZK Economics of Public Administration • 100 %
PrF:NP104ZK Public Finance and Fiscal Law • 100 %
PrF:NP107ZK International and European Law for Public Administration • 100 %
PrF:NP111ZK Administrative Law for Public Administration I • 100 %
PrF:NP112Z Diploma Thesis - Project • 100 %
PrF:NVV03ZK Sociological Aspects of Public Administration • 100 %
PrF:NVV25ZK Information in Financial Administration • 100 %
PrF:NP103ZK Service and Labour Relationships in Public Administration • 50 %
PrF:NP105ZK Constitutional Foundations of Public Power and its Organization • 50 %
PrF:NVV05ZK Legal Interpretation and Argumentation for Public Administration • 50 %
PrF:NVV09K European Administrative Law • 50 %
2nd term
PrF:NP209ZK Civil Law for Public Administration • 71 %
PrF:NP210K Criminal Law and Execution of Public Administration I • 71 %
PrF:NP211ZK Administrative Law for Public Administration II • 71 %
PrF:NP214Z Diploma Seminar • 71 %
PrF:NP219ZK Civil Procedure for Public Administration • 71 %
PrF:NP206ZK Specific Language for Public Administration (English language) • 57 %
PrF:NP213K Environmental Law for Public Administration • 57 %
PrF:NVV10ZK Personal Data Protection and Open Data • 43 %
PrF:NP101ZK Economics of Public Administration • 29 %
PrF:NP303ZK Political-Science Aspects of Public Administration • 29 %
PrF:NP305ZK Administrative Science • 29 %
PrF:NP306Z Diploma Seminar - Project • 29 %
PrF:NVV01ZK Public Management • 29 %
PrF:NVV22K Culture Administration • 29 %
PrF:NP301ZK Procedural Financial Law for Public Administration • 14 %
PrF:NP302ZK Information Technologies in Public Administration and E-Government • 14 %
PrF:NP304ZK Sociological Aspects of Public Administration • 14 %
PrF:NVV06K Discretionary Powers of Public Administration • 14 %
PrF:NVV14ZK Finance of Local Administration • 14 %
PrF:NVV24ZK Legal Informatics in Public Administration • 14 %
PrF:NVV26ZK Public Finance - Economic Context • 14 %
PrF:NVV30ZK Liability for Damage in Public Administration • 14 %
PrF:NV301K National Security Administration • 14 %
PrF:NV302K Public Construction Law • 14 %
2nd year
3rd term
PrF:NP301ZK Procedural Financial Law for Public Administration • 100 %
PrF:NP302ZK Information Technologies in Public Administration and E-Government • 95 %
PrF:NP304ZK Sociological Aspects of Public Administration • 95 %
PrF:NP306Z Diploma Seminar - Project • 95 %
PrF:NP303ZK Political-Science Aspects of Public Administration • 92 %
PrF:NP305ZK Administrative Science • 91 %
PrF:NV304K Guaranties of Legality in Public Administration • 61 %
PrF:NV301K National Security Administration • 50 %
PrF:NV307K Liability for Damage in Public Administration • 36 %
PrF:NV302K Public Construction Law • 21 %
PrF:NV303K Environmental Law for Public Administration • 18 %
PrF:NV305K European Administrative Law • 11 %
4th term
PrF:NP401ZK Lawmaking for Public Administration • 88 %
PrF:NP402ZK Public Orders and Public-Private Partnership • 88 %
PrF:NP1001Z Diploma Thesis • 86 %
PrF:NP403Z Diploma Seminar • 86 %
PrF:NV402K Criminal Law and Execution of Public Administration • 31 %
PrF:NVV26ZK Public Finance - Economic Context • 19 %
PrF:NP206ZK Specific Language for Public Administration (English language) • 14 %
PrF:NVV22K Culture Administration • 11 %

Public Administration (master's combined single-subject)

1st year
1st term
PrF:NP111ZK Administrative Law for Public Administration I • 96 %
PrF:NP103ZK Service and Labour Relationships in Public Administration • 95 %
PrF:NP104ZK Public Finance and Fiscal Law • 95 %
PrF:NP101ZK Economics of Public Administration • 92 %
PrF:NP107ZK International and European Law for Public Administration • 92 %
PrF:NP112Z Diploma Thesis - Project • 90 %
PrF:NP105ZK Constitutional Foundations of Public Power and its Organization • 87 %
PrF:NVV05ZK Legal Interpretation and Argumentation for Public Administration • 57 %
PrF:NVV02ZK Political-Science Aspects of Public Administration • 44 %
PrF:NVV03ZK Sociological Aspects of Public Administration • 43 %
PrF:NVV27ZK Local Administration • 21 %
PrF:NVV09K European Administrative Law • 20 %
PrF:NVV13ZK Economic Foundations of Law • 18 %
PrF:NVV20ZK Social Security Administration • 18 %
2nd term
PrF:NP219ZK Civil Procedure for Public Administration • 97 %
PrF:NP213K Environmental Law for Public Administration • 96 %
PrF:NP209ZK Civil Law for Public Administration • 95 %
PrF:NP210K Criminal Law and Execution of Public Administration I • 95 %
PrF:NP211ZK Administrative Law for Public Administration II • 95 %
PrF:NP214Z Diploma Seminar • 93 %
PrF:NP206ZK Specific Language for Public Administration (English language) • 82 %
PrF:NVV01ZK Public Management • 78 %
PrF:NVV07K Guaranties of Legality in Public Administration • 43 %
PrF:NVV22K Culture Administration • 37 %
PrF:NVV10ZK Personal Data Protection and Open Data • 30 %
PrF:NVV06K Discretionary Powers of Public Administration • 28 %
PrF:NVV14ZK Finance of Local Administration • 28 %
PrF:NVV30ZK Liability for Damage in Public Administration • 17 %
PrF:NVV26ZK Public Finance - Economic Context • 16 %
PrF:NVV24ZK Legal Informatics in Public Administration • 14 %
2nd year
3rd term
PrF:NP301ZK Procedural Financial Law for Public Administration • 96 %
PrF:NP305K Administrative Science • 96 %
PrF:NP306ZK Administrative Procedure and Judicial Review • 96 %
PrF:NP302ZK Information Technologies in Public Administration and E-Government • 93 %
PrF:NP313ZK Financial Administration • 93 %
PrF:NP310ZK Criminal Law and Execution of Public Administration II • 88 %
PrF:NP307Z Diploma Thesis • 70 %
PrF:NVV12ZK Law of Transport • 42 %
PrF:NVV15ZK Public Property • 37 %
PrF:NV302K Public Construction Law • 35 %
PrF:NVV21ZK National Security Administration • 25 %
PrF:NVV05ZK Legal Interpretation and Argumentation for Public Administration • 14 %
PrF:NVV20ZK Social Security Administration • 14 %
PrF:NP105ZK Constitutional Foundations of Public Power and its Organization • 12 %
PrF:NP112Z Diploma Thesis - Project • 11 %
PrF:NVV03ZK Sociological Aspects of Public Administration • 11 %
PrF:NVV09K European Administrative Law • 11 %
4th term
PrF:NP403K Administrative Punishment • 98 %
PrF:NP405Z Diploma Theses - Submissions • 96 %
PrF:NP402ZK Public Orders and Public-Private Partnership • 93 %
PrF:NP401ZK Lawmaking for Public Administration • 91 %
PrF:NP1000 Master`s Degree Examination • 89 %
PrF:NV20 Trestní právo a výkon veřejné správy • 76 %
PrF:NVV16ZK Land Appraisal under Price Regulations • 26 %
PrF:NVV06K Discretionary Powers of Public Administration • 22 %
PrF:NVV22K Culture Administration • 20 %
PrF:NVV07K Guaranties of Legality in Public Administration • 19 %
PrF:NP206ZK Specific Language for Public Administration (English language) • 15 %
PrF:NVV14ZK Finance of Local Administration • 11 %

Comparative Constitutional Law (doctoral combined)

1st year
1st term
There is no data available.
2nd term
There is no data available.
2nd year
3rd term
There is no data available.
4th term
PrF:DAC5DT05 Doctoral Thesis II • 100 %
PrF:DA3LRM02 Legal Research Methodology II • 100 %

Comparative Corporate, Foundation and Trust Law (doctoral combined)

1st year
1st term
PrF:DAF1CF01 Conceptual and comparative understanding of Legal entities (Corporations / Foundations) and Trust • 100 %
PrF:DAF1DT01 Doctoral Thesis Project I. • 100 %
PrF:DAF2CF02 Compliance and Fiduciary Law (Concept, Corporate and Foundation governance,fiduciary aspects) • 100 %
PrF:DAF2DT02 Doctoral Thesis Project II • 100 %
PrF:DA1RM01 Research Methodology • 100 %
PrF:DA2LRM01 Legal Research Methodology I • 100 %
CST:FR_P2023 FRESHERS: Skills for Research Career • 50 %
2nd term
PrF:DAF3CF03 Estate planning incl. trans-generations transfers and financing. Philantropy • 75 %
PrF:DAF3DT03 Doctoral Thesis Project III • 75 %
PrF:DA3LRM02 Legal Research Methodology II • 75 %
2nd year
3rd term
PrF:DAF4CF04 International private law incl. cross-border transfers, Comparative Property Law • 100 %
PrF:DAF4DT01 Doctoral Thesis I • 100 %
PrF:DA4LIR01 Legal Issues in Research • 100 %
4th term
PrF:DAF5CF05 Selected issues of Tax/Accounting /Financial market regulation • 67 %
PrF:DAF5DT02 Doctoral Thesis II • 67 %
3rd year
5th term
PrF:DAF6CF06 Procedure/Arbitration/Insolvency (related) • 100 %
PrF:DAF6DT03 Doctoral Thesis III • 100 %

Financial Law and Financial Science (doctoral degree programme, combined form)

1st year
1st term
There is no data available.
2nd term
There is no data available.
2nd year
3rd term
There is no data available.
4th term
There is no data available.
3rd year
5th term
There is no data available.
6th term
PrF:D7DIS08 Doctoral Thesis I - Paper in a Journal • 67 %
PrF:D7DIS09 Doctoral Thesis I - Draft • 67 %
PrF:BV503K Accounting Law • 33 %
PrF:DOPVPFA7 Judgments decisions in the financial law A • 33 %
PrF:DO3FIP01 Public finance - fiscal aspects of dissertation • 33 %
PrF:DO5FIP02 Responsibility in financial law • 33 %
PrF:DPVP02 Work on Doctoral Thesis - Paper in Reviewed Proceedings in Czech/Slovak Republics • 33 %
PrF:DPVP05 Work on Doctoral Thesis - Academic and Professional Literature Search • 33 %
PrF:DPVP14 Central Banking • 33 %
PrF:DSDZ Doctoral state examination • 33 %
PrF:D5FIP12 Budget Law • 33 %
PrF:D5FIP13 International Cooperation in Financial Supervision • 33 %
CST:FR_P2022 FRESHERS: Skills for Research Career • 33 %
4th year
7th term
PrF:D8DIS10 Doctoral Thesis II • 67 %
PrF:BF405ZK Public Finance and Fiscal Law • 33 %
PrF:BZ209K Legal Informatics • 33 %
PrF:D2DIS05 Preparatory Work on Doctoral Thesis II - Contribution to Discussion at Academic Conference/Seminar • 33 %
PrF:D6DIS06 Work on Doctoral Thesis IV - Paper in a Journal • 33 %
PrF:D6FIP14 Liability in Financial Law • 33 %
PrF:D6FIP15 Financial Markets • 33 %
PrF:D7DIS08 Doctoral Thesis I - Paper in a Journal • 33 %
PrF:D7DIS09 Doctoral Thesis I - Draft • 33 %
8th term
PrF:D7DIS08 Doctoral Thesis I - Paper in a Journal • 67 %
PrF:DPVP04 Work on Doctoral Thesis - Paper in a Foreign Journal • 33 %
PrF:D4FIP10 Tax Theory • 33 %
PrF:D6FIP15 Financial Markets • 33 %
PrF:D8DIS10 Doctoral Thesis II • 33 %
PrF:D9DIS11 Preparation for Doctoral Thesis Defence • 33 %

Financial Law and Financial Science (doctoral degree programme, combined form)

1st year
1st term
There is no data available.
2nd term
There is no data available.
2nd year
3rd term
There is no data available.
4th term
There is no data available.
3rd year
5th term
There is no data available.
6th term
PrF:DPLPVP01 Work on Doctoral Thesis - Visiting Study/Internship/Resarch Abroad • 100 %
PrF:DPL1JAZ03 German I • 100 %
PrF:DPL5DIS06 Work on Doctoral Thesis III - Paper in a Journal • 100 %
PrF:DPL5DIS07 Work on Doctoral Thesis III- Thesis Proposal • 100 %
PrF:DPL5FIP13 International Cooperation in Financial Supervision • 100 %
PrF:DPL5PED02 University Teaching Practice III • 100 %
PrF:DPL5SVZ14 Theoretical Legal Thinking I • 100 %
PrF:DPL7DIS08 Doctoral Thesis I - Paper in a Journal • 100 %
PrF:DPL7DIS09 Doctoral Thesis I - Draft • 100 %
4th year
7th term
PrF:DPLPVP03 Work on Doctoral Thesis - Paper in Proceedings abroad • 100 %
PrF:DPL2JAZ03 German II • 100 %
PrF:DPL4FIP10 Tax Theory • 100 %
PrF:DPL6FIP14 Liability in Financial Law • 100 %

Intellectual Property Law (doctoral combined)

1st year
1st term
PrF:DAI1CL01 Copyright Law I • 100 %
PrF:DAI1DT01 Doctoral Thesis Project I • 100 %
PrF:DAI2CL02 Copyright Law II • 100 %
PrF:DAI2DT02 Doctoral Thesis Project II • 100 %
PrF:DA1RM01 Research Methodology • 100 %
PrF:DA2LRM01 Legal Research Methodology I • 100 %
2nd term
PrF:DAI3DT03 Doctoral Thesis Project III • 75 %
PrF:DAI3IP01 Industrial Property Law I • 75 %
PrF:DA3LRM02 Legal Research Methodology II • 75 %
2nd year
3rd term
PrF:DAI4DT01 Doctoral Thesis I • 100 %
PrF:DAI4IP02 Industrial Property Law II • 100 %
PrF:DA4LIR01 Legal Issues in Research • 100 %
4th term
PrF:DAI5DT02 Doctoral Thesis II • 100 %
PrF:DAI5IP03 Industrial Property Law III • 100 %
PrF:DA5RS01 Research Skills I - Academic Project Management • 100 %
3rd year
5th term
PrF:DAI6DT03 Doctoral Thesis III • 100 %
PrF:DAI6SI01 Specific Intellectual Property Law Issues • 100 %
PrF:DA6RS02 Research Skills II • 100 %
6th term
PrF:DAI6DT03 Doctoral Thesis III • 50 %
PrF:DAI6SI01 Specific Intellectual Property Law Issues • 50 %
PrF:DA6RS02 Research Skills II • 50 %
PrF:DAI7DT04 Doctoral Thesis IV • 25 %
4th year
7th term
There is no data available.
8th term
PrF:DAI8DT05 Doctoral Thesis V • 100 %

Law Information and Communication Technologies (doctoral combined)

1st year
1st term
PrF:DA1DIS01 Preparatory Work on Doctoral Thesis I • 75 %
PrF:DA1PED01 Teaching Assistance and Support I • 75 %
PrF:DA1PIT01 Protection of information in European and international law I • 75 %
PrF:DA1PIT02 Theory of law of information and communication technologies I • 75 %
PrF:DA1PIT03 eGovernment and eJustice I • 75 %
PrF:DA2DIS02 Preparatory Work on Doctoral Thesis II - Academic and Professional Literature Search • 50 %
PrF:DA2DIS03 Preparatory Work on Doctoral Thesis II - Academic and Professional Literature Study • 50 %
PrF:DA2DIS05 Preparatory Work on Doctoral Thesis II - Contribution to Discussion at Academic Conference/Seminar • 50 %
PrF:DA2PED01 Teaching Assistance and Support II • 50 %
PrF:DA2PIT04 Protection of information in European and international law II • 50 %
PrF:DA2PIT05 Theory of law of information and communication technologies II • 50 %
PrF:DA2PIT06 eGovernment and eJustice II • 50 %
PrF:DA1JAZ01 English I • 25 %
PrF:DA1RM01 Research Methodology • 25 %
PrF:DA2DIS04 Preparatory Work on Doctoral Thesis II - Review in a Journal • 25 %
PrF:DA2JAZ01 English II • 25 %
CST:FR_J2024 FRESHERS: Skills for Research Career • 25 %
2nd term
PrF:DA2DIS02 Preparatory Work on Doctoral Thesis II - Academic and Professional Literature Search • 67 %
PrF:DA2DIS03 Preparatory Work on Doctoral Thesis II - Academic and Professional Literature Study • 67 %
PrF:DA2DIS04 Preparatory Work on Doctoral Thesis II - Review in a Journal • 67 %
PrF:DA2DIS05 Preparatory Work on Doctoral Thesis II - Contribution to Discussion at Academic Conference/Seminar • 67 %
PrF:DA2PED01 Teaching Assistance and Support II • 67 %
PrF:DA2PIT04 Protection of information in European and international law II • 67 %
PrF:DA2PIT05 Theory of law of information and communication technologies II • 67 %
PrF:DA2PIT06 eGovernment and eJustice II • 67 %
PrF:DA2JAZ01 English II • 33 %
PrF:DA3DIS06 Work on Doctoral Thesis I - Paper in a Journal • 33 %
PrF:DA3DIS07 Work on Doctoral Thesis I - Thesis Proposal • 33 %
PrF:DA3PIT07 Protection of information in European and international law III • 33 %
PrF:DA3PIT08 Theory of law of information and communication technologies III • 33 %
PrF:DA3PIT09 Law of eCommerce I • 33 %
2nd year
3rd term
PrF:DA2DIS04 Preparatory Work on Doctoral Thesis II - Review in a Journal • 100 %
PrF:DA4DIS06 Work on Doctoral Thesis II - Paper in a Journal • 100 %
PrF:DA4DIS07 Work on Doctoral Thesis II - Thesis Proposal • 100 %
PrF:DA4PED02 University Teaching Practice II • 100 %
PrF:DA4PIT10 Protection of information in European and international law IV • 100 %
PrF:DA4PIT11 Theory of law of information and communication technologies IV • 100 %
PrF:DA4PIT12 Law of eCommerce II • 100 %

Legal theory and Public Affairs (doctoral combined)

1st year
1st term
There is no data available.
2nd term
PrF:DAL3DT03 Doctoral Thesis Project III • 100 %
2nd year
3rd term
PrF:DAL4DT01 Doctoral Thesis I • 100 %
PrF:DAL4PS01 Philosophy of Science and Legal Science • 100 %
PrF:DA4LIR01 Legal Issues in Research • 100 %
4th term
PrF:DAL3EL02 Empirical Legal Studies II - data analyzing • 50 %
PrF:DAL5DT02 Doctoral Thesis II • 50 %
PrF:DA3LRM02 Legal Research Methodology II • 50 %
PrF:DA5RS01 Research Skills I - Academic Project Management • 50 %
3rd year
5th term
PrF:DAL6DT03 Doctoral Thesis III • 100 %
PrF:DAL6MM01 Multidisciplinary Methods in Law • 100 %
PrF:DA6RS02 Research Skills II • 100 %
6th term
PrF:DAL7DT04 Doctoral Thesis IV • 100 %
PrF:DA5RS01 Research Skills I - Academic Project Management • 100 %
4th year
7th term
CST:FR_J2023 FRESHERS: Skills for Research Career • 100 %
8th term
PrF:DASDZ Doctoral state examination • 100 %
CST:FR_J2024 FRESHERS: Skills for Research Career • 100 %

International and European Law (doctoral degree programme, combined form)

1st year
1st term
There is no data available.
2nd term
There is no data available.
2nd year
3rd term
There is no data available.
4th term
There is no data available.
3rd year
5th term
There is no data available.
6th term
PrF:DI1PED01 Development of Pedagogical Skills I • 100 %
PrF:D3MEV13 Public International Law II • 100 %
PrF:D3MEV16 Sovereignty and Subjectivity in International Law • 100 %
PrF:D5MEV22 Protection of Human Rights (International) • 100 %
PrF:D7DIS08 Doctoral Thesis I - Paper in a Journal • 100 %
PrF:D7DIS09 Doctoral Thesis I - Draft • 100 %
4th year
7th term
PrF:D6DIS06 Work on Doctoral Thesis IV - Paper in a Journal • 50 %
PrF:D7DIS08 Doctoral Thesis I - Paper in a Journal • 50 %
PrF:D7DIS09 Doctoral Thesis I - Draft • 50 %
8th term
PrF:D8DIS10 Doctoral Thesis II • 100 %

Private International Law (doctoral degree programme, combined form)

1st year
1st term
There is no data available.
2nd term
PrF:D1SVZ07 Civil Law Substantive I • 100 %
PrF:D3DIS07 Work on Doctoral Thesis I - Thesis Proposal • 100 %
PrF:D3MES09 Conflict of Laws- special part I • 100 %
PrF:D3MES10 Legal regulation of external economic relations of the EU • 100 %
PrF:D3PED02 University Teaching Practice I • 100 %
PrF:D3SVZ07 Civil Law Substantive III • 100 %
2nd year
3rd term
PrF:D2DIS04 Preparatory Work on Doctoral Thesis II - Review in a Journal • 100 %
PrF:D2DIS05 Preparatory Work on Doctoral Thesis II - Contribution to Discussion at Academic Conference/Seminar • 100 %
PrF:D4DIS06 Work on Doctoral Thesis II - Paper in a Journal • 100 %
PrF:D4DIS07 Work on Doctoral Thesis II - Thesis Proposal • 100 %
PrF:D4MES09 Conflict of Laws- special part II • 100 %
PrF:D4MES11 International Business Transactions I • 100 %
PrF:D4PED02 University Teaching Practice II • 100 %
PrF:D4SVZ12 Topical Questions of Jurisprudence and Legal Practice II • 100 %
PrF:D4SVZ13 Civili Procedure I • 100 %

Civil Law (doctoral degree programme, combined form)

1st year
1st term
There is no data available.
2nd term
There is no data available.
2nd year
3rd term
There is no data available.
4th term
There is no data available.
3rd year
5th term
There is no data available.
6th term
There is no data available.
4th year
7th term
There is no data available.
8th term
PrF:DSDZ Doctoral state examination • 100 %
PrF:D9DIS11 Preparation for Doctoral Thesis Defence • 100 %

Commercial Law (doctoral degree programme, combined form)

1st year
1st term
There is no data available.
2nd term
There is no data available.
2nd year
3rd term
There is no data available.
4th term
There is no data available.
3rd year
5th term
PrF:DIKONF Conference Presentation • 100 %
PrF:D3OBP09 Contract Law III • 100 %
PrF:D3PED02 University Teaching Practice I • 100 %
PrF:D4OBP07 Corporate Law (General Problems of Legal Entities) IV • 100 %
PrF:D4OBP09 Contract Law IV • 100 %
PrF:D4PED02 University Teaching Practice II • 100 %
PrF:D4SVZ12 Topical Questions of Jurisprudence and Legal Practice II • 100 %
PrF:D5DIS06 Work on Doctoral Thesis III - Paper in a Journal • 100 %
PrF:D5DIS07 Work on Doctoral Thesis III- Thesis Proposal • 100 %
PrF:D5OBP06 Business Names, Unfair Competition, Trade Marks V • 100 %
PrF:D5OBP07 Corporate Law (General Problems of Legal Entities) V • 100 %
PrF:D5OBP08 Competition Law V • 100 %
PrF:D5PED02 University Teaching Practice III • 100 %
PrF:D5SVZ13 Civili Procedure II • 100 %
PrF:D5SVZ14 Theoretical Legal Thinking I • 100 %
PrF:D6DIS06 Work on Doctoral Thesis IV - Paper in a Journal • 100 %
PrF:D6OBP08 Competition Law VI • 100 %
PrF:D6OBP09 Contract Law VI • 100 %
PrF:D6PED02 University Teaching Practice IV • 100 %
PrF:D6SVZ13 Civili Procedure III • 100 %
6th term
PrF:D7DIS08 Doctoral Thesis I - Paper in a Journal • 100 %
PrF:D7DIS09 Doctoral Thesis I - Draft • 100 %
PrF:D5OBP09 Contract Law V • 50 %
PrF:D5OBP10 Securities Law V • 50 %
4th year
7th term
PrF:DA6PED02 University Teaching Practice IV • 50 %
PrF:D6OBP06 Business Names, Unfair Competition, Trade Marks VI • 50 %
PrF:D6OBP07 Corporate Law (General Problems of Legal Entities) VI • 50 %
PrF:D6OBP10 Securities Law VI • 50 %

Labour Law (doctoral degree programme, combined form)

1st year
1st term
There is no data available.
2nd term
There is no data available.
2nd year
3rd term
There is no data available.
4th term
There is no data available.
3rd year
5th term
There is no data available.
6th term
There is no data available.
4th year
7th term
There is no data available.
8th term
PrF:DSDZ Doctoral state examination • 50 %
PrF:MVV3868K Continuing Course of Austrian Substantive Civil Law – from the Perspective of an Attorney • 50 %

Law Information and Communication Technologies (doctoral degree programme, combined form)

1st year
1st term
There is no data available.
2nd term
There is no data available.
2nd year
3rd term
There is no data available.
4th term
There is no data available.
3rd year
5th term
There is no data available.
6th term
PrF:DPVP06 Work on Doctoral Thesis - Review in a Journal • 100 %
PrF:D5PIT15 Law of eCommerce III • 100 %
PrF:D7DIS08 Doctoral Thesis I - Paper in a Journal • 100 %
PrF:D7DIS09 Doctoral Thesis I - Draft • 100 %
4th year
7th term
There is no data available.
8th term
PrF:D6DIS06 Work on Doctoral Thesis IV - Paper in a Journal • 100 %
PrF:D6PIT16 Protection of information in European and international law VI • 100 %
PrF:D8DIS10 Doctoral Thesis II • 100 %

Law Information and Communication Technologies (doctoral combined)

1st year
1st term
PrF:DSPVP01 Jurisprudence and legal research - methodological approaches • 100 %
PrF:DSPVP02 Working with resources • 100 %
PrF:D1DIS01 Preparatory Work on Doctoral Thesis I • 100 %
PrF:D1JAZ01 English I • 100 %
PrF:D1PED01 Teaching Assistance and Support I • 100 %
PrF:D1PIT01 Protection of information in European and international law I • 100 %
PrF:D1PIT02 Theory of law of information and communication technologies I • 100 %
PrF:D2DIS02 Preparatory Work on Doctoral Thesis II - Academic and Professional Literature Search • 100 %
PrF:D2DIS03 Preparatory Work on Doctoral Thesis II - Academic and Professional Literature Study • 100 %
PrF:D2DIS04 Preparatory Work on Doctoral Thesis II - Review in a Journal • 100 %
PrF:D2DIS05 Preparatory Work on Doctoral Thesis II - Contribution to Discussion at Academic Conference/Seminar • 100 %
PrF:D2JAZ01 English II • 100 %
PrF:D2PED01 Teaching Assistance and Support II • 100 %
PrF:D2PIT04 Protection of information in European and international law II • 100 %
PrF:D2PIT05 Theory of law of information and communication technologies II • 100 %
PrF:D2PIT06 eGovernment and eJustice II • 100 %
PrF:D2SVZ11 Introduction to Scientific Work II • 100 %
2nd term
There is no data available.
2nd year
3rd term
There is no data available.
4th term
There is no data available.
3rd year
5th term
PrF:D6DIS06 Work on Doctoral Thesis IV - Paper in a Journal • 100 %
PrF:D6DIS07 Work on Doctoral Thesis IV - Thesis Proposal • 100 %
PrF:D6PED02 University Teaching Practice IV • 100 %
PrF:D6SVZ14 Theoretical Legal Thinking II • 100 %
PrF:DPVP04 Work on Doctoral Thesis - Paper in a Foreign Journal • 50 %
PrF:DPVP05 Work on Doctoral Thesis - Academic and Professional Literature Search • 50 %
PrF:DSDZ Doctoral state examination • 50 %
PrF:D4PIT11 Theory of law of information and communication technologies IV • 50 %
PrF:D4PIT12 Law of eCommerce II • 50 %
PrF:D5DIS06 Work on Doctoral Thesis III - Paper in a Journal • 50 %
PrF:D5DIS07 Work on Doctoral Thesis III- Thesis Proposal • 50 %
PrF:D5PED02 University Teaching Practice III • 50 %
PrF:D5PIT13 Protection of information in European and international law V • 50 %
PrF:D5PIT14 Theory of law of information and communication technologies V • 50 %
PrF:D5PIT15 Law of eCommerce III • 50 %
PrF:D5SVZ14 Theoretical Legal Thinking I • 50 %
PrF:D6PIT16 Protection of information in European and international law VI • 50 %
PrF:D6PIT17 Theory of law of information and communication technologies VI • 50 %
PrF:D6PIT18 Law of eCommerce IV • 50 %
6th term
PrF:D7DIS08 Doctoral Thesis I - Paper in a Journal • 100 %
PrF:D7DIS09 Doctoral Thesis I - Draft • 100 %
4th year
7th term
PrF:D8DIS10 Doctoral Thesis II • 100 %

doplnit (doctoral combined)

1st year
1st term
PrF:DI1DIS01 Dissertation - Individual Study Plan I • 100 %
PrF:DI1PED01 Development of Pedagogical Skills I • 100 %
PrF:DI2DIS02 Dissertation - Individual Study Plan II • 100 %
PrF:DI2PED02 Development of Pedagogical Skills II • 100 %
PrF:DOSCPS_MET Methodology of finding the law • 100 %
PrF:DOSCPV_CPZ Civil Procedure - Basic Conceptual Issues • 100 %
PrF:DOSCPV_PS Civil Procedure - Subject Matter of the Dispute • 100 %
PrF:DOSCPV_SR Civil Procedure - Judicial Decisions and Res Judicata • 100 %
PrF:DOSCPV_WS PhD workshop • 100 %
PrF:DSPVP01 Jurisprudence and legal research - methodological approaches • 100 %
PrF:DSPVP02 Working with resources • 100 %
PrF:DSPVP03 Presentation and Pedagogical Skills • 100 %
PrF:DOSCPS_PHP Substantive law and procedural law • 50 %
PrF:DOSCPV_CPS Civil Procedure - The Doctrine of Parties • 50 %
PrF:DOSCPV_IP1 Insolvency Law I • 50 %
PrF:DOSCPV_IP2 Insolvency Law II • 50 %
PrF:DOSCPV_MET Comparative private law • 50 %
PrF:DPVP16 Readings in Constitutional Law • 50 %
PrF:DSPVP07 Grant and Project Preparation • 50 %

Administrative and Environmental Law (doctoral degree programme, combined form)

1st year
1st term
There is no data available.
2nd term
There is no data available.
2nd year
3rd term
There is no data available.
4th term
There is no data available.
3rd year
5th term
There is no data available.
6th term
There is no data available.
4th year
7th term
PrF:D6DIS06 Work on Doctoral Thesis IV - Paper in a Journal • 100 %
PrF:D6DIS07 Work on Doctoral Thesis IV - Thesis Proposal • 100 %

Theory and history of Law (doctoral combined)

1st year
1st term
PrF:DI1DIS01 Dissertation - Individual Study Plan I • 100 %
PrF:DI1PED01 Development of Pedagogical Skills I • 100 %
PrF:DI2DIS02 Dissertation - Individual Study Plan II • 100 %
PrF:DI2PED02 Development of Pedagogical Skills II • 100 %
PrF:DSPVP01 Jurisprudence and legal research - methodological approaches • 100 %
PrF:DSPVP02 Working with resources • 100 %
PrF:DOTDP_PM Methodology of legal thought • 50 %
PrF:DOTPV_EMP1 Emiprical Legal Studies I. • 50 %
PrF:DOTPV_EMP2 DTPV_EMP2 Emipirical Legal Studies II • 50 %
PrF:DOTPV_LAW1 Law and Humanities I. • 50 %
PrF:DOTPV_LAW2 Law and Humanities II. • 50 %
PrF:DOTPV_LP Theory of Human Rights • 50 %
PrF:DOTPV_TP2 New Trends in Legal Theory II. • 50 %
PrF:DSANG1 English I • 50 %
PrF:DSPVP03 Presentation and Pedagogical Skills • 50 %

Criminal Law (doctoral degree programme, combined form)

1st year
1st term
There is no data available.
2nd term
There is no data available.
2nd year
3rd term
There is no data available.
4th term
There is no data available.
3rd year
5th term
PrF:DPVP05 Work on Doctoral Thesis - Academic and Professional Literature Search • 100 %
PrF:DPVP06 Work on Doctoral Thesis - Review in a Journal • 100 %
PrF:D5DIS06 Work on Doctoral Thesis III - Paper in a Journal • 100 %
PrF:D5DIS07 Work on Doctoral Thesis III- Thesis Proposal • 100 %
PrF:D5PED02 University Teaching Practice III • 100 %
PrF:D5SVZ14 Theoretical Legal Thinking I • 100 %
PrF:D5TRP02 Criminal Law Substantive V • 100 %
PrF:D5TRP03 Criminal Procedure V • 100 %
PrF:D5TRP06 Forensic and Investigative Science V • 100 %
PrF:D6DIS06 Work on Doctoral Thesis IV - Paper in a Journal • 100 %
PrF:D6DIS07 Work on Doctoral Thesis IV - Thesis Proposal • 100 %
PrF:D6PED02 University Teaching Practice IV • 100 %
PrF:D6SVZ14 Theoretical Legal Thinking II • 100 %
PrF:D6TRP02 Criminal Law Substantive VI • 100 %
PrF:D6TRP03 Criminal Procedure VI • 100 %
PrF:D6TRP06 Forensic and Investigative Science VI • 100 %
6th term
PrF:DPVP02 Work on Doctoral Thesis - Paper in Reviewed Proceedings in Czech/Slovak Republics • 100 %
PrF:D7DIS08 Doctoral Thesis I - Paper in a Journal • 100 %
PrF:D7DIS09 Doctoral Thesis I - Draft • 100 %
4th year
7th term
PrF:D8DIS10 Doctoral Thesis II • 100 %

Criminal Law (doctoral combined)

1st year
1st term
PrF:DI1DIS01 Dissertation - Individual Study Plan I • 100 %
PrF:DI1PED01 Development of Pedagogical Skills I • 100 %
PrF:DI2DIS02 Dissertation - Individual Study Plan II • 100 %
PrF:DI2PED02 Development of Pedagogical Skills II • 100 %
PrF:DO1TRPR01 Criminal Law Substantive I • 100 %
PrF:DO1TRPR02 Criminal Procedure I • 100 %
PrF:DO2TRPR01 Criminal Law Substantive II • 100 %
PrF:DO2TRPR02 Criminal Procedure II • 100 %
PrF:DO1TRPR05 Criminology I • 86 %
PrF:DO2TRPR05 Criminology II • 86 %
PrF:DSANG1 English I • 71 %
PrF:DSANG2 English II • 71 %
PrF:DSPVP01 Jurisprudence and legal research - methodological approaches • 57 %
PrF:DSPVP02 Working with resources • 57 %
PrF:DIKONF Conference Presentation • 43 %
PrF:DSPVP03 Presentation and Pedagogical Skills • 43 %
PrF:DIPUB Scientific publication A, B, C • 14 %
PrF:DO1TRPR03 Criminology I • 14 %
PrF:DO1TRPR04 Criminalistics I • 14 %
PrF:DO2TRPR03 Criminology II • 14 %
PrF:DO2TRPR04 Criminalistics II • 14 %
PrF:DSDFRA3 Second Language - French • 14 %
PrF:DSDNEM3 Second Language - German • 14 %
PrF:DSPVP06 Legal argumentation • 14 %
CST:FR_J2024 FRESHERS: Skills for Research Career • 14 %
2nd term
PrF:DIPUB Scientific publication A, B, C • 50 %
PrF:DI3DIS03 Dissertation - Individual Study Plan III • 50 %
PrF:DI3PED03 Development of Pedagogical Skills III • 50 %
PrF:DO1TRPR02 Criminal Procedure I • 50 %
PrF:DO3TRPR01 Criminal Law Substantive III • 50 %
PrF:DO3TRPR02 Crriminal Procedure III • 50 %
PrF:DO3TRPR03 Criminology III • 50 %
PrF:DO3TRPR04 Criminalistics III • 50 %
PrF:DSANG2 English II • 50 %
PrF:DSPVP01 Jurisprudence and legal research - methodological approaches • 50 %
PrF:DSPVP06 Legal argumentation • 50 %
2nd year
3rd term
PrF:DI4DIS04 Dissertation - Individual Study Plan IV • 100 %
PrF:DI4PED04 Development of Pedagogical Skills IV • 100 %
PrF:DO4TRPR01 Criminal Law Substantive IV • 100 %
PrF:DO4TRPR02 Criminal Procedure IV • 100 %
PrF:DO4TRPR03 Criminology IV • 100 %
PrF:DO4TRPR04 Criminalistics IV • 100 %
PrF:DSPVP03 Presentation and Pedagogical Skills • 100 %
4th term
PrF:DI5DIS05 Dissertation - Individual Study Plan V • 100 %
PrF:DI5PED05 Development of Pedagogical Skills V • 100 %
PrF:DO3TRPR01 Criminal Law Substantive III • 100 %
PrF:DO3TRPR02 Crriminal Procedure III • 100 %
PrF:DO5TRPR03 Criminology V • 100 %
3rd year
5th term
PrF:DIKONF Conference Presentation • 100 %
PrF:DI6DIS06 Dissertation - Individual Study Plan VI • 100 %
PrF:DO4TRPR04 Criminalistics IV • 100 %

Constitutional Law and Theory of State (doctoral degree programme, combined form)

1st year
1st term
There is no data available.
2nd term
There is no data available.
2nd year
3rd term
There is no data available.
4th term
PrF:DOUSPS1 Research Writing Skills • 50 %
PrF:DPVP16 Readings in Constitutional Law • 50 %
PrF:D3DIS06 Work on Doctoral Thesis I - Paper in a Journal • 50 %
PrF:D3PED02 University Teaching Practice I • 50 %
PrF:D3SVZ03 Administrative Law III • 50 %
PrF:D3SVZ12 Topical Questions of Jurisprudence and Legal Practice I • 50 %
PrF:D3USP03 Constitutional Law III • 50 %
PrF:D5DIS06 Work on Doctoral Thesis III - Paper in a Journal • 50 %
PrF:D5DIS07 Work on Doctoral Thesis III- Thesis Proposal • 50 %
PrF:D5PED02 University Teaching Practice III • 50 %
PrF:D5SVZ03 Administrative Law V • 50 %
PrF:D5SVZ14 Theoretical Legal Thinking I • 50 %
PrF:D5USP03 Constitutional Law V • 50 %
PrF:D5USP06 Theory of State and Political Science V • 50 %
3rd year
5th term
PrF:DPVP02 Work on Doctoral Thesis - Paper in Reviewed Proceedings in Czech/Slovak Republics • 100 %
PrF:DPVP04 Work on Doctoral Thesis - Paper in a Foreign Journal • 100 %
PrF:DPVP06 Work on Doctoral Thesis - Review in a Journal • 100 %
PrF:D4DIS06 Work on Doctoral Thesis II - Paper in a Journal • 100 %
PrF:D4PED02 University Teaching Practice II • 100 %
PrF:D4SVZ12 Topical Questions of Jurisprudence and Legal Practice II • 100 %
PrF:D6USP03 Constitutional Law VI • 100 %
PrF:D6USP06 Theory of State and Political Science VI • 100 %
6th term
PrF:D7DIS08 Doctoral Thesis I - Paper in a Journal • 100 %
PrF:D7DIS09 Doctoral Thesis I - Draft • 100 %
4th year
7th term
PrF:DIKONF Conference Presentation • 100 %
PrF:DIV8PED08 Development of Pedagogical Skills VIII • 100 %
PrF:DPVP16 Readings in Constitutional Law • 100 %
8th term
PrF:D8DIS10 Doctoral Thesis II • 100 %

Constitutional Law and Theory of State (kombinovaný) (doctoral combined)

1st year
1st term
There is no data available.
2nd term
PrF:DI3DIS03 Dissertation - Individual Study Plan III • 100 %
PrF:DI3PED03 Development of Pedagogical Skills III • 100 %
PrF:DO3USPS02 Constitutional Law II. • 100 %
2nd year
3rd term
PrF:DI4DIS04 Dissertation - Individual Study Plan IV • 100 %
PrF:DI4PED04 Development of Pedagogical Skills IV • 100 %
PrF:DO4USPS02 Constitutional Law III. • 100 %
4th term
PrF:DIPUB Scientific publication A, B, C • 100 %
PrF:DI5DIS05 Dissertation - Individual Study Plan V • 100 %
PrF:DI5PED05 Development of Pedagogical Skills V • 100 %
PrF:DO5USPS02 Constitutional Law IV. • 100 %
PrF:DSPVP01 Jurisprudence and legal research - methodological approaches • 100 %
3rd year
5th term
PrF:DIKONF Conference Presentation • 100 %
PrF:DI6DIS06 Dissertation - Individual Study Plan VI • 100 %
PrF:DI6PED06 Development of Pedagogical Skills VI • 100 %

Public Law Studies (doctoral combined)

1st year
1st term
PrF:DI1DIS01 Dissertation - Individual Study Plan I • 100 %
PrF:DI1PED01 Development of Pedagogical Skills I • 100 %
PrF:DSPVP02 Working with resources • 100 %
PrF:DOVPS_VPP Theory of Public Procedural Law • 80 %
PrF:DOVPS_VS Theory of Public Law, Public Administration and Public Sector • 80 %
PrF:DOVPV_VP1 Public Law Seminar I • 80 %
PrF:DSANG1 English I • 80 %
PrF:DSPVP01 Jurisprudence and legal research - methodological approaches • 80 %
PrF:DI2DIS02 Dissertation - Individual Study Plan II • 40 %
PrF:DI2PED02 Development of Pedagogical Skills II • 40 %
PrF:DOVPS_EKON Economic Basis of Public Administration • 40 %
PrF:DOVPS_VMP Role of European and International Law in the Public Law • 40 %
PrF:DOVPV_VP2 Public Law Seminar II • 40 %
PrF:DOVPV_VSUS Public Administration and Local Self-Government • 40 %
PrF:DOTPV_TP1 New Trends in Legal Theory I. • 20 %
PrF:DOVPV_DISK Discretionary power of public administration • 20 %
PrF:DOVPV_JUD case law in public law • 20 %
PrF:DOVPV_SKVS Judicial review of public administration • 20 %
PrF:DOVPV_TRE Administrative Punishment • 20 %
PrF:DSANG2 English II • 20 %
PrF:DSNEM1 German I • 20 %
PrF:DSPVP03 Presentation and Pedagogical Skills • 20 %
PrF:DSPVP06 Legal argumentation • 20 %
CST:FR_J2024 FRESHERS: Skills for Research Career • 20 %

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